Cutthroats Only


Long Time Member
So Bessy got me thinking about my favorite trout, which is by far a cutthroat. Which cuttthroat, you may wonder? Well, that depends on the day. But I love cutthroats. Bessy posted this picture below in the other thread, but it’s a real beauty, so it needs to kick us off here as well.

Go ahead and post pics of some cutthroats you’ve caught! (We can start new threads for different fish.)

Since we were talking about 22”+ cutthroats at Strawberry, how about this one from the spring?


I can do the math for you if you need, bobcatbess! One funny thing about this measure net: at 20 inches on the net, a real measuring tape will measure it at 21 inches. It’s stretched out over the years! Go figure, a fisherman’s tape that cheats the fisherman! So this one makes that 22+ club we were talking about. Caught in early May of 2023.
How about some more Strawberry cutts? Some maybe even from back in 2002? (Some black-out to protect the innocent…)







👆 That is basically your cookie cutter cutthroat at the Berry these days. I’m not complaining. 17-19 inch trout are fun to catch. And I’ve been around long enough and to enough places to know how full of it many people are when they talk about catching 20” fish! I’ve got so many pics of fish at the Berry with the Mrs and the kids. These are just a sampling. It’s such an awesome fishery.

Stay tuned for more!

Let’s see what you guys got. Post some pics of some cutthroats!

Holy smokes that’s a thing of beauty. El Matador…your cutthroat prowess is impressive!

Anyone remember catching cutthroats in the Green below FG? It’s been a while for me. This is the last one for me out of that river. June 2003, on a cicada pattern if I remember correctly.


(Side note: that year’s cicada “hatch” was the best ever. It still lives on as a thing of legend!)
I've Caught Alot Of Cutthroats Below The Dam Of FG!

But They Were Smaller CUTTS!

Hey Niller?

You Ever Fished Off The Deck Of The Dam At FG?
I Think Before The Bigger Fish Ever Start Showing Up In Good Numbers At Strawberry Again You're Gonna Have To Get Rid Of Some Rough Fish!

But Here's My Prediction:

People Will Start BAWLING & When Enough People Start BAWLING!

What Do You Think The Fix Will Be?

They'll Lower The Size On The SLOT!

There'll Be People Jumping Up & Down & You Fixed

But If It Puts More Fish In Nillers Float Tube & More Fish In BEAVIS'S Customers Creels That's All That Matters,Right?

I Think Before The Bigger Fish Ever Start Showing Up In Good Numbers At Strawberry Again You're Gonna Have To Get Rid Of Some Rough Fish!

But Here's My Prediction:

People Will Start BAWLING & When Enough People Start BAWLING!

What Do You Think The Fix Will Be?

They'll Lower The Size On The SLOT!

There'll Be People Jumping Up & Down & You Fixed

But If It Puts More Fish In Nillers Float Tube & More Fish In BEAVIS'S Customers Creels That's All That Matters,Right?


So…any other pictures of cutts?
How about a couple more 2002 cutts? (Or was this 2003???) This time from YNP. This river is so awesome! It’s always humbling to be bush whacking along a stream to jump over a downed tree and stumble upon a fully cleaned from the bone elk carcass that still has fresh blood. You remember where you fit in the food chain real quick.

This trip a grizz had killed an elk higher up in the meadow and was fighting a pack of wolves for it over several days. I absolutely love fishing in wild places.

You don’t catch huge ones here, but they sure are awesome!


I mentioned above that Snake River Fine Spotted cutts previously were always my favorite. Well, about 12-13 years ago I discovered lahontans. Now I waffle on which are my favorite. It probably depends on which I’m catching at the moment!

A sampling from Sparks Shooter’s neck of the woods.





More to come…
Lahontans are a secret. They grow huge, fight hard, and wreak havoc on chubs. Why they are not being tested out in Strawberry is a mystery to me.
Hey Niller?

I Think I'll Start A Thread: MUGSHOTS!:D

Gonna Ask You Again Since You Ain't Paying Attention Again!

Have You Fished Off The Deck At The Bottom Of FG Dam?
There is nothing secret about Pyramid Lake. If you’ve been out there the last few years you would know what I’m talking about. It’s a special place though. No place like it anywhere else on the planet. And if I want a true trophy cutthroat, I am not going to the Berry to try for one! The Berry is great in its own way and for different reasons, however. I do love the Berry.

Bobcat, I have thrown dog/fish food off the platform at the dam. I wish they’d let me fish! I probably have to be Basin Royalty like you before they’d let me do that though.

As for how tall of ladder, when I started fishing there I would use a 3-step step ladder. Due to an incredibly generous friend, I’ve graduated to a ladder chair. Boy is it nice! My back hurts just thinking about those first several years out there standing on a ladder all day. The height is basically equivalent of a 3-step ladder again. Where my feet are in the pic below (which includes a cutthroat, so on topic GOAT!) would be on the 3rd step. Maybe not a perfect analogy, but you get the point.


There is absolutely nothing like a sunrise at Pyramid lake though. Seriously, nothing beats it! The sunrise and golden first hour are always special, even if the fish aren’t biting.



There is nothing secret about Pyramid Lake. If you’ve been out there the last few years you would know what I’m talking about. It’s a special place though. No place like it anywhere else on the planet. And if I want a true trophy cutthroat, I am not going to the Berry to try for one! The Berry is great in its own way and for different reasons, however. I do love the Berry.

Bobcat, I have thrown dog/fish food off the platform at the dam. I wish they’d let me fish! I probably have to be Basin Royalty like you before they’d let me do that though.

As for how tall of ladder, when I started fishing there I would use a 3-step step ladder. Due to an incredibly generous friend, I’ve graduated to a ladder chair. Boy is it nice! My back hurts just thinking about those first several years out there standing on a ladder all day. The height is basically equivalent of a 3-step ladder again. Where my feet are in the pic below (which includes a cutthroat, so on topic GOAT!) would be on the 3rd step. Maybe not a perfect analogy, but you get the point.

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There is absolutely nothing like a sunrise at Pyramid lake though. Seriously, nothing beats it! The sunrise and golden first hour are always special, even if the fish aren’t biting.

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I was in the area from 1988 to 1999. Bet a lot has changed. Unbelievable place. Nevada is a special state. mtmuley
Off topic but how do you post pictures? Is there instructions anywhere? Sorry I'm a bit technologically challenged on the interweb sites.
Well Niller!

You Know what I'm Saying About The Fish Off Of That Deck Then!

Them Fish Ain't PISSCUTTERS!

We Had A Friend That Use To Work Up There That Had Keys!

We Were Always Gonna Go Fish It With One HELL Of A Battle Plan!

Can You Imagine A Night Crawler Hitting The Water Niller?


We Were Gonna Use Braided Steel Line & Way Heavy Leaders!

You Ain't Hoisting A Fish Up Outa There Without Some HEAVY DUTY Gear!

Then We Decided It Wouldn't Be Worth Our Friend Getting Fired Over The Deal!


If You Other Guys Haven't Went Down Through The Damn At Flaming Gorge & Then Out On The Deck I Highly Recommend You Do It!

Them BIG SOB'S Will Come Up That Swift Jet Stream Like No Other!

Hey Niller?

Do They Make A Lure Called a Fish Pellet?:D
Hey goat!

After You Click On Reply!

Bottom Left Corner Click On ATTACH FILES!

Your Pictures Should Pop Up & You Should Be Able To Figure It Out From There!

Off topic but how do you post pictures? Is there instructions anywhere? Sorry I'm a bit technologically challenged on the interweb sites.
I was in the area from 1988 to 1999. Bet a lot has changed. Unbelievable place. Nevada is a special state. mtmuley

You would NOT have had the success they are seeing today had you fished it at that time. Either in numbers or in size.

lahontans Are a great conservation success

This! And thanks to Utah for that as well! Today on Pyramid is truly “the good old days.” The story about how all this came together and the collaboration to create a truly unique, world class fishery is awesome.
You would NOT have had the success they are seeing today had you fished it at that time. Either in numbers or in size.

This! And thanks to Utah for that as well! Today on Pyramid is truly “the good old days.” The story about how all this came together and the collaboration to create a truly unique, world class fishery is awesome.
Yes the conservation and river improvement projects for the truckee river water shed are definitely and major win. I worked all up and down the water shed in my early 20’s. Miss that fishery but moved to a pretty good one too :) in Montana
Lahontans are a secret. They grow huge, fight hard, and wreak havoc on chubs. Why they are not being tested out in Strawberry is a mystery to me.
And, they still exist thanks to a small stream in Utah on Pilot Peak. In my opinion that makes them just as much of a Utah fish as the Bonneville Cutty. I bet the tribe would make Utah a heck of a deal on a truckload or two.-----SS
I guess in my heart I still feel like it needs to be kept on the down low. Only a few years ago you could find places with very few anglers and catch a ton of fish. Now, thanks mostly to social media, it is a dang circus out there.

I can appreciate the sentiment. However, there is no down low. It would be like saying we shouldn’t talk about fishing the Green or the Henry’s Fork. If you know, you know. If you don’t, you’re not going anyway. It is what it is.

But this is a cutthroat thread, so avoiding posting about the largest cutthroats on the planet simply wasn’t going to happen. 🤷‍♂️
There's A Bunch Of TRASH Fish In Them Waters Now As Well!

Another Place That Was Way Better Back In The Day Niller!

As I Grew Up There Was One Thing That Was A GUARANTEE:

The Fish Got Smaller By The Year!

When I Was Young!

The CUTTS In Yellowstone Lake Were Perty AWESOME!

And Bigger In The Rivers As Well!

Then The PERFECT Excuse Showed Up As To Why The Fish Went Down Hill!

Somebody Illegally Planted MACKS In Lake Yellowstone Or So They Thought!


The Fish Were Going Down Hill Before The Fire Happened!

Last Time I Looked Off The Bridge At Yellowstone Lake I Could See Quite A Few TRASH Fish!

How about a couple more 2002 cutts? (Or was this 2003???) This time from YNP. This river is so awesome! It’s always humbling to be bush whacking along a stream to jump over a downed tree and stumble upon a fully cleaned from the bone elk carcass that still has fresh blood. You remember where you fit in the food chain real quick.

This trip a grizz had killed an elk higher up in the meadow and was fighting a pack of wolves for it over several days. I absolutely love fishing in wild places.

You don’t catch huge ones here, but they sure are awesome!

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Off Topic Just A Little!

Don't PIZZ Your Pants Niller!

Has Anybody Here Ever Fished JURASSIC Lake?

Wondering If They Allow Spinning Gear?

Or Fly Fishing Only?
Ute tribe had the best cut throat fishing in the state At towave and weaver. we used to go down there and catch 4 to 6 pound cuts every time we went. They were Yellowstone cuts and the best eating fish.there is besides walley. for some ungodly reason they killed it and replanted it with colorado goldens in weaver, ruined it in my opinion. Put browns in towave, witch you can catch big ones but I’m like niller, nothing like a big cut.
Goldens are more closely related to rainbows. They are not cutties.

Oh, you mean a Dog Food Fly? Why yes, yes they do! ;)

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Hey, have you ever dropped your fly box in the river and watched it disappear downstream?

My buddy picked up one in the Provo and another one in the Green absolutely loaded with interesting patterns. I am picturing the look on the poor bast*#d’s face that dropped them.
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Hey, have you ever dropped your fly box in the river and watched it disappear downstream?

My buddy picked up one in the Provo and another one in the Green absolutely loaded with interesting patterns. I am picturing the look on the poor bast*#d’s face that dropped them.

Nope, thanks goodness. (Knock on wood)

If I ever do, I sure hope the guy/gal that picks it up fishes the heck out their prize!

It Takes Little Work To Get Nillers Blood Pressure Up To Where I Had It Last Night!:D

He Can't Stand THE HOW IT USE TO BE STORIES!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
There's A Bunch Of TRASH Fish In Them Waters Now As Well!

Another Place That Was Way Better Back In The Day Niller!

As I Grew Up There Was One Thing That Was A GUARANTEE:

The Fish Got Smaller By The Year!

When I Was Young!

The CUTTS In Yellowstone Lake Were Perty AWESOME!

And Bigger In The Rivers As Well!

Then The PERFECT Excuse Showed Up As To Why The Fish Went Down Hill!

Somebody Illegally Planted MACKS In Lake Yellowstone Or So They Thought!


The Fish Were Going Down Hill Before The Fire Happened!

Last Time I Looked Off The Bridge At Yellowstone Lake I Could See Quite A Few TRASH Fish!
Fished the Yellowstone lake in the 80 s early 90s beautiful fish and we caught 100s in a few days

Fished It Off & On From Mid 70's Thru Mid 90's!

I Was Up There about 7-8 Years Ago!

Stopped At The Bridge To See If The TRASH Fish Were Still There,YUP!

Glassed With My Binos In To The Shallows,Calm,Glassy,Sun Up Around Yellowstone Lake & I Could See Smaller Cutthroat!

I'm Guessin The MACKS Are Eating Well Along With Other Issues!

Fished the Yellowstone lake in the 80 s early 90s beautiful fish and we caught 100s in a few days
Muley_73, those CRCs are friggin beautiful. That is the subspecies of cutthroats that I have spent the least amount of time chasing here in the intermountain west, but I probably need to change that. They are so stinking pretty when they get colored up like that.

You’ve got some serious trophy CRCs there! Well done.

And your time at The Mid has certainly been well spent.
I’m apply down the Rockies not only with the hope of chasing mule deer but also to fish for cutthroats along the way. Colorado, greenback, bonneville and rio grand left to check off.
And Niller?

Do You Know Rather They'll Let You Use Live Bait & Spinning Gear At JURASSIC?

All I have ever seen from there is fly fishing. I’m guessing bait is definitely a no-go. Not sure on spinning gear. I believe it’s all catch and release.

And yes, I roll my own. Not exclusively, but I dabble at the vice.
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