Let's See Hunting Dog Pictures!


Founder Since 1999
In memory of my good buddy, Juke, who moved on from us on Wednesday after a short battle with cancer, let's see some photos of your loyal companions. Are they bird hunters, shed hunters or do they backpack with you?

My Juke wasn't much of a bird hunter, but he loved going antler hunting and scouting the high country for big bucks. He and I were so close. I work from home, so all his life he has been by my side almost constantly. He had a chair right behind mine. We did daily walks or hikes. We've done many, many back packing trips, he even summited King's Peak. He meant so very much to me and will always be greatly missed.





And now we have Henry. He's not been raised as a hunting dog, more of a buddy and companion. He has been on one hunt but showed no interest. He goes to work with me nearly every day and is with me 95% of the time. He is my pal. He loves water, boating, his Frisbee, chasing sticks in the lake, rides, and hanging out by the fireplace. He's a good boy....






This is Archer sorry for alot of pictures but he's definitely my best buddy haha. He's a good shed dog when he wants to be and is always a good bunny retriever. I'm not much of a bird hunter so he kind of got robbed from that but I think he still has fun. He's always hungry and would trade me for a cheese stick in a heartbeat.








And now we have Henry. He's not been raised as a hunting dog, more of a buddy and companion. He has been on one hunt but showed no interest. He goes to work with me nearly every day and is with me 95% of the time. He is my pal. He loves water, boating, his Frisbee, chasing sticks in the lake, rides, and hanging out by the fireplace. He's a good boy....

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That’s a good little doggy there for sure
In memory of my good buddy, Juke, who moved on from us on Wednesday after a short battle with cancer, let's see some photos of your loyal companions. Are they bird hunters, shed hunters or do they backpack with you?

My Juke wasn't much of a bird hunter, but he loved going antler hunting and scouting the high country for big bucks. He and I were so close. I work from home, so all his life he has been by my side almost constantly. He had a chair right behind mine. We did daily walks or hikes. We've done many, many back packing trips, he even summited King's Peak. He meant so very much to me and will always be greatly missed.

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In memory of my good buddy, Juke, who moved on from us on Wednesday after a short battle with cancer, let's see some photos of your loyal companions. Are they bird hunters, shed hunters or do they backpack with you?

My Juke wasn't much of a bird hunter, but he loved going antler hunting and scouting the high country for big bucks. He and I were so close. I work from home, so all his life he has been by my side almost constantly. He had a chair right behind mine. We did daily walks or hikes. We've done many, many back packing trips, he even summited King's Peak. He meant so very much to me and will always be greatly missed.

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Sorry Founder, dogs are the best…
This is Archer sorry for alot of pictures but he's definitely my best buddy haha. He's a good shed dog when he wants to be and is always a good bunny retriever. I'm not much of a bird hunter so he kind of got robbed from that but I think he still has fun. He's always hungry and would trade me for a cheese stick in a heartbeat.

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Hi Wyo, Mrs Sikora loves the table top picture she told me to ask you if you put the dog treats up on the other table or maybe he thought he seen another shed hiding up there and needed to confirm before he went to get you Lol! That could be right!
Hi tailchasers! The trainer texted Mrs Sikora that Ms Bella is in heat! He said that almost all the girls are in heat as well. The Males must be going nuts.
Hi Wyo, Mrs Sikora loves the table top picture she told me to ask you if you put the dog treats up on the other table or maybe he thought he seen another shed hiding up there and needed to confirm before he went to get you Lol! That could be right!
I think he just knows he actually owns the house so he thought it was a good idea to check that spot out 😂
Okay 1 more… We were getting ready to huntt sage chickens last September… I came out of the house to this, I was madder than he!!… I wish this boy was still around, I’d let him do this anytime he wanted… Well as long as it wasn’t my truck…😜
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Well the good thing Toyota vehicles have great paint jobs.
So sorry for your loss.
Here are my two. Both llewellin setters. The white one is my male CJ. He’s kind of a knot head. But super loving and affectionate. Hunts fair.
My female the darker dog is Miss B. (My daughter named her). Shes all business and is a chukar slayer! Best dog breed I’ve ever owned.
In memory of my good buddy, Juke, who moved on from us on Wednesday after a short battle with cancer, let's see some photos of your loyal companions. Are they bird hunters, shed hunters or do they backpack with you?

My Juke wasn't much of a bird hunter, but he loved going antler hunting and scouting the high country for big bucks. He and I were so close. I work from home, so all his life he has been by my side almost constantly. He had a chair right behind mine. We did daily walks or hikes. We've done many, many back packing trips, he even summited King's Peak. He meant so very much to me and will always be greatly missed.

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What a beautiful dog!
I’ve got 3 dogs none of them hunt birds. The border collie and lab killed 6 mice last night and the border collie ate 3 of them. 😂

Our dachshund Willie is quite the dog 2 weeks ago he grabbed a mouthful of chicken feathers. He and our lab Waylon are going on 10 and the border collie Nyla will be 9 next year. All of them are great dogs and have their funny personalities.

I’ve got 3 dogs none of them hunt birds. The border collie and lab killed 6 mice last night and the border collie ate 3 of them. 😂

Our dachshund Willie is quite the dog 2 weeks ago he grabbed a mouthful of chicken feathers. He and our lab Waylon are going on 10 and the border collie Nyla will be 9 next year. All of them are great dogs and have their funny personalities.

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Waylon and Willie, I like it… I put my lab Waylon down on 1/9/22 and picked my current lab Willie on 1/14/22
I feel so bad for anybody that's lost a good dog. It's a lot harder than people realize until they've been through it.

We had our yellow lab, Aspen, for almost 13 years before we had our daughter, but there were no hard feelings from Aspen when we brought our little girl home from the hospital. Aspen immediately became her protector until that horrible day we had to take her to the vet for the last time.


This is Aspen's last swim, I don't think it gets any prettier than that...


We've got a new puppy now and she's fantastic

The dog I posted above is 11 years old now, so I got a pup this year and she is showing great promise.

The day I picked her, I had first choice of the litter.

First day in her new home.


I only got to Hunt over her about 10 times, then I broke my damn leg and Chukar season was over for us.
I’m extremely happy with the little bit. I did get to see from her.
She is just barely 5 months old in these pictures. Natural retriever, natural backer, definitely has a good nose, and holds point well.




In memory of my good buddy, Juke, who moved on from us on Wednesday after a short battle with cancer, let's see some photos of your loyal companions. Are they bird hunters, shed hunters or do they backpack with you?

My Juke wasn't much of a bird hunter, but he loved going antler hunting and scouting the high country for big bucks. He and I were so close. I work from home, so all his life he has been by my side almost constantly. He had a chair right behind mine. We did daily walks or hikes. We've done many, many back packing trips, he even summited King's Peak. He meant so very much to me and will always be greatly missed.

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Sorry for your loss. The unwavering devotion and unconditional love of a dog is unmatched.
Sorry, I posted pictures but never made any tale of them.

This guy Here is Bow. Bow is the dog that saved my life more times than I can count. He was the dog that showed up in my life at the time that he couldn't have been needed more, the dog I never deserved. He has been the bestest boy a guy could ever ask for. He gives hugs when they are needed and when they are not, he loves to play with ANY toy, and he has a heart for hunting that won't quit. I've seen him almost kill himself to get a retrieve that I was trying to pull him off of because he just wouldn't stop. He taught me more about patience, love, care, and persistence than anyone ever has or will. From 6 weeks old, to the same goofy loving guy he is now.
I don't have any pictures I can find of my Husky. But one year we took him and my Chow on a hunting trip and put them both in a kennel in town just before the hunt. Day after the hunt i picked them up. We tagged out on elk and deer, so there was a bit of work deboning. And a lot of scraps.

I guess my Husky Micah got full because after awhile he was taking his scraps and disappearing around the corner. (we had about 8" of snow). I watched him and saw him use his nose to root out a hole in the snow, drop his meat scraps and then cover it up with snow.

That was also the first year I saw wolf tracks... walking between the truck and our trailer (dogs were in town) following a doe....late 70s, southern CO.
So you are the one that stole my ‘Cemetery’ sign when I was managing the South Jordan City cemetery!!
Not sure if you are trying to be funny or just an ass! But, I don't appreciate you accusing me of something from a picture! Those are not my signs or is it in my shop! I have no idea where they came from, nor do you..so don't assume something you have no clue about from a picture of a dog!
Sorry for your loss. I know you'll have a pup soon.

First pic - RIP - Decoy (coyboy), Deuce (Phatso), Muzzy (Muzman) all exceptional hunters.

Second pic - My current boy Echo (aka Bubba Wallace) Not much of a hunter, but a great companion.

Thank you Founder, for bring up a lot of good memories

the boyz.jpg


Not sure if you are trying to be funny or just an ass! But, I don't appreciate you accusing me of something from a picture! Those are not my signs or is it in my shop! I have no idea where they came from, nor do you..so don't assume something you have no clue about from a picture of a dog!
settle down Francis
Sorry, I posted pictures but never made any tale of them.

This guy Here is Bow. Bow is the dog that saved my life more times than I can count. He was the dog that showed up in my life at the time that he couldn't have been needed more, the dog I never deserved. He has been the bestest boy a guy could ever ask for. He gives hugs when they are needed and when they are not, he loves to play with ANY toy, and he has a heart for hunting that won't quit. I've seen him almost kill himself to get a retrieve that I was trying to pull him off of because he just wouldn't stop. He taught me more about patience, love, care, and persistence than anyone ever has or will. From 6 weeks old, to the same goofy loving guy he is now.
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Oh that’s a hedgehog! Coco Man loved his hedgehog the most!
Sorry for your loss.

My copper is 10 this coming May and she isn’t gettingView attachment 143747View attachment 143749 any faster. She has been with me everywhere since I got her and we have had our share of adventures together, can’t imagine life without her. View attachment 143766View attachment 143767View attachment 143768View attachment 143769View attachment 143770View attachment 143773View attachment 143774View attachment 143775
Is the other pooch with Copper a Jagdterrier? I am a small dog guy, mostly Jack Russells and Terrier/Beagle mixes. I am curious about the Jag's. I have read a few things about their temperament, but I do not have any personal experiences around them. They are s'posed to be pretty relentless little hunters. What's your take on them if any?

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