Whatever came of the 40" utah buck?


Very Active Member
Whatever happened to the utah 40+" buck that had Lemon controversy, or the big bull they had helicopter usage. Was it all false information and nothing ever happening, or the bear incident, I guess there was no court on any of these things. Is it kind of like all Hunter Biden stuff nothing ever happens.
It Was Like 45"!

We All EX-Haled Our Thoughts!

Everything Is Peachy Now!

We'll Have To Wait & See What Kinda BS Is Pulled Off In 24!
Status: The Buck is still startlingly magnificent, the mount does not disappoint, and the hunter is as happy as ever. For those of you going to the expo, you should be able to take a gander in person this week.
Sounds awesome. Lets see some pics? Story? Apparently some of us live under a rock and have not heard about this monster.....:eek:
I'm trying to look up those case numbers and not finding what you described.

You got some kind of link or an article?
I had a game warden tell me today that he thinks wade's cat case is sometime this week or next. He's continued it for the last year and a half, the judge is wanting to get it going. Carbon county is waiting until thats over to start on the bear case.
The state case against Lemon in Millard County (the cat case) was dismissed as there was a federal indictment on the same facts, so the state dismissed to not interfere with the federal case. That federal case is set for trial in March.

The Carbon County case (the bear hunt) has been kicked down the road over and over again to go after the federal case. It is currently set for an arraignment/pretrial conference on April 1. I'm guessing that the witness list in this case would be rather interesting if the case went to trial...

I don't know anything about the gov deer or elk investigations that have not been posted on this forum. I'm guessing there are some on here that do, however. Feel free to post it up if you want!
too bad there isn't some sort of leverage a state could do here if they actually cared about stuff like this like suspend a guide license for an apparent repeat offender until the case is actually settled. but good for this guy, just keep filing extensions with lawyer and waste as much of the states time and money as possible while fully operating likely breaking more game laws. he's just like us little guys...
too bad there isn't some sort of leverage a state could do here if they actually cared about stuff like this like suspend a guide license for an apparent repeat offender until the case is actually settled.
F that noise, innocent until proven guilty. I'm not a WLH fan at all but he's got the same right to due process as the rest of us.
We also should not confuse guilty in a court of law with guilty in actuality. Yes, he has a constitutional presumption to innocence unless and until his guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. But that applies to the government and the courts, not to Internet forums.

Newsflash: OJ murdered those people.
Nope, it's bait.
You say so. I’ll stand on if you have a known risk of someone with a history of breaking a law or repeatedly being under suspicion it’s not out of the question to restrain their ability to break those laws. Like suspension of a guide license.

Who wants to bet that’d make this dude actually face the charges as opposed to dragging it out all the while operating with impunity in the very field he’s under suspicion for?

But yah, just a bait post
We also should not confuse guilty in a court of law with guilty in actuality. Yes, he has a constitutional presumption to innocence unless and until his guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. But that applies to the government and the courts, not to Internet forums.

Newsflash: OJ murdered those people.
No He Didn't!

The Blood Soaked Glove, After It Dried It Didn't Fit!
We also should not confuse guilty in a court of law with guilty in actuality. Yes, he has a constitutional presumption to innocence unless and until his guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. But that applies to the government and the courts, not to Internet forums.

Newsflash: OJ murdered those people.
We shouldn't confuse internet gossip with guilt in actuality .
I agree. But there is a little more here than internet gossip.
The problem is all the gossip taints any facts that might exist here. Nobody knows what the truth is anymore because the bullspit is overwhelming. Nobody can trust any of it as facts.

That's why conspiracy theories are all over the net. Nobody can trust any of this anymore.
You shouldn’t use such strong word strength.

Someone might be able to trust something. Somebody might know the truth.

Just sayin.
Child rape and poaching are not on the same level, and neither are the legal avenues relating to them.
Ok, let’s use a better example.

Insider trading charge. Judge blocks the suspect from financial transactions in the market until it’s settled. There is some precedent, sounds like some of this is federal cases.

So could his business of poaching as a hunting guide be compared to defrauding the residents of Utah? He’s certainly profiting from it… I still say maybe he has to wait to get back to “business as usual “ until he gets these little things cleared up in the court. But whatever
You shouldn’t use such strong word strength.

Someone might be able to trust something. Somebody might know the truth.

Just sayin.
People here trust whatever affirms their emotions. Someone here might know some truth. No one here knows the truth. It's no different than Flo, Tammy, and Bobby Sue sitting down at the hair parlor talking about who's doing who.
We'll know the truth soon enough when it comes out in federal court, then again when the bear case gets going.
Ok, let’s use a better example.

Insider trading charge. Judge blocks the suspect from financial transactions in the market until it’s settled. There is some precedent, sounds like some of this is federal cases.

So could his business of poaching as a hunting guide be compared to defrauding the residents of Utah? He’s certainly profiting from it… I still say maybe he has to wait to get back to “business as usual “ until he gets these little things cleared up in the court. But whatever
Solid Logic. In many criminal cases, they use Bail as a way to restrict repeat offenders or people with a high probability of guilt. If there is a high level of evidence, there should be precedent to restrict/suspend his license. I don't know if that is/was on the table for this case and prosecutor, but it seems like it should be.
Prosecutors don't govern guide licensing. This is a DOPL issue, not a criminal prosecutor issue.

DOPL has a completely different set of standards and different burden of proof. It's a totally different process.

Here is a good place to start if you have questions about the process:

To be fair to those of us with lives, it does get kinda confusing to keep up with all the DRAT drama. I think I still missed a couple of world records around here.
Not only that, but trying to keep all the stories/accounts correct.
You say so. I’ll stand on if you have a known risk of someone with a history of breaking a law or repeatedly being under suspicion it’s not out of the question to restrain their ability to break those laws. Like suspension of a guide license.

Who wants to bet that’d make this dude actually face the charges as opposed to dragging it out all the while operating with impunity in the very field he’s under suspicion for?

But yah, just a bait post
I am totally with you on this.... If you are ACCUSED of a crime involving a firearm or domestic abuse, they will confiscate your guns until you are cleared of all charges. Same goes with lots of crimes where the suspect sits in jail for a few years awaiting trial only to be found innocent now that he has lost his job, family and home..
I think an outfitter should have his license on hold while under investigation. Although they should have a time limit on such. Cant drag it on forever.
Swing by Booth 2228 and make sure to tell Wade congratulations on their recent 262” main frame 300” + archery slob. Best of luck in the draws.

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looks great but you forgot to add the 15 foot high electric fence behind the 20 guys it took to kill that blind folded buck.

I’d rather shoot a buck a 100 inches smaller on antelope island.
Sounds like a lot of people are more interested in legal drama than hunting stories. I have no legal drama for you, but for those that prefer the hunting stories I can give you that.

My Dad was the hunter for the wide Utah buck. He was real picky and hadn’t found a buck he really wanted all the way up to just before his hunt. The guide glassed this buck up a day and half before the hunt. The guide got some pics of the buck from really far away and it was clear he was a monster, the guide said he had to be 40 inches wide but we wouldn’t dare guess wider. It sounds insane to even speak a number more than 40.

The guide had a trail camera pic of this buck from 4 years before and he was around a 240, and he had seen him in person last year and he was less than 200. Given the bucks history he could have been on the decline but clearly the amount of rain had a big impact on his antler growth as his area had a solid rain year.

Us and some friends just excited to see something this big on the hoof, drove to the location (no I won’t tell you where) the morning after he was first spotted and we were able to bed him down that evening before the hunt started the next day. But by the next morning he had disappeared. It took us a couple of days to refind him as he barely stood up from his bed during the day. The guide finally found his track and kicked him up. He didn’t go super far as it was a hot day and we were able to watch him bed. My Dad then got in position. After 4 hours laying in the sun my dad had some severe sun burns so he didn’t waste anytime putting the buck down when he finally offered a shot.

I was on a higher point watching the buck's position when he shot it so I didn’t get there until after my dad and the first thing he said was "guess how wide?" I could see his smile so I guessed 42 and he said nope, 45. Anyway, he ended up being just under 45 wide and mid 270s in velvet. Has some really cool trash down low that is parallel to the ground and hard to see but bumps him up a good amount. Definitely, a cool experience.

Sounds like a lot of people are more interested in legal drama than hunting stories. I have no legal drama for you, but for those that prefer the hunting stories I can give you that.

My Dad was the hunter for the wide Utah buck. He was real picky and hadn’t found a buck he really wanted all the way up to just before his hunt. The guide glassed this buck up a day and half before the hunt. The guide got some pics of the buck from really far away and it was clear he was a monster, the guide said he had to be 40 inches wide but we wouldn’t dare guess wider. It sounds insane to even speak a number more than 40.

The guide had a trail camera pic of this buck from 4 years before and he was around a 240, and he had seen him in person last year and he was less than 200. Given the bucks history he could have been on the decline but clearly the amount of rain had a big impact on his antler growth as his area had a solid rain year.

Us and some friends just excited to see something this big on the hoof, drove to the location (no I won’t tell you where) the morning after he was first spotted and we were able to bed him down that evening before the hunt started the next day. But by the next morning he had disappeared. It took us a couple of days to refind him as he barely stood up from his bed during the day. The guide finally found his track and kicked him up. He didn’t go super far as it was a hot day and we were able to watch him bed. My Dad then got in position. After 4 hours laying in the sun my dad had some severe sun burns so he didn’t waste anytime putting the buck down when he finally offered a shot.

I was on a higher point watching the buck's position when he shot it so I didn’t get there until after my dad and the first thing he said was "guess how wide?" I could see his smile so I guessed 42 and he said nope, 45. Anyway, he ended up being just under 45 wide and mid 270s in velvet. Has some really cool trash down low that is parallel to the ground and hard to see but bumps him up a good amount. Definitely, a cool experience.
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Thanks for sharing
I’ll give the location of where this buck was shot. Macos, thats a hint, but yes its a LE unit not general like some are saying.
Bess I found out just this week.
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I Can't Find Where Somebody Said The Buck Was Taken On A General Unit & Not On An LE Unit!

That Is BS!

I Know Where The Buck Was Taken!

And I Don't Think That Was On A General Unit!
Ill tell everyone that wants the information, follow the money, look at the auction tags and what went higher than most, must be another good buck in the area.
I have a big taxidermy bill to pay, i will take hush money and not reveal the area...lol
Ill tell everyone that wants the information, follow the money, look at the auction tags and what went higher than most, must be another good buck in the area.
I have a big taxidermy bill to pay, i will take hush money and not reveal the area...lol
Both the Henry's tags sold for a bit more than they did last year (120k, and 130k this year, and 100k last year for only 1 tag). And then the other one that stands out is the San Jaun tag going for 90k this year but only 55k last year. the Oak Creek stayed the same or even dropped a bit from last year 60k range this year and 70k range last year.

Interesting stuff, if I had a grundle of points the Henry's is what I would be looking hard at, I think it could be on an up swing but who knows.
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Bessy was told the location yesterday and he’s playing his classic “I know something you don’t know” game. He’s fond of that game.

The unit has been mentioned on this forum in three different threads, I believe.
Bessy was told the location yesterday and he’s playing his classic “I know something you don’t know” game. He’s fond of that game.

The unit has been mentioned on this forum in three different threads, I believe.
So if I know, does that make me special?

I’m trying to come up with something clever that rhymes with San Juan so I can act like I care about being discrete.

Someone help?
Berry, you are very special!!!

How about Jan Suan?

Heck, one post even mentioned an area it was taken within the unit it was taken!

Yet Bessy knows something the rest of us don’t. Don’t take this away from him. He needs this.

We validate you and your super secret inside info Bessy! Well done, my friend. Please don’t get mad at me. I wouldn’t want to see you hot!
Hey Niller!

Have you Checked Your PM's Lately?

I Did Talk With cant!

I Knew Which Unit This Buck Was harvested In Right After It Was Taken!

I Decided Then I Wouldn't Get To Wild With It But I Did Make A Hint With it!

This Is My Post In September 9th of 2023:

There ya go pauns08!

I Wasn't Being Rude!

After Getting Threatened With A Law Suit For Posting A Pic A Few years Ago That I Didn't Have Permission To Post I Gotta Be A Little Bit Careful!

That head Sure Looks SJish!

Maybe I'm Wrong!

I Figured Niller Would Tell Me I'm Wrong Because He Always Does!

Do You Know What SJish Means Niller?

Or Do I Need To SPLAIN It To You?

I Know Now Pinpoint Accuracy Of Where The Buck Was taken!

That Ain't Where You Need To Be This Year To Find & Harvest The Biggest Buck In The State!

That's Where You Shoulda Been In 2023!

I'm Not On Here To Stirr Stuff Up With The Dad That Harvested The Buck Or The Sons!

Anybody That Can Locate & Harvest A 45" Buck/With A StickFlipper In The Hunting World We Live In Today Has Pulled Off A Miracle That's More Than A Once In A Lifetime Hunt!

The Locating I Gotta Give Credit To The Two Brothers/Guides That Located The Buck & Kept After Him For Several Years!

The Dad That Harvested The Buck Is Way Tougher Than Me!

I Do Not Like Extreme Heat!

I Sure The Hell Would Notta Been Down There Hunting In Short Pants!:D

Please Niller,Please Carry On With Your BS!
What Am I Trying To Protect?


I'm Sure There Are Several/Guides/Outfitter/Maybe Even The Hunter That Don't Want It Pinpointed!


There's NO SECRETS Anymore!

It Ain't Where You Need To Be In 2024!

It's Where You Shoulda Been In 2023!

See, my point exactly. What are you trying to protect? The deer is dead. Why not just admit it?
Hey Niller!

You Check The Campfire?

I Thought You'd Have A Reply On There Before Now?


The ole bobcat getting his panties in a bunch. That was fun.

Even tristate thinks you're being a drama queen. And that is saying something!

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