Barrel condoms

Rie bread

Very Active Member
Anybody do this? Tape? Finger of a rubber glove? Condom?

Iv never thought of this but maybe could see doing it in a multi day in somewhere rainy. Curious if it’s more common then iv observed
I usually use electrical tape , once across the muzzle and one piece around it to hold it better. Not just for rain , but for when you eat s#$% and the muzzle hits the ground.
Taped since day one in inclement weather ……. tried the stupid rubber deal one time, ripped it off in the brush and went right back to the tape !!!!
Always electrical tape my barrel in hunting conditions. I also wrap extra around my trekking poles in case I need it later. I think it's essential when you are backpack hunting.
I feel like 15+ years ago I never saw any barrel condoms but maybe I never payed to close of attention to what other did with the end of their barrel
If you slip/fall and your muzzle gets packed with mud on your hunt what would you do?
Haven’t had an issue with that yet with my rifle in 25+ years. With a shot gun yes but that’s an easy fix. To answer the hypothetical, I carry 25’ of thin stiff chord, a handkerchief, water bottle( with water), needle, leatherman, tent pegs, etc I’m sure it would be a none issue.

You tape your barrel?
Anybody do this? Tape? Finger of a rubber glove? Condom?

Iv never thought of this but maybe could see doing it in a multi day in somewhere rainy. Curious if it’s more common then iv observed
In rainy/snowy conditions during muzzy and rifle seasons I use electrical tape. The pros say it doesn't change POI. If it's raining really bad I put the muzzy inside a contractor and stand hunt (or just head back to camp and drink coffee until the front passes).
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