NR Sheep Possibilities


Long Time Member
I have 6 points and 7 points for Ca Sheep and Nelson BH sheep as a NR. Is it possible for me to luck out and draw a sheep tag or am I just wasting money by applying? I feel like NV is the best system to draw with less points but I really haven't done the research to find out if it is lucrative for me to keep putting in on the off chance I draw. Thoughts? Thanks.
I have 6 points and 7 points for Ca Sheep and Nelson BH sheep as a NR. Is it possible for me to luck out and draw a sheep tag or am I just wasting money by applying? I feel like NV is the best system to draw with less points but I really haven't done the research to find out if it is lucrative for me to keep putting in on the off chance I draw. Thoughts? Thanks.
Well. With the system the way it is at least you have a chance.
Yes it’s possible, but you likely won’t. Your supporting a wildlife benefiting loto in hopes of getting lucky!
Forget points...

Last year, there were 14,143 nonresidents who applied for 22 NR desert ram tags.

Thats 642:1.

If all those people apply for 50 years consistently, that means only 1 in 12 will draw in their lifetime.

There are fewer sheep tags issued this year.

I drew a low demand unit as a resident 3 years ago, with 16 or 17 points, and even so, my odds were bad with the total number of apps.

Good luck.
Roll a random number between 1-100,000,000 low enough and you can win any tag in NV. I love our point system.

I stopped putting in for Rocky Mountain Sheep this year as a resident due to odds being astronomical and I'd rather use that $14 for a chance at a PIW mule deer tag which is much easier to draw and a tag I'd much rather have. I can't justify throwing $14 in the trash every year. I don't know how NR's do it. But I'm poor, so there's that.
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Roll a random number between 1-100,000,000 low enough and you can win any tag in NV. I love our point system.

I stopped putting in for Rocky Mountain Sheep this year as a resident due to odds being astronomical and I'd rather use that $14 for a chance at a PIW mule deer tag which is much easier to draw and a tag I'd much rather have. I can't justify throwing $14 in the trash every year. I don't know how NR's do it. But I'm poor, so there's that.
My philosophy now at this junction in my life for goat, bear, cbh, and rbh. Time out until 2032 for dbh, and likely won't apply again.
I drew a California bighorn as a resident the 2nd time I applied. It felt like I'd hit the lottery. At the same time, I had 17 points for desert bighorn. You just never know.
I have applied as. Nr for Nevada the last ten years and have never drawn a tag but am always excited and hopeful to draw one and hit the lotto one day.
you will eventually....just gotta stay the course. Use the time to learn some of the more "off the radar" units that exist. There are some really good opportunities in NV!

Over the past 20-ish years as a non-resident I have drawn (and punched!):
1 Pronghorn Buck tag
4 Mule Deer tags
1 Cow Elk Tag

My core group of hunting buddies all have had similar results...some even better.... having drawn both pronghorn and bull elk tags in addition to their 3-4 mule deer tags.

You are young enough...keep at it.
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I have 6 points and 7 points for Ca Sheep and Nelson BH sheep as a NR. Is it possible for me to luck out and draw a sheep tag or am I just wasting money by applying? I feel like NV is the best system to draw with less points but I really haven't done the research to find out if it is lucrative for me to keep putting in on the off chance I draw. Thoughts? Thanks.
If you are already buying the NR license and presumably applying for deer, elk, and pronghorn....why wouldnt you apply for sheep as well? It's a not like it costs an arm and a leg, right?
I realized a few years back that my desire/need to bow-hunt rams was far too strong to rely entirely on drawing tags in the lower 48. The odds, especially for a NR, are simply too poor. This meant changing to a very different strategy, in which the chief impediment is cost. That's a straightforward obstacle to overcome, which mainly requires that you want it bad enough. If sheep hunting means less to you, then it certainly makes sense to go ahead and merely apply and wait and pray for some luck. In that case it's no big deal if you fail to ever draw.

I'm in the same situation as you in Nevada. I believe I have 7 points. I wish I would have started building points in multiple states when I was 14 years old but I didn't have an extra $200 a year to donate to NV until I was over 30 years old.

I've done the math and realize I will likely never draw a bighorn tag in NV. However, I have a better chance of drawing bighorn in NV than most states as a nonresident. Based on my Dad's and my grandfather's health, I'll likely have another 30+ years that I could physically hunt sheep. I'll probably end up with 40 or 50 sheep points in NV before I give up because I'm aged out. If I keep at it and draw a sheep tag with 55 points when I'm 85 years old, even if my physical health is limited, I'm sure there will be many guides that specialize in geriatric clients.

The future of sheep hunting in the west will be geriatric hunters. Point systems set up in most states strongly favor those that have been applying the longest. 20 years from now there won't be many sheep tags going to hunters younger than 50 years old.
If you go off straight math, you will never draw a sheep tag in any state. Takes some luck. My theory is always to be in as many hats as I can, even if it’s a small chance, get yourself lots and lots of chances and eventually you’ll get some tags. I added it up and in all states combined I apply for just over 100 different lotteries, I haven’t added it up, but I’m sure I spend a couple grand a year in non refundables. It’s what I live for though and I’ve definitely won WAY more tags through the lottery then if I had put that money towards purchasing tags or hunts that come with tags. I’ve been applying in NV for 16 years and have actually never drawn a regular draw tag in the state but have had two exceptional side pot tags there so I don’t feel like I’m owed anything. As long as the money I put toward draws goes toward wildlife I sleep good at night and enjoy the excitement of draws and never knowing where the next blessing from Lady Luck will take me.
If already applying for Deer, Antelope, and Elk might as well apply for sheep. Always APPLY, never just build points. Not guaranteed, but anyone can draw in any year. Better odds for hunts that are not top tier.

If already applying for Deer, Antelope, and Elk might as well apply for sheep. Always APPLY, never just build points. Not guaranteed, but anyone can draw in any year. Better odds for hunts that are not top tier.

Did you kill an elk last year with your rifle? I spent a bunch of time in there in archery and muzzy season.

I'm in the same situation as you in Nevada. I believe I have 7 points. I wish I would have started building points in multiple states when I was 14 years old but I didn't have an extra $200 a year to donate to NV until I was over 30 years old.

I've done the math and realize I will likely never draw a bighorn tag in NV. However, I have a better chance of drawing bighorn in NV than most states as a nonresident. Based on my Dad's and my grandfather's health, I'll likely have another 30+ years that I could physically hunt sheep. I'll probably end up with 40 or 50 sheep points in NV before I give up because I'm aged out. If I keep at it and draw a sheep tag with 55 points when I'm 85 years old, even if my physical health is limited, I'm sure there will be many guides that specialize in geriatric clients.

The future of sheep hunting in the west will be geriatric hunters. Point systems set up in most states strongly favor those that have been applying the longest. 20 years from now there won't be many sheep tags going to hunters younger than 50 years old.
Yes, it is possible to draw at any point level. The $14 application fee is roughly the cost of a fast food meal. It's not like it's enough money to think about and calculate ROI....
After seeing that there were 1.8 million random numbers drawn for the nr nelsoni sheep hunts and only like 22-25 available tags for NR it hit me just how terrible your odds are of drawing a tag. But I suppose the odds aren't 0% so there's a snowballs chance in hell you might get lucky? But most likely not.
you will eventually....just gotta stay the course. Use the time to learn some of the more "off the radar" units that exist. There are some really good opportunities in NV!

Over the past 20-ish years as a non-resident I have drawn (and punched!):
1 Pronghorn Buck tag
4 Mule Deer tags
1 Cow Elk Tag

My core group of hunting buddies all have had similar results...some even better.... having drawn both pronghorn and bull elk tags in addition to their 3-4 mule deer tags.

You are young enough...keep at it.
Thanks for words of encouragement! I appreciate that and know it to be true especially since I’m applying in ten plus states a year and for nearly everything offered for those states so at some point lighting has to strike.
I realized a few years back that my desire/need to bow-hunt rams was far too strong to rely entirely on drawing tags in the lower 48. The odds, especially for a NR, are simply too poor. This meant changing to a very different strategy, in which the chief impediment is cost. That's a straightforward obstacle to overcome, which mainly requires that you want it bad enough. If sheep hunting means less to you, then it certainly makes sense to go ahead and merely apply and wait and pray for some luck. In that case it's no big deal if you fail to ever draw.
So what did you buy ?
If you want a chance to hunt sheep you have to apply..Obviously the odds are extremely miniscule. But I'll take a miniscule chance over no chance all day.

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Big Bucks & Bulls Timberline Outfitters Guide Service

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Western Wildlife Adventures

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Nevada Outfitters & Guides Association

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SilverGrand Outfitters

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Hidden Lake Outfitters

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G&J Outdoors

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