Wife's Mid Season Hunt


Very Active Member
Lots of talk about Utah elk hunts this year. Lots of changes with tag adds and shifts and lots of talk about quality and experiences so I figured I'd chime in and add a few pics as I enjoy seeing others.

Decided to shift to the mid hunt this year with the addition of the added tags on Fishlake to that season. Wife only had 5 points so it was still a lotto pick but better odds for sure than most other units or seasons.

Both families have cabins on the unit and we have both grown up on the unit is we usually have a pretty good feel for the status of the herd most years. Still started to scout in June , the overall numbers were actually a little higher than I expected, the quality and age class was a little lower than I anticipated. Not a ton but for sure a little lower.

Here are few that made the photo pile.
After about 20 days on the unit scouting we headed down for the actual hunt. I think my wife was excited about spending time up high with the pretty leaves and Oct weather at the lake....so of course I started us chasing some bulls down in the sage and cedars!


Called this bull into 12 yards opening morning and looked a few others, but no shooters. On Monday I found out our target bull down low had been killed late on the early hunt....Time to head higher and the pretty leaves!!!
Once up high it was the absolute zoo/circus others have reported on here. I knew with 80 tags, spike hunt, cow hunt and early rifle deer, eclipse and other tourists, it would be busy up top...I was wrong...it was beyond busy...it was actually horrible. Having hunted this unit for 40 years I am use to the madness...it was mind blowing and not fun even for someone calloused to the circus. That being said I know the elk and movements in this ares so we put in 3 days looking at bulls and hoping the traffic would clear out.


Day 6 we headed back to the circus as it was where we were finding the most bulls. That morning we found 7 bulls with the best being a pretty 320 class bull. By 8:30 there were 11 trucks parked glassing that bull and the small 5 he was with. That was enough, we pulled out and I told my wife we are headed to some nasty country to try and turn up some bulls away from the masses. Gambling that the pressure and rut winding down would move some of the more mature bulls into the or closer to the winter range we headed out. That afternoon we saw one side by side, a camp packing up to leave and 3 bulls. Time to focus on this area and turn up a shooter.
The morning of day 9 we hiked into the area we had watched the shooter bull. 2 miles and 190 flights of stairs put us on his tracks as we followed him through the saddle and down some steep ledgy country into a big hole I figured would hold him. We found a good vantage point to glass the area from and bet on him feeding out on one of the points in the evening. By 5:30 that evening we were looking at 4 more 6 point bulls but not the shooter we have found on day 7. One bull was in the 310-315 range and on hour long convo and back and forth from the spotter to the rifle ended with a decision that we had 4 full days left to hunt and she really didn't want to just settle for a 6 point. Before the hunt had started to was very clear that if we couldn't find the right bull she was ok to eat her tag. I believed her as in 2020 she held out after burning 15 deer points until the last day at 3pm before she pulled the trigger. That was after 5 days of hunting a specific buck and not seeing him or even a single doe and hiking in over 37 miles in a 7 day span.

But as they say good things come to those that wait....
At 6:40pm we spot a good bull feeding out onto one of the points we are watching. He was 1297 yards, having hiked down and back up the ridge that morning I knew we could cut the distance if we hurried. We grab gun, spotter, and Deathgrip and take off. As we are leave ai call my bother who is 2 miles below spotting, I tell him we are headed to the south and see if he can pick up the bull. He does and gets some long range video and pics before the shot.

As we get set up on the bull, I see he had a broken sword but is still the caliber of bull we have been looking for. About the the time I am thinking I did not see a broken point to begin with I pick up the initial bull bedded above the bull we are set up on. After a quick conversation about each bull and my wife reconfirming in the spotter that she likes the bedded bull better we set up for the shot. I am sure this is were some will roll their eyes or disagree on shot distance and I could leave it out or lie but it is what it is and I'm ok with it. We had shot a lot this year and in past years and I know how my wife shoots, I knew she could make the shot and we have the equipment to do it. She took her time and we discussed shot placement. First shot, hit and he stands in the same spot, 2nd shot hit, 3rd shot hit, he is stiff legged and doing the dead on his feet big bull stance. I have her adjust about 6 inches forward and high shoulder, the 4th shot hammers him and he's down. All 4 shots are lethal and he only moves 10 feet from the initial hit. To say I was proud of how hard she had hunted, 9 straight days, over 40 miles on her boots, to bed after 11pm and up at 4am all the days and never a compliant. Cold 4 wheeler rides into where we were hiking from. Passing 39, 5 point or better bulls. Some would say 816 yard shot doesn't make it hunting. I'd argue that the previous 9 days would say other wise...but thats just me. The bull she killed was the same bull from day 7, our gamble on moving area and how to hunt him once we found the right bull had paid off. It was a dang tough year on the Fishlake this year, its the unit I have learned to hunt elk and love. I hope its not the last time I get to chase big bulls there! Thank you to all the family and friends that helped out!!!


Very nice write up Cody. Hard, hard earned bull. He was an old warrior, for sure.

One more time, with conviction, I never want a woman shooting at me. ?
Congratulations to your wife! I really enjoyed the write-up. Those Death Grips are a pain to haul around but sure do help. We spend a lot of time down there as well and have probably crossed paths. Congrats again on an awesome bull!
Great write up, great Bull, and great shooting by the Mrs.! And horses for the packout, don't get much better than that. Congrats!
Congrats to you and your wife. That's a sweet fishlake bull.

Really enjoyed the write up. The mid season hunt is on my radar. Good to hear it from your perspective.
That's a fun read right there.
Your little lady deserves kudos and respect for sticking with it and getting it done.
Great story and photos. Well done.
Congrats Cody. A nice bull for a tough year on the Fish lake unit. Or maybe it was a tough year in general. Others talking about weak back ends because of feed. Don't hold true for this bull. Very impressive back end from any range. Good old Lumpy is who you want to get a hold of to get something done on the mountain. Just pulled off Fish lake last night to much wind and smoke. Did see elk still holding on the Johnson. Usually out of there by November . But it wasn't even freezing our water pipes on top and 65 degrees down low. Crazy year !!
Cody, congrats to you and your wife! That is an awesome bull, and it sounds like you had a great time with your family in the mountains. Thanks for posting!

Great bull, great story, great hunt, great shot(s)!!!

Well done!

Congratulations to all involved.

I too really enjoyed your story and pics of your hunt. I haven’t spent anytime on the Fishlake and your pictures made me regret it. Congrats to your wife and family and thank you for sharing with us. This is what we need more of!
Terrific story, great shooting, pretty bull, lasting memories with your wife. I can’t see how to improve anything. Congratulations to you both!
Well earned and congratulations to one and all involved! Exemplary marksmanship on full display with full confidence, exactly what each hunter should strive for. Overall a lifetime memory of personal achievement and dedication to the true meaning of "hunt"!
He's a really cool bull. Congrats to your wife, Cody. You guys worked hard for that one. Hopefully, we won't have to work that hard to find me a cow on Thousand Lakes next year when I draw. Hint, hint. LOL. Tell your wife congrats....... well earned for sure.
Solid piece of writing and many thanks for getting it done on paper so we all can enjoy your fantastic success! Appreciate your effort and story. Congratulations to your bride!!!
Thank you all for the kind words. She kicked off what ended up being an amazing fall for my family .
Very interesting. I have absolutely no experience with elk management. Besides trying to manage an elk into 2 coolers.

However I am interested in what the criteria for aging using cervid canines.
Very interesting. I have absolutely no experience with elk management. Besides trying to manage an elk into 2 coolers.

However I am interested in what the criteria for aging using cervid canines.
The aging was not off of the ivories. i just threw that pic on for comparison of the wear on them. I sent in the normal incisors. Here are a few more pics of the lower jaw.
At 6:40pm we spot a good bull feeding out onto one of the points we are watching. He was 1297 yards, having hiked down and back up the ridge that morning I knew we could cut the distance if we hurried. We grab gun, spotter, and Deathgrip and take off. As we are leave ai call my bother who is 2 miles below spotting, I tell him we are headed to the south and see if he can pick up the bull. He does and gets some long range video and pics before the shot.
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As we get set up on the bull, I see he had a broken sword but is still the caliber of bull we have been looking for. About the the time I am thinking I did not see a broken point to begin with I pick up the initial bull bedded above the bull we are set up on. After a quick conversation about each bull and my wife reconfirming in the spotter that she likes the bedded bull better we set up for the shot. I am sure this is were some will roll their eyes or disagree on shot distance and I could leave it out or lie but it is what it is and I'm ok with it. We had shot a lot this year and in past years and I know how my wife shoots, I knew she could make the shot and we have the equipment to do it. She took her time and we discussed shot placement. First shot, hit and he stands in the same spot, 2nd shot hit, 3rd shot hit, he is stiff legged and doing the dead on his feet big bull stance. I have her adjust about 6 inches forward and high shoulder, the 4th shot hammers him and he's down. All 4 shots are lethal and he only moves 10 feet from the initial hit. To say I was proud of how hard she had hunted, 9 straight days, over 40 miles on her boots, to bed after 11pm and up at 4am all the days and never a compliant. Cold 4 wheeler rides into where we were hiking from. Passing 39, 5 point or better bulls. Some would say 816 yard shot doesn't make it hunting. I'd argue that the previous 9 days would say other wise...but thats just me. The bull she killed was the same bull from day 7, our gamble on moving area and how to hunt him once we found the right bull had paid off. It was a dang tough year on the Fishlake this year, its the unit I have learned to hunt elk and love. I hope its not the last time I get to chase big bulls there! Thank you to all the family and friends that helped out!!!
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Great write up the story kept me reading the whole way wanting to see the outcome
Your wife is a hell of a shot and picked the bull she wanted way to go

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