Hunting Nine Mile Range Creek next month...need help!



I drew a tag for the Nine Mile unit and it will be my first time hunting it.

I've heard there is a lot of private land, I just need someone to point me in the right direction.

Any tips or prior hunters out there willing to help?
why do you people put in for a unit you dont know.' and then think people should help you. when you beat them out of thier tag.
You are either a moron, an out of stater or don't understand Utah's new drawing system.

The DWR just divided the state into over 30 units. Previously I had hunted the same two or three areas my entire life.

Nine mile was my #4 option on the list.

I come from a generation where hunters trusted each other and would help each other out rather than leave a fellow hunter stranded. I guess you didn't grow up with those values. All the same, I don't expect you to tell me your secret honey hole, just give me some basic pointers as far as type of roads, lay of the land and general advice.

I am looking for advice, not a hand out. If your not willing to help on this thread do me a favor and get the hell off.
Elkun asked, "why do you people put in for a unit you dont know.'"

Wish i could remember all the different places that i have hunted. Part of the adventure is going to different places and seeing new country.

As far as asking for help, i joined up and shared info and pic's long before i started asking questions, looking for help. That's just me but i'm far more inclined to help someone that has contributed in some way to the forum in the past. That's just me. That said, Misoldger78, good luck in your quest, sure doesn't hurt to ask!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
lots of private land but if you have a gps there are ways around it to alot of good public land. get a couple of good maps and start exploring. lots of big deer to be had if you put your time in. good luck
misoldier78 your looking for a free ride ,azz holll, people hunted that unit thier whole lives dindt get a tag, i dont know whos the bigests fussss up you or the. dwr. the whole drawing is a frigging joke,,4 round, quit takeing some kids , hunt,,,that grew up thier, when you cant even find the place..get the facts before youn put in , not just some place on the map,,,
Way to tell him misoldier78. It's dicks like ELKUN that make funof everybody elsebecause u are not like him. Thank god we are all not that rude.
Lots of public land around Cold Springs and Dry Canyon, West of Cottonwood canyon. You won't be alone, but do some hiking and you will find the deer.
Don't know the area but good luck, not everyone on here is a rude as ELKUN so don't let him get you down. Hopefully what they others wrote will point you in the right direction. Good luck.
I can't tell you all how much I appreciate your help and input. I don't blaim Elkun for being upset. I know the DWR's recent changes has ticked off a lot of Utah hunters myself included. Their inepteness at managing our wildlife never ceases to amaze!

On a lighter note, I have gleaned a lot from your comments and come October will hopefully be posting a picture of a great muley!

We are heading down this weekend to do some scouting and I look forward to getting some eyes on.

Thanks again all, hopefully I can repay the favor!
When the F&G control and manage the hunt it means that someone will not be able to get what they want. When they don't get what they want they start to biotch at the F&G. Silly boys!
Our deer herds needed to be managed differently that they were.
Management=control=someone will NOT get "their" tag! DUH!
Good luck on your hunt. Make the most of it!
While I agree with you Zeke that they needed to be "managed differently," I do not believe that what the DWR is doing now is the solution.

Since when has the Utah DWR listened to the field biologists or the sportsmans?

I'll give you a perfect recent example. There was recently a Large mouth bass fishing tournament held on Utah Lake. There were over 40 professional and semi-professional bass fisherman from all over the country.

At the end of the tournament the had caught 40 bass! These are no joe schmoe's they were pro's.

What did the DWR do THE VERY NEXT DAY? They held a RAC meeting and INCREASED!! the large mouth limit!!

To use your own words DUH!! So don't talk to me in platitudes and expect to prove your point brother.

I am sick and tired of this useless state agency full of nepotism that never listens to the sportsmen or experts advice.

The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I fail to see how carving the state into 30 new units will yield better deer herds. What the DWR needs to do is start listening to their field biologists and other experts they pay 60,000 a year for and who have gone to school to do so.

Good luck to you too my friend!
Easy there I just think Zeke was trying to help. What do you want unlimited deer tags for your choice of areas??
I think I made my point very clear regarding what I want. I want the DWR to start listening to the sportsmen and the experts rather than making shoot from the hip decisions.

And no, I don't want 'unlimited deer tags'. What do you want?
I agree with elkun. If you're gonna put in for a unit, you should know the unit, be willing to put in the time to learn it yourself, or be willing to pay the price to hire a guide who knows the area. Asking for handouts online is not scouting. If you always hunted other areas then stay there you where you know. I think you owe it to yourself, other sportsmen, and especially the animals, to put in your time and do it the right way. I've been more than happy to help numerous guys I find on the mountain busting their butt to figure out the area. But I have little sympathy for the guy who puts in for an area he has no business hunting. With the mindset that the guys who have spent their lives learning a unit , should give him a freebie.
I hope you find an awesome buck, I really do. But I hope it's because you have the integrity to put in the work and do it the right way.
You've said you don't like what we had and now don't like what we have. What do you want?

Everyone LOVES Colorado with their management through smaller units but when Utah does it they're dumb azzes. None of us like change but change is exactly what we need. I don't understand but I might if I heard you plan. It might be a good one.

Your story about the bass tournament doesn't fall on deaf ears. I'm not saying the F&G always make the right moves but by-in-large they do. IMO

I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers. I'm just stating MY opinion and I've not heard your plan yet other than you don't like theirs.

Good luck in your quest for a buck! What kind of deer will float your boat?

I see, so let me get this straight, if a guy has a new place he wants to look into and DOES NOT have the money or time to spend scouting all summer then he has no business hunting that unit at all? Sounds like you think you own the unit because you have hunted there your whole life!

Man, what an @$$ you are! It's people like you that block a public road in a unit where someone else has a tag equal to yours just because you have a deer spotted and your client is paying you big bucks to sit on him all summer while he lives his life being too busy to scout for himself. This is the problem with hunting; it's not about hunting or being a good sportsman it's all about you!

I hope this guy kills the new state record on his first trip to this area! I hope he gets to hunt it for the next 20 years and I also hope you get stuck looking for a new unit. I just hope you never need someone?s help on any new areas you go to.
I wish you good luck misoldier78. I have hunted deer many years, and I know what it is like to start over on a new unit. My first hunt was in Strawberry Valley in ..oh lets say 70 something.I'v hunted all over the State in the years passed. I have favorite areas that I still Hunt , Health and age have narrowed my choices. No more Big mountains for me. I wish I could tell you about your unit but I haven't hunted it in over 15 years. I hope you do well there. Let us know how it goes one way or the other. Good Luck
>I see, so let me get
>this straight, if a guy
>has a new place he
>wants to look into and
>DOES NOT have the money
>or time to spend scouting
>all summer then he has
>no business hunting that unit
>at all? Sounds like you
>think you own the unit
>because you have hunted there
>your whole life!
>Man, what an @$$ you are!
>It's people like you that
>block a public road in
>a unit where someone else
>has a tag equal to
>yours just because you have
>a deer spotted and your
>client is paying you big
>bucks to sit on him
>all summer while he lives
>his life being too busy
>to scout for himself. This
>is the problem with hunting;
>it's not about hunting or
>being a good sportsman it's
>all about you!
>I hope this guy kills the
>new state record on his
>first trip to this area!
>I hope he gets to
>hunt it for the next
>20 years and I also
>hope you get stuck looking
>for a new unit. I
>just hope you never need
>someone?s help on any new
>areas you go to.

not everybody has the money or the time. The guy asked for help. If you want or don't want to give him info, thats up to you. Never hurts to ask!
>why do you people put in
>for a unit you
>dont know.' and then think
>people should help
>you. when you beat them
>out of thier tag.

There is your problem elkun. It was NEVER their tag. Sour apples they/you hunted it their whole life and got beat out in a draw. It is now HIS tag for at least this season. Go cry a river and try to get over your personal sense of entitlement you *****. Speaks volumes about you that rather than help someone, or at least keep your pie hole shut, you'd rather come on here and express how much sand you have in your mangina.
I don't necessarily agree with asking for advice on a general unit. Go explore and scout with your gun. Look at a map, pick your spot and go from there. Le units people are typically pretty good with helping others, general units is kinda like asking a guy for a turn with his wife....

He didn't ask for a honey hole he asked for advice and not for some ##### to tell him he don't belong on the mountain.
If I new the area, I would help You out.
>Everyone LOVES Colorado with their management
>through smaller units but when
>Utah does it they're dumb
>azzes. None of us like
>change but change is exactly
>what we need. I don't
>understand but I might if
>I heard you plan. It
>might be a good one.

I have been Hunting Colorado for about 12 years. With small units They can control how many hunters take Bucks in a smaller area I see more and Bigger Bucks and less Hunters. Time will tell with this new look in Utah give it time. Me and my friends have seen it work in Colorado.
Well, looks like I kicked up quite a firestorm here!

In response to those who posted about the DWR's new unit division, I guess I am still a bid jaded from the changes. I have thought better on my comments and will hold further opinion until I see how the next few years play out.

I also agree with those questioning Elkun regarding how a guy without millions can hunt a new area? I sure don't fall into that category and I don't think many on this post do either.

Just got back from the scouting trip. Covered a lot of ground! I took my topos, gps and talked to a lot of landowners there.

I have a pretty good idea now of where I want to be come opening morning. There is lot's of private ground, we figured we are going to need to get a map from the state engineers office that shows the boundaries of private v. public land to stay out of trouble in this unit.

Not much to hunt on nine mile canyon road proper, as it is designated as a historical area and is abutted by private land on both sides of the road pretty much the whole way.

We figured there are lower canyons better suited to pulling over and hiking up side canyons and glass and sit.

I am excited for October! Thanks again to all those who provided their advice, and to all the nay-sayers, I'll see you on the mountain, may the best hunter prevail.
big foot46.when the locals t hat own some of that unit and feed your $$$$ deer and elk . kids dont get a tag how long do you think you will have any game,? any time you want to shut my pie hole fill free to stop by. how does some one get a tag on a 4th choise when people didnt get it on thier first, what a fukkkk joke,,
I think its good you are looking at some new areas to hunt , utah is a great state and needs to be explored . As for the comment about payen for a guide or outfitter , i think the guides and outfitters should stay in the le units and off of public land hunts . I am tired of running into guides who think they own the mountain and i have enjoyed killing many deer and elk from underneath them , it always makes me smile when i see them storm off .
Nutters Ridge usually has some two points running around on the archery before they get slaughtered on the following seasons.
Lots of public land around Cold Springs and Dry Canyon, West of Cottonwood canyon. You won't be alone, but do some hiking and you will find the deer.
So I accidentally put in for this unit when I applied. I clicked the wrong freaking button lol. Needless to say I drew a general season deer tag in this Nine Mile area. I thought about turning my tag in but having a hard time doing so because i have not drawn deer 4 years in a row. I have never been in that part of the state before and have no idea how the terrain is. I am gonna try my hardest to try and find a location to hunt. How far is cold springs and dry canyon from Price?

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