Wyoming antelope


I am wanting to do a DIY antelope for Wyoming in 2024. I have 5 pref points. Any advice on what unit or region to look at to put in for the draw. This will be my first time hunting antelope and would like to do this on public ground
Best approach is to download the antelope NR odds and find all the units where it took 4 or 5 PPs to draw. If you have that list, some might offer advice on units.

You'll have to decide on special vs regular for your analysis...
Wait to submit until quotas are out.
Might have some winter left yet this year.

^^^good advice, look over the draw odds for now then when quotas are out you may have a better idea of what areas you can draw.
I am wanting to do a DIY antelope for Wyoming in 2024. I have 5 pref points. Any advice on what unit or region to look at to put in for the draw. This will be my first time hunting antelope and would like to do this on public ground
Keep in mind last Winters Monster blizzards knocked out 80-90 % on the herds in Wyoming- it’s another bad deal for everyone. Might try another state this time around. Montana might be better, but that’s a big maybe- could be same mess.
Best of Luck,
Jerry Gold In Windsor, Colorado
I also had heard that goats In WY winter killed bad last year. But we rolled the dice and ended up with 2 tags in some units allegedly hit the hardest with winter kill. We had absolutely zero issues finding goats. We had herds everywhere we looked. It’s not all the doom and gloom you read on here. I’m pretty convinced half of the experts on this site don’t even leave the pavement every year. Let alone even have a tag in their pocket with their name on it.
I also had heard that goats In WY winter killed bad last year. But we rolled the dice and ended up with 2 tags in some units allegedly hit the hardest with winter kill. We had absolutely zero issues finding goats. We had herds everywhere we looked. It’s not all the doom and gloom you read on here. I’m pretty convinced half of the experts on this site don’t even leave the pavement every year. Let alone even have a tag in their pocket with their name on it.
Definitely all made up. All those tag cuts were for no good reason...

As a family we had 2 hunts in different Wyoming areas that we have hunted over decades. One area the antelope numbers were way way down. The other area seemed to have more antelope than last year. Sad to see so much winter kill. Pay attention to tag numbers this year. If decreasing, I would expect poor antelope numbers, if increasing should be okay.
I also had heard that goats In WY winter killed bad last year. But we rolled the dice and ended up with 2 tags in some units allegedly hit the hardest with winter kill. We had absolutely zero issues finding goats. We had herds everywhere we looked. It’s not all the doom and gloom you read on here. I’m pretty convinced half of the experts on this site don’t even leave the pavement every year. Let alone even have a tag in their pocket with their name on it.
HAHA.... Yeah we just cut all those tags and watched the lopes and deer die in masses every day for almost 2 months.

The funny part is you likely have no idea what the hunt was like prior to your trip and as a result you are completely ignorant as to how the herds were prior. Tell us, just how many WY pronghorn hunts have you been on?
HAHA.... Yeah we just cut all those tags and watched the lopes and deer die in masses every day for almost 2 months.

The funny part is you likely have no idea what the hunt was like prior to your trip and as a result you are completely ignorant as to how the herds were prior. Tell us, just how many WY pronghorn hunts have you been on?
Somewhere around 30? Beginning in 2001? Is that enough of a sample size for you?
"Tell us, just how many WY pronghorn hunts have you been on?"

"Reading can be hard. Comprehension can be harder." - you know you can just scroll up and read it right?
Somewhere around 30? Beginning in 2001? Is that enough of a sample size for you?
haha. So you saw no difference in numbers? Just curious what you seem to have found that every biologist, every resident and every other hunter did not see? Absolutely no one else says it is fine there were lopes every where, etc. I am certain you likely have a really low bar for quality hunting and lope populations. More than likely you were excited seeing the group of 30 lopes 3-4 times a day lol.

But hey what does any know else know, they must all be wrong because you found a few critters and that is likely more than normal for you, despite it being way down for everyone else...
I would say you could find yourself a good hunt with 5 points (in the special), slim pickings on the regular but doable. Good advice given already. I burned 5 on a special tag last year and had a blast, saw Ok numbers and was playing cat and mouse with two booners. Couldn't close the deal and elected two not shoot the small bucks 100 yards from the road. Likely saw 70 antelope a day, and at least one shooter each day. Id say get out while you can, who knows when the next crazy winter year will be.
haha. So you saw no difference in numbers? Just curious what you seem to have found that every biologist, every resident and every other hunter did not see? Absolutely no one else says it is fine there were lopes every where, etc. I am certain you likely have a really low bar for quality hunting and lope populations. More than likely you were excited seeing the group of 30 lopes 3-4 times a day lol.

But hey what does any know else know, they must all be wrong because you found a few critters and that is likely more than normal for you, despite it being way down for everyone else...
Please tell me more about what I saw and what my expectations are.

I’m not sure you’re the right one to be lecturing me about my really low bar of quality hunting when you have a whole pile of pisshead grip n grins that you’ve shared on here.

But please go on, tell me more about what I saw and experienced last fall. I’d love to hear more about it!
Why does someone knock someone else’s kills? At least he shows pictures unlike a lot of the complainers here. Rather see someone’s smaller DIY animals than hear about someone’s paid for trophy.
Why does someone knock someone else’s kills? At least he shows pictures unlike a lot of the complainers here. Rather see someone’s smaller DIY animals than hear about someone’s paid for trophy.
Knocking someone’s opinion and interpretation of hunt quality = completely acceptable.

Knocking someone’s opinion of quality animals = line crossed.

Noted. 🙄
I have a pile of points and have hunted Wyoming dozens of times for antelope but not going to kick them while they are down.

No fun killing the last buffalo......
This is where the Residents and NR need to step up and burn their cheap Doe tags.
I applied last year for doe tags but didn't draw. They were going in the trash if I had.

There's 2 Of Us Thinking The Same!

I'm So F'N UN-LUCKY I Can't Even Pull A Tag To Set A Fire!

This is where the Residents and NR need to step up and burn their cheap Doe tags.
I applied last year for doe tags but didn't draw. They were going in the trash if I had.
This is where the Residents and NR need to step up and burn their cheap Doe tags.
I applied last year for doe tags but didn't draw. They were going in the trash if I had.
No this is where you step up and go to the meetings weather it's on line or in person or submit your online comments during the public comment period to get the doe tags cut and get as many people as you can to do the same. I accomplished just that in an area I hunt regularly.
No this is where you step up and go to the meetings weather it's on line or in person or submit your online comments during the public comment period to get the doe tags cut and get as many people as you can to do the same. I accomplished just that in an area I hunt regularly.
I've submitted comments plenty, but as a NR my comments don't have much sway.
Some areas last year I could drive for 30 to 50 miles without seeing an antelope that used to have literally hundreds. Another region I drove through had literally hundreds of antelope over a 50 mile stretch.

The region with the most antelope was relatively small compared to the vast regions I've driven that have a fraction of antelope compared to what they were around 10 years ago.
If we hunted the same area everyday we would have thought there were no losses in herd numbers that has traditionally held animals. However since we screwed up on bucks we needed to hunt other areas of the units we have in the past with success only to realize the group we were hunting for several days was the only significant group of antelope in the unit. Had we not scoured the unit for other critters our perception of numbers would have been grossly over estimated. The winter looses are very real with isolated pockets of survivors.
I spoke with the biologist of the unit I hunted in last year, he stated that the unit I hunted was the only one out of 5 that he oversees that was not really affected by the winter, and in fact had a better buck/doe ratio in 2023. However the surrounding units he managed were the exact opposite and had suggested massive tag cuts. He said I was lucky (or got lucky to had gotten a tag in that unit), but that the other units will take quite some time to recover. I would think that this is the same throughout the state, some units made it out ok, and some really did not.
You would be somewhat amazed at the movement of antelope over the winter and during extremely drought years. A lot of guys don't know, but drought can impact antelope movements just as much as deep snow. They can wander long distances to get to areas with better food, water, or less deep snow. Sometimes these movements can end in mass tragedy but more times than not it helps them survive!

Sometimes when they move to new "pastures" they don't return or return in fewer numbers to old areas where they've struggled. I've seen this happen numerous times in both Wyoming and Colorado.

It really helps to have multiple years' experience for these movements and trends. It also helps to stay flexible and not be caught up with just one unit due to past experience or history for producing monster bucks! Things have dramatically changed in Wyoming the past 10ish years.....some good and some really bad!
Please tell me more about what I saw and what my expectations are.

I’m not sure you’re the right one to be lecturing me about my really low bar of quality hunting when you have a whole pile of pisshead grip n grins that you’ve shared on here.

But please go on, tell me more about what I saw and experienced last fall. I’d love to hear more about it!
HAHA. So a personal attack instead of answering the question. What were the numbers like last fall comparted to the 30 plus hunts you have been on over the last 20 years?

I am sorry but I am genuinely curious. What unit was this great hunt in where there were still piles of antelope and no significant difference from 2 years ago to today?

As for my critters I share.... I don't care how they measure up to others. I share them for others to enjoy and also so my friends and family can enjoy the stories. Nothing more. I am happy with the animals I have taken and all of them have been exciting memories. But again I am not the making an erroneous claim that the winter kill was over hyped and not an issue... What I do know is that many, actually everyone other than you has seen the problem Seen the numbers drop. I know that entire hunts and units were closed last year, and will likely stay closed this year. I know that there were massive cuts to tags, and I also know that many of us seen first hand the reduction in numbers. Saw it first hand. Watched as 30-40 antelope starve etc.

So when I hear of some magical place where the antelope flock in herds like the salmon of Capistrano. I would love to know about this anomaly.

Hey but it is flattering that you took the time to go back and stalk my pictures, you are making me blush...
Maybe Residents need to pressure Fish & Game to not issue doe tags in any area that was effected by last years winter.
I am not sure, but in the areas affected by last winter, I don't think there were any doe tags and if there were any they were targeting specific private property. Hell they decided to eliminate hunting for all antelope entirely in a unit that was hard hit. I would be surprised if they open that unit up again for another 2-3 years.

I think we fail to give the WY Game and Fish enough credit on this. They did make some deep and drastic cuts. Was it enough? To me NO. But from what I have witnessed in other states... UT and Colorado. They at least did it right away. It seems in other states they refuse to make cuts until the people are so upset they are forced too... They wait until people are confrontational in the field and bombarding them with hate mail etc. Here the Game and fish made a pretty big change right away. This year I am hopeful that the quotas stay the same or are further decreased.
Numbers have been down all over the state for years but yes we had some bad areas last winter and some not affected.
Been watching the same areas for 36 years now and yes some had good numbers this past Fall, saw it with my own eyes. They also had doe tags. Wasn't a great area, never has been just not a bad winter area.

As far as pics posted, really easy to see now why some don't post anymore with the attitudes thrown around.
Good job Bux, you made me rethink what I'll be posting.

elks I'll share my areas with you via pm if you want.
The most misinformed comment here suggested that because Wyoming had a very bad winter last year, you better not apply this year. That's ridiculous thinking. Tag numbers were reduced in the hard hit areas for 2023(one could argue maybe not enough?) and most likely for 2024, but there are antelope to hunt in those areas. We found far fewer antelope this past fall, but harvesting a nice buck was not a problem. Posts #2 & 3 is all the advise you need.
My grandsons showing off some 2023 bucks. Numbers of antelope are way down in these areas, but obviously there are still antelope to hunt.


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The most misinformed comment here suggested that because Wyoming had a very bad winter last year, you better not apply this year. That's ridiculous thinking. Tag numbers were reduced in the hard hit areas for 2023(one could argue maybe not enough?) and most likely for 2024, but there are antelope to hunt in those areas. We found far fewer antelope this past fall, but harvesting a nice buck was not a problem. Posts #2 & 3 is all the advise you need.
My grandsons showing off some 2023 bucks. Numbers of antelope are way down in these areas, but obviously there are still antelope to hunt.

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Do your grandkids fully understand what they have in a mentor?
Your family takes some damn nice critters.
The most misinformed comment here suggested that because Wyoming had a very bad winter last year, you better not apply this year. That's ridiculous thinking. Tag numbers were reduced in the hard hit areas for 2023(one could argue maybe not enough?) and most likely for 2024, but there are antelope to hunt in those areas. We found far fewer antelope this past fall, but harvesting a nice buck was not a problem. Posts #2 & 3 is all the advise you need.
My grandsons showing off some 2023 bucks. Numbers of antelope are way down in these areas, but obviously there are still antelope to hunt.

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Can i be an adopted Grandson so i can hunt with you guys?

Congrats to your grandkids.
I also had heard that goats In WY winter killed bad last year. But we rolled the dice and ended up with 2 tags in some units allegedly hit the hardest with winter kill. We had absolutely zero issues finding goats. We had herds everywhere we looked. It’s not all the doom and gloom you read on here. I’m pretty convinced half of the experts on this site don’t even leave the pavement every year. Let alone even have a tag in their pocket with their name on it.
Post up the bucks you guys killed…
I also had heard that goats In WY winter killed bad last year. But we rolled the dice and ended up with 2 tags in some units allegedly hit the hardest with winter kill. We had absolutely zero issues finding goats. We had herds everywhere we looked. It’s not all the doom and gloom you read on here. I’m pretty convinced half of the experts on this site don’t even leave the pavement every year. Let alone even have a tag in their pocket with their name on it.
Yeah, sure. We live here and watched animals die last winter.
You got lucky.
Numbers are down for sure.
Yeah, sure. We live here and watched animals die last winter.
You got lucky.
Numbers are down for sure.
I didn’t say it didn’t happen.

I said it wasn’t all doom and gloom that the forum biologists say it was.

If it was luck, then there was certainly a lot of it walking around where I was.

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