Willing to help / trade ?


Very Active Member
I was going to make this post in a few more months but then I started thinking maybe I can help someone before then on a Utah hunt. So I thought I'd get the ball rolling now. I have been building points towards hunting deer in unit 66 3rd rifle but I just can't seem to catch up to the point creep. This year I'll be buying my 18th point, so I have a lot of options. I've been on this forum and a few others for several years now and have helped out dozens of hunters by pointing them in the right direction and even giving up some of my ole honey holes. In return, I've made a few friends along the way. Hopefully someone is willing to pay it forward and help me out with ideas of some new areas to look into. I could trade information about hunting in Utah. Please send me a PM if you're willing to help me out. I'm hoping to make a scouting trip this fall to a couple different areas in Colorado. The units that are closest to my point total where I could maximize what I have are these units and hunts but I'm willing to look at all options. 21 3rd, 22 4th, 53 3rd, 55 3rd, 61 3rd, 44 2nd. Thanks
One more thing I would like to add, is this will be a one and done for me hunting Colorado. I'll be more than willing to give a private report back to whoever ends up helping me out. There won't be a public report on this hunt unless I end up doing it alone without any outside help. Any specific information I receive will stay between me and that person.
Hope someone will play it forward ridgetop. That’s how it should work. All the best filling that Colorado tag with a good one.
There's going to be people who have negative on every one of those, most likely. It's tough to say what the best use of those points is, but I can guarantee every one of those would be fun. I love the easy to draw hunts, I dream about the next level.
Another thing to consider.... That 2nd season unit 44 hunt.. This is likely the last year itll be this late. Starting 2025 2nd season will be pushed up a week to where it used to be (and where it should be)

Looks like several of the units you have mentioned are Gunnison basin units. Food for though, The next 5 year structure starting in 2025 will push the dates forward a week. If winters cooperate, this could allow the gunnison basin to rebuild its age structure, making your potential 55, 66, or 67 hunt much better in say 3-4 years from now. OR, it could be worse. hard to say, I do not envy you. If they completely change the lottery process in 2025/2026 you could be completely f*cked anyway. Burn now? Wait for better conditions to arise? Wait for better end up getting F*cked?
22 would be off my list. They have absolutely hammered the deer in 22. Sad. If you want a heads up on the 21, look up the hunt Randy Newberg had with his son. A bunch of 22" basket 4x4s. Age class and over all numbers in 22 are horrible. Numbers and age class slightly better in 21, but not where I would spend my points.

If you decide on 22 or 21 look me up and I can give you a ton of information on both units, but the big bucks in those units are very few and far between these days.
I cant tell you what you should do, but I can tell you don't hold out for 66 3rd it's not worth the wait. I hunted it a couple years ago and we had great hunting weather. I hunted hard the whole season and never saw a buck that broke 165. and they all died before season ended don't get me wrong , it was a fun hunt but in my opinion, and every other hunter I spoke with it's not a trophy hunt by any measure.

I can also tell you from spending evenings in Gunnison hunters from other areas in the basin were pretty disillusioned as well.

My wife has one more point than you. if we had a crystal ball and knew what deer numbers and NR allotments were going to do I'd pretend I had some wisdom to share. I don't.

So, my opinion is hunt sooner than later, it's about having a fun hunt and go into it with realistic expectations. if you want a 180+ buck you're in for a bad trip. 170 might be overly optimistic. I have a few ideas for my wife's application with 18 points and I'm not sure if she's going to draw or if the hunts are worth 18 points. but I might later this year so check back.
This year is a tough one. With all the bs going on, it is always a good time to exit the points game. Last years winter kill was brutal to say the least for a decent part of the state and another major dump or two in NW co could very well start impacting winter kill this year. Throw in the seasons get moved back for the 5 years after this one.
If I was a nonresident with your points I would probably cash them, otherwise I would wait a couple of years and see where things settle out if you have the money and time.
Other hunts always got in the way of using my CO deer points. Cashed 21 in last year on 67 3rd. Had a great time and saw a ton of deer but mature bucks were not to be found. Saw one true shooter and he was still on the bottom end of what I call good.
A few other 4th seasons I'm interested in if anyone want to chat through a PM about one of those units, they are units 40, 68 and 79.
Remember the seasons will be earlier starting in 2025. Also if they add the first season deer hunt they will take tags from other seasons so the quotas will change
22 would be off my list. They have absolutely hammered the deer in 22. Sad. If you want a heads up on the 21, look up the hunt Randy Newberg had with his son. A bunch of 22" basket 4x4s. Age class and over all numbers in 22 are horrible. Numbers and age class slightly better in 21, but not where I would spend my points.

If you decide on 22 or 21 look me up and I can give you a ton of information on both units, but the big bucks in those units are very few and far between these days.
This is an extremely accurate description of the more NW units for deer. Those two units are nothing but sad. Hunted 22 3rd a few years ago and seeing a 160" was a chore. Though you could find those couple of giants, it's a tough hunt.

21 isn't too far away from the same. More deer but still low low numbers of mature bucks.

Let me know if you decide on either of those two units and I'll help out where I can.

Colorado Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Rocky Mountain Ranches

Hunt some of the finest ranches in N.W. Colorado. Superb elk, mule deer, and antelope hunting.

Frazier Outfitting

Great Colorado elk hunting. Hunt the backcountry of unit 76. More than a hunt, it's an adventure!

CJ Outfitters

Hunt Colorado's premier trophy units, 2, 10 and 201 for trophy elk, deer and antelope.

Allout Guiding & Outfitting

Offering high quality mule deer, elk, bear and cougar hunts in Colorado units 40 and 61.

Ivory & Antler Outfitters

Hunt trophy elk, mule deer, moose, antelope, bear, cougar and turkey on both private land and BLM.

Urge 2 Hunt

We offer both DIY and guided hunts on large ranches all over Colorado for archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunts.

Hunters Domain

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Flat Tops Elk Hunting

For the Do-It-Yourself hunters, an amazing cabin in GMU 12 for your groups elk or deer hunt.

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