Ram score?


Long Time Member
This is a Utah Desert Ram.
What do you think he scores?

I think length is good, but mass overal is a little light. I would think 152-155", but I would be shooting!! :)
I'm late to the party but I'll agree with others. (more pics always help)

Not tons of mass but he does have the age.

In most Utah units, a guy would be foolish to pass that ram!

Mid 150's IMHO.

Hey LBH,
Text me the unit and I’ll better be able to tell you if he’s a “shooter”, which I think he is, and a closer guess on score. (Some units are prone to smaller-ish bases)

One thing I know, he’s not as big as your 170”+ Utah ram or Zac’s 168”. That thing of yours is the high water mark bro!!!

Throw out a pic of yours for comparison!

Camera angles can do crazy things. That ram is a lot bigger than people are giving credit. I'm guessing low 170s. I bet it looks a lot bigger when a guy is holding it. 😉 I'm guessing age to be 9+.
Well, this is an VERY interesting thread and y’all have no idea what size ram we’re looking at.

LBH, I hope I didn’t spill the beans…..too badly.

Photos and viewing angles have a HUGE influence on what we “think” we’re seeing.


I LOVE this thread!

Thx LBH, great thread and one helluva education.

(I wouldn’t want to be the dude who said they’d “pass” that ram) Laughing me ass off!

I recently found those photos of my Utah ram just before I shot him so I decided to post them for fun. I knew from the video's my son had taken of my ram the night before that he was huge, but seeing him from my posted pictures angle had me second guessing I was on the right ram.
Unfortunately we don't always get long looks to make size judgements, and angle of view can make a huge difference.

For the record most of you, including Zeke, (who has actually held my ram) were badly fooled.
My ram officially scored 172 and change and is 12 years old. He has 14 5/8 bases and yes Ridge, this angle makes him look somewhat bigger.

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Them deserts have small bodies, and when facing you that makes the horns look BIG.
Nice looking ram. Unless there are a lot of rams around or something bigger I was chasing, I would shoot.
I found those photos of my Utah ram just before I shot him. I knew from the video's my son had taken of him the night before that he was huge, but seeing him from my posted pictures angle had me second guessing I was on the right ram.
Unfortunately we don't always get long looks to make size judgements, and angle of view can make a huge difference.

For the record and most of you, including Zeke, (who has actually held my ram) were badly fooled.
My ram officially scored 172 and change and is 12 years old. He has 14 5/8 bases and yes, this angle makes him look way bigger.
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Slammer of a ram! It’s funny you say that because when I slid over the ridge to shoot my AZ ram I wasn’t sure it was the same Ram either. Looked way smaller from that head on bedded look from above.
That is crazy, really doesn’t look like the same ram at all, kill photo looks much more massive and like he flares way out compared to the first posted photo where he looks like more of a compact curl with much less flair. I was low 150s on the first photo as well. Such an awesome ram.
Mass makes a big difference in scoring! That's why my bro's scores like it does but no one in their right mind should ever pass on that ram "in Utah", IMHO. 12 YO and he's not getting any bigger, now.

This has been a fun and informative thread, Mr. LBH.
Your ram is the high water mark for a UT sheep:love:.
Mass makes a big difference in scoring! That's why my bro's scores like it does but no one in their right mind should ever pass on that ram "in Utah", IMHO. 12 YO and he's not getting any bigger, now.

This has been a fun and informative thread, Mr. LBH.
Your ram is the high water mark for a UT sheep:love:.
I've been fooled more than once while judging trophies, so I thought those poor angle pics would be a fun and educational post. While I have had some trophies shrink in the dirt, I have surprisingly, had more that have grown on the ground.
I like that the best but I also shudder thinking what I might have let walk.
Ya, you about let a 200”+ mule deer walk….but you didn’t and now you have him!
Huge bodies can do that to you! (Spencer’s antelope and your Colo buck).
Sheep mass (of lack of it) and poor angles can do crazy things to the hunter.
We do the best we can and let the chips fall where they may.
Age is the answer. Shoot an old one and score be damned!!!!!

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