Antelope scoring

I'd guess around 68-70 on that buck RR, but could be 70-72 like Tristate estimates. He looks pretty flat shaped below the prong which will translate to lower base and D1 measurements as compared to a similar buck with a rounder horn shape. He has nice mass above the prong for his overall size.

He's got a lot of fun character with all those bumps and knobby bits!
There's A Couple Things If You Could Throw Away In The Hunting World it would Make it a Better World!




We Are Not ALL Gonna Harvest World Record Animals Every Time We Draw a PISSCUTTER Tag!

I Do Have a B&C JACK-A-LOPE On The Wall I'm Perty Proud Of!
Pictures or it’s just talk?
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I'd guess around 68-70 on that buck RR, but could be 70-72 like Tristate estimates. He looks pretty flat shaped below the prong which will translate to lower base and D1 measurements as compared to a similar buck with a rounder horn shape. He has nice mass above the prong for his overall size.

He's got a lot of fun character with all those bumps and knobby bits!
Thanks, he seems pretty average for the bucks around here.
Can’t pass that up to fill a tag I say. If you want a trophy : put in for a trophy unit , otherwise bag it and tag it baby!
Then go scouting and go fishing.
You do know you use the term piscutter completely backwards rite? Pisscutter means big enough that if you were taking a piss and saw it that it would cut your piss ? just thought I'd share because this is the 150th time I've seen you use it opposite
If it's only the 150th time you've seen him use it this way you haven't been around long. I've been seeing him use it this way for over 20 years now.
I’m new into Antelope hunting, and trying to figure what everyone looks at when trying to judge an animal in the field. Is horn length the main factor? I will Be hunting Nevada in the future and had my first trip taking a look at some animals. Here is a picture of one of the bigger ones I saw. No clue if it’s considered a shooter or not? Thanks for any tips View attachment 77804
Which unit in Nevada?
If SCI lets you take the D3 wherever it falls that makes sense. I scored a pronghorn last year for a guy who's outfitter told him it would make book easy and he was pretty put out when it missed B&C , I found out later he went score shopping with it because he couldn't believe it .

Most outfitters use SCI for everything because it makes clients feel better, they need to tell them get SCI scored so they don't get bad news.
Did you let HQ know??...just curious...that is a real no no....
Elkassassin has been using pisscutter that way forever. When he first joined the Forum we had a really long thread debating the the meaning (big or small). Eventually there was no changing his mind. He was just too passionate and persistent (thousands of posts). And he yelled at us about it with the CAPS lock on. :) :)

Just tagged out on my Nevada Antelope hunt. I appreciate everyone’s tips on what to look for in a big mature Antelope. I ended up throwing everything out the window in searching for a big one when I saw the Antelope that I harvested. I’m a sucker for uniqueness and this guy had 4 horns coming out of his head. I’ll have to go after the big guys next year.

Just tagged out on my Nevada Antelope hunt. I appreciate everyone’s tips on what to look for in a big mature Antelope. I ended up throwing everything out the window in searching for a big one when I saw the Antelope that I harvested. I’m a sucker for uniqueness and this guy had 4 horns coming out of his head. I’ll have to go after the big guys next year.

View attachment 118369
That's unique for sure and a good buck as well. Looks like he has good mass and the back points make him a Caribou/Anelope!
Very Cool
Just tagged out on my Nevada Antelope hunt. I appreciate everyone’s tips on what to look for in a big mature Antelope. I ended up throwing everything out the window in searching for a big one when I saw the Antelope that I harvested. I’m a sucker for uniqueness and this guy had 4 horns coming out of his head. I’ll have to go after the big guys next year.

View attachment 118369
Cool buck, congrats sir. Glad you removed him from the gene pool.
Great buck congrats sir....I'm not seeing 75, post the number when you feel appropriate. I'm still learning how to judge goats as I'm hunting Utah SRN in a couple weeks.. My son took one in NM a couple years ago that scored 79. I want to challenge him a bit for family pride. Lol.

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