On a similar post in the Elk Forum, I complained that the non-resident was getting screwed again, and we are, especially for those with a boat load of points. Airborne replied like he was butt-shot. He went on to say I should "just go hunting" and quit my crying. Like many others, my frustration lies in the fact that no bonus early rifle tags exist in most of the units. When I heard that more hunts were being proposed this year, I figured it meant some bonus round hunts. But still, that is not the case. Those new hunts are mid-season hunts. When I first started applying for Elk in Utah, back in 1982, I was focused on the Monroe unit, since I had hunted Mule deer there for the first time and saw giant Elk. For the first 8-10 years in was all random draws, until the state went with a bonus point system. I started playing that game too, hoping to get lucky someday and draw a tag. But when SFW got involved with Fish & Game, there went the bonus draw for Monroe. I primarily stuck with Monroe, since I was so familiar with the unit, having hunted deer there 12-15 times over the years. Occasionally, I would flip to the Filmore/Pahvant, but lady luck never looked down on me. When I first applied, I had two young kids; now I have 3 grandkids. Over those years, I have had my fair share of medical issues to deal with. Last year I could only put in for points due to a 3rd back surgery and being at the tail end of dealing with Prostate cancer. So, each year it gets harder and harder, physically. My dream is to hunt Elk, in the rut, with a rifle, in a premium unit, but Utah has made it next to impossible, unless I head to Salt Lake City with a suitcase full of cash, and by and auction tag. I have 27 points going in for this year's draw, and still no real chance at the Monroe or the Pavant. Time is getting short. I think I will go cry Airborne a river again.