Swiss Army Knifes No Blade


Very Active Member
In the future Swiss Army Knives will be made without a blade.
The reason, because some countries in Europe and Asia are now making knives illegal
in the UK.
The British government is considering to make blades illegal. It is quoted in the article "that in England and some countries in Asia you are only allowed to have a knife if you need it for a job" and "having a pocket knife when you go out on public is severely restricted".
I am trying hard not to make this political, because I belive everyone should know about what is going on in this crazy world and remember there is a hard push from people within are own goverment and highly influential pepole of the US that wants a ONE WORLD ORDER.
Everyone needs to consider the constitution when we cast are votes this fall. Find candidates that support the constitution as it is writing.

The new Swiss Army Knife will be missing a key feature
I remember reading something a few years ago about some doctor group starting to get legislation passed to outlaw knives over 6” I believe. They were stating that the emergency rooms were being overtaken by knife wounds.

What do you expect when you take away guns. At least with guns the gangbangers would thin themselves out some. 😎😎😎
I love it. It’s kind of funny. Instead of banning them, I think it would be fair to register them and require keeping them stored in a safe place and offer a 6 month course on qualifying and passing all the criminal and mental background checks before you can have ONE knife with a 3" blade or smaller. It might be good to make people belong to a Knife Club as a requirement like they do with guns.

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