WYGF stiffs NR, then begs them for $


Active Member
I got a solicitation email the other day from the WYGF asking to donate money to one of thier wildlife projects. Seems a bit disingenuous to make NR suck on the hind tit and then ask them to donate money.

I 100% support WYGD prioritizing residents when it comes to OIL tag allocations, deer tag cuts, 90/10 split for deer and elk, tag prices ect... and for Game and Fish Commissioners to tell NR to pound sand while they support thier "WY friends".

But don't 💩 on me and then beg me for more money for your pet projects when residents aren't willing to step up and pay for them.

I got a solicitation email the other day from the WYGF asking to donate money to one of thier wildlife projects. Seems a bit disingenuous to make NR suck on the hind tit and then ask them to donate money.

I 100% support WYGD prioritizing residents when it comes to OIL tag allocations, deer tag cuts, 90/10 split for deer and elk, tag prices ect... and for Game and Fish Commissioners to tell NR to pound sand while they support thier "WY friends".

But don't 💩 on me and then beg me for more money for your pet projects when residents aren't willing to step up and pay for them.

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Yep, a good example of why the entire West needs to stop with the non-resident hate.
WYGF stole millions of NR dollars when they converted NR sheep points to zero value for almost everyone. And moose points now almost zero value (save that one NR random moose tag in unit 25).

And then WGF begs for donations with the lure of a coffee cup?

Those $150 point purchases weren't donations WGF. What you did was fraud.
Love hunting in Wyoming. Glad I get to go there. I do vote with my wallet. No more preference points for me on the once in a lifetime. Not putting in for special either. Plenty more that will still put in, but I saved a few dollars.

I still like preference points and I hope Wyoming keeps them. Brother is 0 for 35 on sheep in Idaho now, and not any closer to drawing than 35 years ago. He is a resident (lifetime license holder).

Good luck to all in the draw.
Love hunting in Wyoming. Glad I get to go there. I do vote with my wallet. No more preference points for me on the once in a lifetime. Not putting in for special either. Plenty more that will still put in, but I saved a few dollars.

I still like preference points and I hope Wyoming keeps them. Brother is 0 for 35 on sheep in Idaho now, and not any closer to drawing than 35 years ago. He is a resident (lifetime license holder).

Good luck to all in the draw.
Unfortunately he is probably further away now (worst odds than when he started) with the amount of people applying going up all the time.
WYGF stole millions of NR dollars when they converted NR sheep points to zero value for almost everyone. And moose points now almost zero value (save that one NR random moose tag in unit 25).

And then WGF begs for donations with the lure of a coffee cup?

Those $150 point purchases weren't donations WGF. What you did was fraud.
Another gleaming example of a point system success story. Maybe one day folks will catch on. You weren’t scammed when they changed it, you were scammed when you started
If a guy wants to hunt Wyo more often, move there. Problem solved. I've hunted it my whole life as a non resident. Gonna burn my points one more time and not put back in. Got my issue over the years. I feel sorry for the kids just starting out.
Another bash on Wyoming? Gorilla are you from Utah? Last I checked no one is forced to hunt or buy anything from WGF. Life is a about choices.

Maybe if Wyoming pimped their wildlife out like a certain state, WGF wouldn't need to send out emails looking for money. SFW, the Expo, Mossback tags, etc.

It is an interesting fact that all State Game and Fish departments in the west have such monopolistic power that they can treat their most profitable customers so poorly and yet year after year have significant cash flow to thrive as a profitable going concern.

I am not suggesting a boycott of anything in Wy. I was simply pointing out that in the social contract of life (even with monopoly power) you don't get to create such a negative ledger balance in the relationship and then expect a positive response when asking for free money to be donated out of the goodness of their heart.
It's not just begging for money to get a silly beer stein.

WGF literally stole many years of $150 moose/sheep preference point purchase. WGF 100% devalued those sheep point purchases to ZERO for everyone except those at max point level.

After being defrauded, how do you think an NR reacts to these handout boxes in the WGF checkout process?

Shameless for WGF to act like a 501(c)(3) deserving of donations when they flex their position to steal millions.

WYGF stole millions of NR dollars when they converted NR sheep points to zero value for almost everyone. And moose points now almost zero value (save that one NR random moose tag in unit 25).

And then WGF begs for donations with the lure of a coffee cup?

Those $150 point purchases weren't donations WGF. What you did was fraud.

You gonna get a lawyer or just keep posting on the internet?
I don’t agree with rob shaul on much but at least he hires lawyers and sues the dept.
It's not just begging for money to get a silly beer stein.

WGF literally stole many years of $150 moose/sheep preference point purchase. WGF 100% devalued those sheep point purchases to ZERO for everyone except those at max point level.

After being defrauded, how do you think an NR reacts to these handout boxes in the WGF checkout process?

Shameless for WGF to act like a 501(c)(3) deserving of donations when they flex their position to steal millions.

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Put up or shut up? I agree it was a BS move, but?
But at a certain point the tag balance had to swing back to residents, only fair for those OIL tags.
Not sure what a fair compensation look like? More D/E/A points? Then those with them will be pissed. Refund of $ should never happen.
Here is my annual donation to WY:

$22 conservation stamp
$15 elk appl fee
$49 elk tag credit card fee
$53 elk point
$15 deer appl fee
$30 deer tag credit card fee
$42 deer point
$15 antelope appl fee
$30 antelope tag credit card fee
$32 antelope point
$0 US Hwy 26 crossing
$301 total

Hopefully next week I will be donating another $1,950 and get a piece of paper with my name on it with the word "elk License" in exchange for my additional donation.
Here is my annual donation to WY:

$22 conservation stamp
$15 elk appl fee
$49 elk tag credit card fee
$53 elk point
$15 deer appl fee
$30 deer tag credit card fee
$42 deer point
$15 antelope appl fee
$30 antelope tag credit card fee
$32 antelope point
$0 US Hwy 26 crossing
$301 total

Hopefully next week I will be donating another $1,950 and get a piece of paper with my name on it with the word "elk License" in exchange for my additional donation.
U need to give more.🤣
Cut back where you need to cut back. I use to donate to every state I applied in. The last 5 years with all the price increases I quit donating. I feel the license and point fees are my donation to there wildlife funds. Also doing less and less raffles. This keeps myself and my 2 children in the game. Heck, look at what trucks have increased. My ‘02 GMC Duramax was $42k out the door. The ‘24 GMC AT4 3500 Duramax I purchased a few months ago cost over double. ☹️☹️
Sounds like Wyoming doesn't understand the simple equation: NR = Revenue.

77% of the revenue seems like a big hit to the system.

Maybe you guys can sell all the sheds you get a head start on now and donate the money back into the system to support Wildlife Management?

Or maybe design some cool Flatty hats to sell to us Utards... all proceeds to support your wildlife?

Just a couple ideas.

Begging in emails with some mugs seems a little desperate.
Sounds like Wyoming doesn't understand the simple equation: NR = Revenue.

77% of the revenue seems like a big hit to the system.

Maybe you guys can sell all the sheds you get a head start on now and donate the money back into the system to support Wildlife Management?

Or maybe design some cool Flatty hats to sell to us Utards... all proceeds to support your wildlife?

Just a couple ideas.

Begging in emails with some mugs seems a little desperate.
Maybe wyoming should take a few tags out of the NR pool and auction them off like another state so they dont have to ask for money. Just a thought....
While a few NR's are whimpering about getting an email, these two Wyoming residents are donating a few hundred thousand dollars to the fund. Oh the irony!

WOW! Wyoming residents paying for their own wildlife conservation....hmmmmm.
Isn't that how it's supposed to work? Shouldn't residents support the resident wildlife?
I think Wyoming should tax those fancy cult temples and the full body suit underwear they sell to grown men. At the rate those things are going up in Wyoming we could fund the whole state. Hell, we can even tax that fancy oil they like to splash on eachothers forehead. Some weird stuff....
I think Wyoming should tax those fancy cult temples and the full body suit underwear they sell to grown men. At the rate those things are going up in Wyoming we could fund the whole state. Hell, we can even tax that fancy oil they like to splash on eachothers forehead. Some weird stuff....
Boy, sometimes I am slow. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Took me half a minute.
Here is my annual donation to WY:

$22 conservation stamp
$15 elk appl fee
$49 elk tag credit card fee
$53 elk point
$15 deer appl fee
$30 deer tag credit card fee
$42 deer point
$15 antelope appl fee
$30 antelope tag credit card fee
$32 antelope point
$0 US Hwy 26 crossing
$301 total

Hopefully next week I will be donating another $1,950 and get a piece of paper with my name on it with the word "elk License" in exchange for my additional donation.
Thank you for your donation, sir.
Correct. NRs actually provide much more than 77% of the WGF budget. The 77% is only the percentage of the license revenue provided by NRs.

The rest of the WGF budget is largely federal funds. Also, vastly funded by non-Wyoming Americans.
Not true, but nice try.
From an article in Powell Trubune:

The breakdown of revenue is surprising. The department brings in about $56.3 million in licenses and fees and 77% of that comes from non-residents. At first glance, the large amount of licenses and fees generated from nonresidents could lead to the misconception that the state is being flooded by out-of-state hunters and fishermen. But one statistic that stands out is the money collected for preference points.

When trying to get it straight from F&G docs it comes up “page not available”, ironically thought they put a “DONATE” link button in its place ….
They didn't get to hold my funds this year, just buying points and will do so towards end of the time line.

Curious if it could create a cashflow issue when a predicted amount of funds changes, or comes in at a time different than expected. Have they sent these requests before? Any residents get the same email?
Any talk of boycotting or funding doesn't matter because people don't pay attention. There was not a single random NR sheep tag yet 1064 people put in for Area 5 where they thought there would be a random tag. I'm sure they are complaining saying unsuccessful again!
..There was not a single random NR sheep tag yet 1064 people put in for Area 5 where they thought there would be a random tag...
In Oregon, if the final quota doesn't provide for an NR tag you already applied for, the state will email you and advise you to change your application.

Not WGF. They will allow your app to go through and allow you to waste $90 in credit card fees on a dead application.

Many states (UT, OR, NV, NM, CO) have a carefully thought out process that prevents an NR from applying for nonexistent tags. It is just common sense in most non-Wyoming states. Selfish WY locks up your cash before they run their numbers and they are too lazy to correct the confusion they caused.
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In Oregon, if the final quota doesn't provide for an NR tag you already applied for, the state will email you and advise you to change your application.

Not WGF. They will allow your app to go through and allow you to waste $90 in credit card fees on a dead application.

Many states (UT, OR, NV, NM, CO) have a carefully thought out process that prevents an NR from applying for nonexistent tags. It is just common sense in most non-Wyoming states. Selfish WY locks up your cash before they run their numbers and they are too lazy to correct the confusion they caused.
I agree. In this day with technology, the draws can be run in a few weeks. Yet WY still makes NR’s front full fees for months. And why have an application deadline long before regulations and tag numbers are finalized? Makes no sense- except another outfitter support system.

I do love hunting Wyoming tho. So I guess I’m stuck playing their silly games with silly rules. LOL
In Oregon, if the final quota doesn't provide for an NR tag you already applied for, the state will email you and advise you to change your application.

Not WGF. They will allow your app to go through and allow you to waste $90 in credit card fees on a dead application.

Many states (UT, OR, NV, NM, CO) have a carefully thought out process that prevents an NR from applying for nonexistent tags. It is just common sense in most non-Wyoming states. Selfish WY locks up your cash before they run their numbers and they are too lazy to correct the confusion they caused.
Not true, the information is all out there and provided to every NR applicant.

It's not the state of Wyoming or the GF's job to spoon feed you your mush.

The numbers "were ran" the regulations provided, everything beyond that is a comprehension problem.
WYGF software fails to warn the consumer; "You only have __ points (you are under max) and there will be ZERO NR Random ram tags. Are you sure you want us to charge you $90 in credit card fees to submit this DEAD application?"

But yet WYGF software is smart enough to ask the user SIX TIMES for a handout.

WYGF software fails to warn the consumer; "You only have __ points (you are under max) and there will be ZERO NR Random ram tags. Are you sure you want us to charge you $90 in credit card fees to submit this DEAD application?"

But yet WYGF software is smart enough to ask the user SIX TIMES for a handout.

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When you graduate high school please come back to MM where grown men read about hunting, know how to read draw odds, and not have to worry about the GnF spoon feeding you.
77% of license revenue, roughly 53% of total last I looked.

Combining various posts above and doing the math, NR license fees are 77% of $56MM, or about $43MM.

And that $43MM is roughly 53% of the total revenue, of around $82MM. Correct me if I'm wrong.

53% is still a big portion of the overall revenue stream.
Wrong again Buzz
NR apps are due 1/31. Regs aren’t finalized by the commission until April.
They even have to send emails out telling NR’s as such.

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The NR apps are meaningless and their money sit in Wyoming’s account for 2.5 months until actual season days and tag numbers are finalized. Then an additional month later the results are available.

Meanwhile, the res deadline is 5/31, long after the regs are finalized and they get their results back in 18 days.

Would be a lot simpler and make a lot more sense for the NR process to align with the res process. But gotta keep those outfitters happy and in business.
Buzz is responding to the commentary about sheep tags... which he is correct about. And you are not. NR had more than enough time to put in 30 minutes of effort to realize there wouldn't be a NR tag cause the super tag person took it. And NR had the exact same dates as resident with a 9 day turnaround to results
Buzz is responding to the commentary about sheep tags... which he is correct about. And you are not. NR had more than enough time to put in 30 minutes of effort to realize there wouldn't be a NR tag cause the super tag person took it. And NR had the exact same dates as resident with a 9 day turnaround to results
I misread the post and thought he was responding to my post about the NR elk process.
Sorry bout that.

These old eyes need to quit reading posts on a small phone screen!!!🤓
I misread the post and thought he was responding to my post about the NR elk process.
Sorry bout that.

These old eyes need to quit reading posts on a small phone screen!!!🤓
If the NR elk draw bothers you, call WOGA, that was all them.

We just lobbied to get the draw date moved until after the season setting meeting in April. Which needed to happen for all kinds of valid reasons.

It was the outfitters that fought for the jan 31 deadline.
If the NR elk draw bothers you, call WOGA, that was all them.

We just lobbied to get the draw date moved until after the season setting meeting in April. Which needed to happen for all kinds of valid reasons.

It was the outfitters that fought for the jan 31 deadline.
I agree with you on moving the NR draw to later after the actual seasons and tag allocations were set. It was a great move. It never made sense to me why they would allocate and sell NR tags before actual quotas were established. There were many instances of "over issuing" NR tags at the expense of residents.

Reaching out to WOGA wont do a bit of good. As I mentioned in post 64 the requirement for the ridiculously early NR applications is simply "another outfitter support system". Just so they can line up their clients before other states do.

It is unfortunate that many states are setting setting earlier and earlier deadlines in attempt to get their outfitters a jump start on outfitters in other states. Pretty soon some of these applications will be due while hunting that species during the prior year!
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Those Wyoming guides got to get in on the welfare line early!
It is that way in many states - not just a WY thing....

Nevada early guide draw
New Mexico set aside tags
South Dakota early special buck tags
etc. etc..........

It is too bad that we as a country and as an industry have to pimp out our wildlife / public resources for the benefit of private businesses.
So what tag allocation percentage should non residents get?

I see my question still never got answered. Genuinely curious to the whining nonresidents on this thread at what percentage do you think you should get?
So what tag allocation percentage should non residents get?

I see my question still never got answered. Genuinely curious to the whining nonresidents on this thread at what percentage do you think you should get?
I've posted on other threads that I think 10% is the appropriate amount.. that is about the current percentage in other western states.
Because Wyoming has the best to offer. Quality anything isn't cheap.
Don’t confuse Wyoming with the quality of Nevada, Utah, or Idaho for what the price tag is. What quality? Where are the 400 in bulls (post 1990) and 220 deer you dumb Wyoming G&G boot licking moron. 1200 dollars for a 260 bull. 😂😂😂(laffin) If it was so good you’d pull that scared money out of your wife’s coin purse. Your state is nothing but basins void of deer, locked up wilderness ,super scawy grizzly bears, meth, Busch light, ugly women, and mobile homes. I would love to see this boycott then you can punch holes in your drywall and blame nonresidents for that point system you deserve. Put that letterman jacket back in the closet and watch an Eastman’s video with popeye cause those days are gone. By the way what were Jackson’s revenue numbers during the May 1st shed olympics and the real numbers not the cnn ones? I’ll bet they were way down.
Don’t confuse Wyoming with the quality of Nevada, Utah, or Idaho for what the price tag is. What quality? Where are the 400 in bulls (post 1990) and 220 deer you dumb Wyoming G&G boot licking moron. 1200 dollars for a 260 bull. 😂😂😂(laffin) If it was so good you’d pull that scared money out of your wife’s coin purse. Your state is nothing but basins void of deer, locked up wilderness ,super scawy grizzly bears, meth, Busch light, ugly women, and mobile homes. I would love to see this boycott then you can punch holes in your drywall and blame nonresidents for that point system you deserve. Put that letterman jacket back in the closet and watch an Eastman’s video with popeye cause those days are gone. By the way what were Jackson’s revenue numbers during the May 1st shed olympics and the real numbers not the cnn ones? I’ll bet they were way down.
Post up your best Utah bull. When you do, I'll post my best Wyoming elk.

Please tell me it's not that management bull that's your best. The way you run your mouth surely you have a wall full of 400" bulls to share.
If you’re not a fan of welfare, every single tag should go to the highest bidder. Would benefit the wildlife.
Post up your best Utah bull. When you do, I'll post my best Wyoming elk.

Please tell me it's not that management bull that's your best. The way you run your mouth surely you have a wall full of 400" bulls to share.
You should be super confident then. I’m sure your wife told you to “sit the **** down your a broke school teacher,” when you asked her for a couple hundred dollars.
Don’t confuse Wyoming with the quality of Nevada, Utah, or Idaho for what the price tag is. What quality? Where are the 400 in bulls (post 1990) and 220 deer you dumb Wyoming G&G boot licking moron. 1200 dollars for a 260 bull. 😂😂😂(laffin) If it was so good you’d pull that scared money out of your wife’s coin purse. Your state is nothing but basins void of deer, locked up wilderness ,super scawy grizzly bears, meth, Busch light, ugly women, and mobile homes. I would love to see this boycott then you can punch holes in your drywall and blame nonresidents for that point system you deserve. Put that letterman jacket back in the closet and watch an Eastman’s video with popeye cause those days are gone. By the way what were Jackson’s revenue numbers during the May 1st shed olympics and the real numbers not the cnn ones? I’ll bet they were way down.
You're being too tough on this loudmouth @BuzzH Let him take his pick: post his best Utah bull against my wife's, daughters or grandson's best Wy bull.
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Cry baby NR. They whine about buying points that mean "nothing" but then the state actually offers them a coffee mug they whine they are begging for money...

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