Shed Season thoughts and questions


Very Active Member
This was the year I was going to pin some mature bulls down and get some matching sets. Everything was going to plan until the closure. I’m all about protecting the critters, it just sucks that all the law was going to do was keep the good guys off the mtn.

There were 4 bulls in the 315-340” class that I could find every morning and night from November-March. As time grew closer I saw more and more people in church and school parking lots looking around.

The first of the big bulls dropped and I knew right where they would be. I was watching the area to see if people were up there but didn’t see anyone.

About 5 days later I was watching the bulls and before dinner, one had both antlers on, and after dinner I saw him bedded down with one antler off and I could see the antler in the snow behind him. This was right at dark. At first light I could see the bull and he had only gone 40-50 yards overnight but had shed the other side. The other side was not visible, but was 100% near by.

On my lunch break that same day I got the spotter out to look over the bulls and they had all been bumped up the mtn about 1100-1200 vertical feet and were acting nervous. I looked down to where the antlers should be and about 300 feet below them was a dude with trekking poles and a backpack heading to them. I couldn’t believe someone had the ball$ to try and snag them in broad daylight.

I’m not a snitch, but if I don’t have a chance at these sheds, then neither does this cat. I called it in and over the coarse of the day—so did 4 other people. The wardens gave him a ticket and took the sheds.

IMO, the first person to call on a person that leads to a red-handed “illegal take” should get the booty. Anyway, now there were only two mature bulls in play.

What made me nervous was after this dude picked up these two sheds, he walked up and over to where the biggest bull should have shed and didn’t pick up any additional antlers, so I wasn’t super confident that someone hadn’t already snagged them.

The next bull to go was a big 5x6. I kept and eye on him and knew where his left and right should be. The last bull to go was a real pretty 6x6 with wavy horns. He dropped both sides overnight on April 20th. I could see both sides about 7ft apart first thing on the 21rst. I knew there was a slim chance of them making it based on the visibility.

On Tuesday, April 25 I checked on the horns about 8am and at 4pm they were both gone. I couldn’t believe that someone had the audacity to go get them in broad daylight. If this was you then you are a real scumbag. Attached is a pic of them ATL with the yellow circles.

Back on the 12th I saw a smaller 250-class 5x5 drop his right side on a different part of the mtn. It was in a pretty secluded spot and I could see it on the morning of the 1rst—-so I climbed up and snagged it.

Such a PITA that all these people think the rules don’t apply. If I had that mentality I would have gotten at least three of the sets before anyone else. I’m not a “shed” hunter but it is fun to pin the bulls down and keep tabs on them enough to know where and when they drop.

This is mostly a vent post……..

Also, I have this horn and a matching set from last year. Who’s the best person to sell to? What’s the going rate?
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I thought we’d hear more stories of the gps horns being picked up and people being fined, hopefully enough that someone would think twice about doing it. But I’m sure the fine isn’t huge and people don’t get deterred from a slap on the wrist
I thought we’d hear more stories of the gps horns being picked up and people being fined, hopefully enough that someone would think twice about doing it. But I’m sure the fine isn’t huge and people don’t get deterred from a slap on the wrist

$400 minimum and Class B Misdemeanor is what I hear.
I thought we’d hear more stories of the gps horns being picked up and people being fined, hopefully enough that someone would think twice about doing it. But I’m sure the fine isn’t huge and people don’t get deterred from a slap on the wrist
not sure what Utah decided to do about it, but in WY if you are caught, its an immediate 1 year hunting license suspension for first offense on top of whatever fines. I know of some idiots who have done it, and their hunting was revoked immediately. And of course that would fall under the multi-state compact and make you basically unable to hunt anywhere. . Not worth it for a piece of glorified calcium in my opinion.
Most people I talked to basically had the mentality of “ nobody’s waiting until May 1st, so neither am I “. I feel the frustration Stu, and there’s guy here who are wanting a permanent season in place for Utah when we see it’s not working. I’m 9 miles total starting from Monday in on a hillside that was loaded with bulls, haven’t found a single antler. There had to have been guys in there every day starting in March to have cleaned it out. One of my friends talked to a sheep herder who’s been picking up elk sheds since the beginning March. Of course he didn’t know about the season but he sure as hell knew how much they were worth per pound.
I think the DWR knew it wouldn’t stop the majority but knew they had to shut it down this year. They either need to get serious like Wyoming or keester these shed seasons all together
I don't sympathize with those who just want them to sell them... You are the reason guys are willing to break the law to go get them and ruin it for the law-abiding, including yourself.

Imagine selling a 150" antler of worse, a set of antlers just to be cut up into dog chews... It disgusts me.

As far as the season, the area I went to on Opening Day had been cleaned out I'd say. Dozens of dudes were out at midnight, and by 10am I was done. Found one 110" 6 point antler and I was one of only 4 guys I saw all day with an antler, despite the insane number of bulls in the area all winter. Still had a good time with my cousin.
The shed season and lack of people following the rules is very thought provoking. With the amount of illegal pick ups it makes you wonder how many animals are truly poached with the same mind set.
You're able to see antler laying there until picked up yet assume the big bucks and bulls moved along but how many are killed illegally
When you monetize anything, peoples actions become more perverse. 100% what is going on with the shed hunting mess that seems to be a cluster in just about every state. Guys will go to any lengths to get that bone and sell it - and in many cases, post their heroic efforts on Youtube.

The whole shed hunting thing is baffling to me. I love antlers as much as the next guy, but I prefer mine affixed to the head still. ?‍♂️
When you monetize anything, peoples actions become more perverse. 100% what is going on with the shed hunting mess that seems to be a cluster in just about every state. Guys will go to any lengths to get that bone and sell it - and in many cases, post their heroic efforts on Youtube.

The whole shed hunting thing is baffling to me. I love antlers as much as the next guy, but I prefer mine affixed to the head still. ?‍♂️
Spread the word, tell people it sucks !!!
The shed season and lack of people following the rules is very thought provoking. With the amount of illegal pick ups it makes you wonder how many animals are truly poached with the same mind set.
You're able to see antler laying there until picked up yet assume the big bucks and bulls moved along but how many are killed illegally
That is a really great point!
You are a shed hunter just like the rest of them glassing those Bulls. It seems the only way to really enforce the shed law, is if your caught, loss of hunting license and not allowed on public land for 5 years. This just happened to a young man in Wyoming
It's simple. Mandate a permit to SELL sheds!

When you take your deer to the taxidermist, you have to have a permit. When you take your meat to the butcher, you have to have a permit.

When you take your sheds to the antler buyer you should have to have a PERMIT. Make everyone that wants to sell their sheds pay $500 per year for a permit and see how things change.

Most of these guys cheating and breaking the law are risking it because a flippin elk antler is going for $100+ a piece. You put $100 bills on the ground and you are never going to have people obey the law.

The DWR could do sooo much more, but they don't. They could easily put up live feed cameras on the entrances of the WMA to monitor activity. They could put trail cams on dead bulls and horns. They could chip antlers (like they say they do, but don't).

It's time to revisit this shiz-show and make a real difference.
It's simple. Mandate a permit to SELL sheds!

When you take your deer to the taxidermist, you have to have a permit. When you take your meat to the butcher, you have to have a permit.

When you take your sheds to the antler buyer you should have to have a PERMIT. Make everyone that wants to sell their sheds pay $500 per year for a permit and see how things change.

Most of these guys cheating and breaking the law are risking it because a flippin elk antler is going for $100+ a piece. You put $100 bills on the ground and you are never going to have people obey the law.

The DWR could do sooo much more, but they don't. They could easily put up live feed cameras on the entrances of the WMA to monitor activity. They could put trail cams on dead bulls and horns. They could chip antlers (like they say they do, but don't).

It's time to revisit this shiz-show and make a real difference.
you think making someone pay $500 to sale sheds is going to fix people picking them up before the season start?

Wake up it's going to make it worse dude!
I don't need any permit for a shed on the ground I didn't shoot it and I'm not going to eat it!
I didn't say mandate a permit to pick up sheds. I said mandate a permit to SELL sheds. If antler buyers are required to check a permit prior to purchasing, how many people will be selling antlers? Sure, there will be some shady black market buyers, but it would definitely weed out a bunch of people.

This is win for the guys that do it for fun, and a win for the animals as well. The guys that do it for fun are typically the guys that actually care about the wildlife.

The dudes that do it for money care nothing about rules or wildlife, they just want to get paid.
you think making someone pay $500 to sale sheds is going to fix people picking them up before the season start?

Wake up it's going to make it worse dude!
Why is that funny and why would it make it worse? Please explain.

I said mandate a permit to SELL sheds. If antler buyers are required to check a permit prior to purchasing, how many people will be selling antlers? Sure, there will be some shady black market buyers, but it would definitely weed out a bunch of people.

How many poachers do you know that take their heads to a taxidermist?
How many poachers take their meat to a butcher?

This is win for the guys that do it for fun, and a win for the animals as well. The guys that do it for fun are typically the guys that actually care about the wildlife.

The dudes that do it for money care nothing about rules or wildlife, they just want to get paid. Make them pay a fee if they want to play the game. Those that pick up a ton of sheds won't mind paying the $500 to continue selling horns. However, most guys won't pay that and will decide that they can't make money anymore and quit.
Why is that funny and why would it make it worse? Please explain.

I said mandate a permit to SELL sheds. If antler buyers are required to check a permit prior to purchasing, how many people will be selling antlers? Sure, there will be some shady black market buyers, but it would definitely weed out a bunch of people.

How many poachers do you know that take their heads to a taxidermist?
How many poachers take their meat to a butcher?

This is win for the guys that do it for fun, and a win for the animals as well. The guys that do it for fun are typically the guys that actually care about the wildlife.

The dudes that do it for money care nothing about rules or wildlife, they just want to get paid. Make them pay a fee if they want to play the game. Those that pick up a ton of sheds won't mind paying the $500 to continue selling horns. However, most guys won't pay that and will decide that they can't make money anymore and quit.
How about instead of adding more fees, and stupid laws we get rid of the shed closure. Show me proof where the shed closure saved any animals life. Why have another season, tag, fee, blah blah blah to go for a hike and pick up an antler. Lame idea imo
How about instead of adding more fees, and stupid laws we get rid of the shed closure. Show me proof where the shed closure saved any animals life. Why have another season, tag, fee, blah blah blah to go for a hike and pick up an antler. Lame idea imo
I would be down for that, but I don't see all the closures being eliminated. They are not going to take a step backward. We are going to have to deal with what we currently have and try to improve upon it.
I would be down for that, but I don't see all the closures being eliminated. They are not going to take a step backward. We are going to have to deal with what we currently have and try to improve upon it.
Not necessarily, this was an abnormal winter where a feel good closure was implemented. It for sure doesn't have to be the norm going forward.
Not necessarily, this was an abnormal winter where a feel good closure was implemented. It for sure doesn't have to be the norm going forward.
True, but many areas are closed until Second Saturday in April every year in UT. Yet, the poaching and rule breaking continue.

I guess my comments were not meant to be UT specific. WY, NV, and CO all have closures every year. It's a much bigger issue than just Utah.
"When you take your deer to the taxidermist, you have to have a permit. When you take your meat to the butcher, you have to have a permit."

This is the problem it's a shed not an animal I'm not shooting it I'm not going to eat it stop trying to justify a shed license to sale!

It sounds like you got beat and your pissed about it?
This was the year I was going to pin some mature bulls down and get some matching sets. Everything was going to plan until the closure. I’m all about protecting the critters, it just sucks that all the law was going to do was keep the good guys off the mtn.

There were 4 bulls in the 315-340” class that I could find every morning and night from November-March. As time grew closer I saw more and more people in church and school parking lots looking around.

The first of the big bulls dropped and I knew right where they would be. I was watching the area to see if people were up there but didn’t see anyone.

About 5 days later I was watching the bulls and before dinner, one had both antlers on, and after dinner I saw him bedded down with one antler off and I could see the antler in the snow behind him. This was right at dark. At first light I could see the bull and he had only gone 40-50 yards overnight but had shed the other side. The other side was not visible, but was 100% near by.

On my lunch break that same day I got the spotter out to look over the bulls and they had all been bumped up the mtn about 1100-1200 vertical feet and were acting nervous. I looked down to where the antlers should be and about 300 feet below them was a dude with trekking poles and a backpack heading to them. I couldn’t believe someone had the ball$ to try and snag them in broad daylight.

I’m not a snitch, but if I don’t have a chance at these sheds, then neither does this cat. I called it in and over the coarse of the day—so did 4 other people. The wardens gave him a ticket and took the sheds.

IMO, the first person to call on a person that leads to a red-handed “illegal take” should get the booty. Anyway, now there were only two mature bulls in play.

What made me nervous was after this dude picked up these two sheds, he walked up and over to where the biggest bull should have shed and didn’t pick up any additional antlers, so I wasn’t super confident that someone hadn’t already snagged them.

The next bull to go was a big 5x6. I kept and eye on him and knew where his left and right should be. The last bull to go was a real pretty 6x6 with wavy horns. He dropped both sides overnight on April 20th. I could see both sides about 7ft apart first thing on the 21rst. I knew there was a slim chance of them making it based on the visibility.

On Tuesday, April 25 I checked on the horns about 8am and at 4pm they were both gone. I couldn’t believe that someone had the audacity to go get them in broad daylight. If this was you then you are a real scumbag. Attached is a pic of them ATL with the yellow circles.

Back on the 12th I saw a smaller 250-class 5x5 drop his right side on a different part of the mtn. It was in a pretty secluded spot and I could see it on the morning of the 1rst—-so I climbed up and snagged it.

Such a PITA that all these people think the rules don’t apply. If I had that mentality I would have gotten at least three of the sets before anyone else. I’m not a “shed” hunter but it is fun to pin the bulls down and keep tabs on them enough to know where and when they drop.

This is mostly a vent post……..

Also, I have this horn and a matching set from last year. Who’s the best person to sell to? What’s the going rate?View attachment 109846

Hey Stubaby!

Are Them Trekking Poles?:D
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I picked up 7 sets in two days. One bull north of 360 that was missing 20" two other bulls north of 350 also. Left two sets on the mountain for my kids to find.
I found two dead elk. One calf one good bull that had died in the fall.
One good set of lion tracks also.
The only reason why I had any success at all was because these bulls were out of the way and snowed in.
The first two places that I normally hunt had been cleaned out weeks ago.
The unfortunate thing about a shed season. Nobody effen cares. Laws never work and never will.





"When you take your deer to the taxidermist, you have to have a permit. When you take your meat to the butcher, you have to have a permit."

This is the problem it's a shed not an animal I'm not shooting it I'm not going to eat it stop trying to justify a shed license to sale!

It sounds like you got beat and your pissed about it?
Got beat? No, I still pick up sheds. I'm just sick of all these states implementing regulations that they can't enforce. There is a small percentage left of us that still abide by the rules, and that number is dwindling down each year. I hate to add more regulation, but what else do you do if they keep these seasons in place? Things are getting worse, so how can we make them better? IMO the MONEY is a huge factor that could help the situation. So that's where my thoughts are headed on this. How can we make shed hunting enjoyable and fair again? If sheds are not worth the time, fuel, miles, and effort people are putting into them, many people wont do it anymore. Regulate the money aspect, and you won't even need seasons anymore.
Plenty of people trying to do it for the money but with so many people doing it now not many of them are making a big profit!

Look at shedcrazy he thinks he is a professional full time shed hunter and he is driving around the country in a POS van trying to pay his bill off YouTube videos.
Themaddness said: "Laws never work and never will."

I'm guessing you were high when you wrote this.? Or are you an actual Anarchist..?

The enforcement of ALL laws is predicated on citizens reporting crimes, then law enforcement gets involved. Shed seasons are no different. Its not about a DNR officer driving by when someone is bringing out poached sheds... its about citizens reporting them. The real problem.? Average Joe's don't have the stones to turn in "friends" or family.
Themaddness said: "Laws never work and never will."

I'm guessing you were high when you wrote this.? Or are you an actual Anarchist..?

The enforcement of ALL laws is predicated on citizens reporting crimes, then law enforcement gets involved. Shed seasons are no different. Its not about a DNR officer driving by when someone is bringing out poached sheds... its about citizens reporting them. The real problem.? Average Joe's don't have the stones to turn in "friends" or family.
Name one law that has prevented a crime.
Name one law that has prevented a crime.
This argument is a fallacy. It is impossible to even know, let alone track how many crimes were averted due to the act being illegal... the VAST MAJORITY of people obey laws, like 93% of people dont commit any crimes, while 99.6% never commit a violent crime.

I think what you actually mean is that laws don't prevent all crime. This is true and always will be. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have and enforce laws where possible...

It does sound like you might actually be an anarchist though, so I doubt we'll find any common ground. ?
The shed hunting ban only affects the honest guy. That's a fact. I hate the ban but felt it was probably necessary this year especially in northern Utah. The only way to even slow down some of these guys that feel they are above the law is to put some real consequences in place. This goes for poaching as well.
1st offense: $1000 fine and 1-year loss of hunting, fishing, trapping rights and ability to apply in the draws for a point.
2nd offense: $2500 fine and 5-year loss of hunting, fishing, trapping and no points, 10 days in jail at their expense.
3rd offense: $10,000 Fine and lifetime hunting, fishing, trapping ban.

You do that, and I guarantee 99% of people will not chance it. 1% are just too stupid and greedy to not chance it.

Now I know this is never going to happen, so we are all just going to have to live with getting screwed by the system.
The shed hunting ban only affects the honest guy. That's a fact. I hate the ban but felt it was probably necessary this year especially in northern Utah. The only way to even slow down some of these guys that feel they are above the law is to put some real consequences in place. This goes for poaching as well.
1st offense: $1000 fine and 1-year loss of hunting, fishing, trapping rights and ability to apply in the draws for a point.
2nd offense: $2500 fine and 5-year loss of hunting, fishing, trapping and no points, 10 days in jail at their expense.
3rd offense: $10,000 Fine and lifetime hunting, fishing, trapping ban.

You do that, and I guarantee 99% of people will not chance it. 1% are just too stupid and greedy to not chance it.

Now I know this is never going to happen, so we are all just going to have to live with getting screwed by the system.
And give the first guy to call that leads to conviction the antlers. Then shed hunter “hunting” can be the next thing.
This argument is a fallacy. It is impossible to even know, let alone track how many crimes were averted due to the act being illegal... the VAST MAJORITY of people obey laws, like 93% of people dont commit any crimes, while 99.6% never commit a violent crime.

I think what you actually mean is that laws don't prevent all crime. This is true and always will be. That doesn't mean we shouldn't have and enforce laws where possible...

It does sound like you might actually be an anarchist though, so I doubt we'll find any common ground. ?
I have a masters degree in criminology. What about you? So 93% of people don't speed? Roll through stop signs? Pop pills? Cheat on Taxes? Jump the closed border?
It's reality. People don't give a damn.

Sure I have a belief in the inherently good But hunting sheds during a closed season could be considered a victimless crime. Who did it hurt? It hurt the honest guy? Really how? What type of loss did the honest guy suffer?
I have my own opinion. You have yours.
You Wanna Add That To HELL-F'N-RIGHT?:D

The shed hunting ban only affects the honest guy. That's a fact. I hate the ban but felt it was probably necessary this year especially in northern Utah. The only way to even slow down some of these guys that feel they are above the law is to put some real consequences in place. This goes for poaching as well.
1st offense: $1000 fine and 1-year loss of hunting, fishing, trapping rights and ability to apply in the draws for a point.
2nd offense: $2500 fine and 5-year loss of hunting, fishing, trapping and no points, 10 days in jail at their expense.
3rd offense: $10,000 Fine and lifetime hunting, fishing, trapping ban.

You do that, and I guarantee 99% of people will not chance it. 1% are just too stupid and greedy to not chance it.

Now I know this is never going to happen, so we are all just going to have to live with getting screwed by the system.
I've Never Sped!

Not Very Much any way!:D

I have a masters degree in criminology. What about you? So 93% of people don't speed? Roll through stop signs? Pop pills? Cheat on Taxes? Jump the closed border?
It's reality. People don't give a damn.

Sure I have a belief in the inherently good But hunting sheds during a closed season could be considered a victimless crime. Who did it hurt? It hurt the honest guy? Really how? What type of loss did the honest guy suffer?
I have my own opinion. You have yours.
Sounds like the best thing to do after reading all these threads is just get out in March and April if you actually wanna pick up sheds.
My thoughts...need a resident and or non-resident shed license..all state seasons start on same date...keeping pressure down on certain was like opening day of pheasent season around LaBarge...everybody scattered out in unison going thru the sage-brush..

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