Another day, no grizzly fatalities

Uh oh:
Yes, even I could follow that blood trail. I could probably even find the bear. What happened there?
Bear dropped right there and didn’t move for 15 mins. We walked up to em and he jumped up and ran off into the bear condo (alders). 4 shots later and the world is a safer place 😂
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I imagine there will be a run on candles in the coming years. It appears the grizzlies are saturating the Yellowstone area, and those young studs will continue to look for some ground of their own. Since most of the good bear food between there and the Bighorns is tied to humans, no rocket science is required to determine the results.

On another note- just read the latest CJ Box book- this could be a chapter right out of it!
Bear dropped right there and didn’t move for 15 mins. We walked up to em and he jumped up and ran off into the bear condo (alders). 4 shots later and the world is a safer place 😂
I thought it was something like that. A wounded Grizz in the alders would not be my favorite thing to do. Glad it turned out well.
I imagine there will be a run on candles in the coming years. It appears the grizzlies are saturating the Yellowstone area, and those young studs will continue to look for some ground of their own. Since most of the good bear food between there and the Bighorns is tied to humans, no rocket science is required to determine the results.

On another note- just read the latest CJ Box book- this could be a chapter right out of it!
Joe Pickett?
Hiker killed near west Yellowstone

"Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks staff shot and killed the food-conditioned bear in the Yellowstone River on July 18 after it broke into multiple homes almost every night for nearly two months, sometimes while residents were inside, McClatchy News previously reported."

I know if a bear breaks into my house and I'm home I'll call Fish and Wildlife and tell them to come and get their bear, but no hurry. He'll be here when you get here.
Another today ! Elk hunters attacked and the Bear was shot and slain with both hunters opening fire.
Yep, they are NOT afraid of you, as much as you would like to think!!!

Here's a good one. 2 hunters were attacked near Yellowstone again. A Sow with 2 Cubs charged, and the Hunters killed the Sow. Then the Cubs charged, and one was injured . They haven't found the Cubs.
Where it gets funny- Montana F&G made a list of safety advice for Hunters. Bear Spray was on the list and that's good for Bow Hunters. What got me is the list had " making noise" so you don't surprise Bears. Now if they are going to a stand, that's OK too. I'm not a Bow Hunter. It's just that making noise alerts the game. Maybe some of you Bow Hunters chime in on this. I'm ready for serious or laughter. It's all good.
Here’s an interesting story. Wasn’t killed by a bear, but was eaten by one.

“He told one of his younger sisters at one point a few years ago that when he died, he wanted to die in the wilderness and have wolves eat him,” Leslie said.

In the end, his wishes proved borderline prophetic.

Stew died in his tent, it appeared, and was pulled out by a bear. His body was found about a month later by a horseback riding outfitter.


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