What's your closest shot ever on a bull elk?


Founder Since 1999
Question of the day ... What's the closest shot you've ever taken at a bull elk?

Would love to hear the story too! Did you bugle him in? Was it from a treestand or blind? Pure "right place at right time"? Did you get him? Or miss? Pictures would be cool too!

I don't have much of a story because I've only killed one bull...a spike at about 70 yards. Nothing real exciting. Just walked into him in the junipers.
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My first archery bull was less than 5 yards, walked into him in some tight christmas trees, fluke of luck. My son's got me beat, his was roughly 2 yards, his 1st archery bull on his first day of elk hunting ever, I called it past him as he hid behind a pine tree - he was 12. Both elk were 6X6 bulls - taken in Montana on public land backpack hunts.
My closest opportunity was about 2 yards. I didn't shoot as he came in so fast I didn't get drawn in time and didn't want to move with him that close. Not sure how close my closest kill was... maybe 10 yards. I have had clients kill them much closer.
When I was a younger bowhunter my brother called a bull in for me. The bull came in so fast that all I could do was kneel down right in the trail The bull came down the trail and stopped so close that I was looking up at him, 2 yards tops. I was already at full draw and as I tried to shoot him right in the chest all I could think of is him lunging right on top of me. As I released the arrow, I rolled to the side at the same time. I guess I panicked a little and actually stuck the bull right in the big knuckle of his shoulder. Obviously I didn't recover him.

8 feet. Full gallop. Thank God for the longbow.
10 yards on a meat bull with a 30.06. I had missed two nice bulls earlier that same day. Hunting with my uncles pump action 30.06, which apparently had a bumped scope because the first two bulls were within 100 yards and I still missed.

I went to my usual evening ambush spot to lick my wounds and let the tears dry up from previous elk encounters when right at last light, out of the dark timber crashes a herd of elk with one rag horn. They fed quartering toward me. I let the cows walk right by me with wind in my favor. I figured I had no chance to kill that bull at 80 yards and did not want to risk wounding him and having to track him down into the thick dark timbered hell hole, so I let him walk right up to me. He was close enough to hear every breath. One neck shot, and no ruined meat! Was happy to bring closure to a hunt with a crappy weapon. I had my 300 RUM but it was back at camp, a seven mile hike out. I was in the middle of elk everywhere I went and didn’t want to leave the area that day. My plan was to finish out the day with 30.06 and grab the 300 for the rest of hunt.

After the hunt I swapped out the 1960’s weaver scope and had it ready for the following year. Lesson learned.
My 2020 Wyoming archery bull pulled up sideways to me at 9 1/2 yards. After starting the draw and him flinching to a stop.... not exactly sure what happened after 1/2 draw :)

Right as I was thinking WTF was that, he did a back flip over a log and off some rocks out of sight. Needless to say I've never seen a bull die so fast and shoot out so much blood.

Never moved a muscle again and was laying 33 yards from where I was standing when I shot. Sometimes it's a crazy world that goes your way. Most of the time.... not so much :)

Cheers, Pete



pete's 2020 bull.jpg
40 yards with 270WSM. It was during the rut, the bull was moving in timber and being harassed by satellite bulls. I was following and moving as fast as I could. After more than a mile of "chasing" the bugles, I finally got slightly ahead of what I thought was the herd bull. Of course, there were three satellite bulls between me and where I could hear him. I was spent, so just decided to sprint to an open spot where I thought the bull would pass by. Those satellite bulls just looked at me like I was crazy. I got to the slot in the timber, kneeled down and then the cows starting trotting by one by one through the opening. Figured I had about 1 second to decide when the bull passed. And passed he did...

2021, AZ, Under 20, probably 15 or so yards. He was above me and I had adjuted my single to 30 yards where I leave it while hunting. I knew he was closer but had no time to range and draw I held low but still with the angle the arrow broke his spine. Iron Will 125 solid with the collar, tough head.
image elk.png
About 15 ft. Cow called him through some tall buck brush. All I saw was tips over the brush and when he popped out I was at full draw. Shot him right in the chest
About 12 paces , we were cleaning a cow my buddy shot in a little hole towards this place we call profile rock, I heard some hooves hitting the dirt coming our way I figured :) we had three guys working this cow over, get it hung & back to hunting, well 3 cows jumped into our lap at 10 yards, freaked out and ran down hill. I dropped my knife for the rocker.

Mr bull in tow was late to the party & came out below them and stood broadside wondering where the ladies went? Called out. Gave my buddy first chance but he was still scrambling. Dead to rights with crosshairs in nothing but neck hair and we moved packs and gear 20 yards . Neck shot
Hang two.

Geez…. there just HAS to be a story or two of someone touching or getting trampled by an elk. 2 yards?? less?? crazy stuff.
Closest was this last season 8ish yards. Played cat and mouse with him for about 45 min. Finally got right below him and had a hunting partner cow call him right to my feet, had to come to full draw and wait for him to clear a tree which felt like forever, but double lunged him and it was all over. The moment was so surreal!
8-10 yards with muzzleloader. Had a group of five elk get turned around at the end of a push and the lead cow drug them right past me. I was hoping the 5x5 rag horn bull that was at the end would get to me before the cows seen or smelled me as they passed and ended up behind me. Luckly he followed in their tracks and I was froze in position before the first cow approached and stayed there until he came through the same spot.
Not more than four or five yards. I was working my up a ridgeline with a round open slope of grass to the south and dense trees dropping off steeply on the north side, and stopped at a little opening or trail where I could see down into the dark timber to kneel down, rest, and let out a call. Next thing remember a spike elk came climbing up the steep trail, head down, right at me and by the time I got my arrow pulled back he saw me blocking the opening above him and started spinning around. The timing was perfect and I instinctively loosed the arrow into the body without really using my pins as I recall. I He could hear him crashing down through the timber and heard a few moaning calls and bugles, over the next ten minute, I guess, then it got very quiet. I knew it wspas dead or nearly so, but tried to wait long enough to be sure. It was easy enough to track the hooves, but it would have been hard to follow the blood without the hoof trail. I found him pilled up in a ravine a few hundred yards maybe from the top. My arrow was vertically centered, but I did not for his movement so it was a bit too far back. It was my first and only elk with bow.
22 yds broadside. Double lung shot. He took off. 20 minutes later I hear a cough in the trees and here he comes walking back toward me. He laid down under a juniper and died about 5 minutes later. He was 160 yards away and about 50 yards from a 2-track.

As Pete (c3) said, sometimes things just go your way. Usually not though. lol
Geez…. there just HAS to be a story or two of someone touching or getting trampled by an elk. 2 yards?? less?? crazy stuff.
Well, never killed one at that distance, but...

On the same hunt as the my bull above, my son also got a great bull. Me, a buddy of mine and my son were cow calling from about 40 yards apart. One of the cows came down first. That dang cow kept sniffing and slowly walked right up to my buddy- and I mean nose to nose. He easily could have swatted her on the snout. My buddy finally couldn't take it and flinched- causing that cow to burst back towards where the bull was.

Fortunately, that bull was so cranked up he walked right out in the open where my son had a clear shot.
A more scary story… shot a mountain lion while predators calling under 9’… scary crap… Then another one I had a bobcat come in from behind jump over my back and land in lap knocking gun off my sticks and taking the glove off my hand…
My dad found himself in one of these cat situations hunting elk on the Pahvant. Cat came at him from about 60 yards, full kill mode. Dad shot him in the chest at about 2 yards. With a bow… that was 15 years ago. He’s still scared of the dark.
Not mine but…one of my best friends shot a bull during an archery hunt in the Unitas. The bull was called in. He was able to draw as the bull turned his head to look at another bugle. He was convinced the arrow started to enter the chest before it left the rest. It was less than a yard. Super cool to watch and it was his first archery bull.
Mine was a spike less than 20 yards with a 300wsm.

Guess you could say it was spot and stalk. After seeing a few elk dissappear into the trees I went after them. Not long after I saw the spike coming in from my left. I had just enough time to make sure my scope was turned down and put my ear plugs in. One shot and 10 yards later he was on the ground. It all happened so fast. As I walked up to him, his hind legs almost kicked me in the face with his last breathe.
mine was a 6x7 coming up a slope following a cow that I could have arrowed without using a bow and the bull came over the rise at maybe 20 feet and I hit him to the right of his left shoulder and it came out on his right side rump with a 300 win,
No pics but memories of a lifetime. It's 11am and bugles were still hot and heavy. I got close, see legs moving underneath the trees , pulled the bow and ready for the shot in the lane I had....of course it was a cow and she turned walking straight at me up the lane. Im at full draw when I see/HEAR the herd bull 5 yds to my left. I slowly pivoted to get a shot at the bull , cow obviously saw me and stopped, so did the bull. He was a STUD, 10-12 inch kicker and a 350 type frame. All I could see was his rack and head / neck . I passed that shot hoping something good would happen but it wasn't to be . He turned and walked out the way he came . Nothing compares to being bugled at 5 yards away. Its not always about the harvest.
Had numerous encounters under 5 yards, but haven't closed the deal. Most were years ago before I knew frontal shots were even a thing. Hunting solo with that close of encounter can get tricky, or I'm just terrible in the moment! lol.
Last one was a 6x at four yards and needed two more steps to clear the brush. Used cow calls after he busted out that didn't stop him in range-should have used a nervous grunt instead. So last one was definitely on my mistake.
South Cox with Stalker Stick bows has the best footage I've ever seen with 5ft bull...then he did it again the next year! Both have been entries on Full Draw Tour so I got to see it on a big screen to boot. Just unreal footage and top end quality!
Shot a bull at 30 yards. I spot and stalked him from about 200-300 yards. He was raking his horns and tearing up a tree so I was able to get in on him even though I had to cross about 60 yards of shell rock.
My closest shot on a bull was 351 yards. Had many close calls in archery season but was never able to get a shot one a target bull. Had one big bull so close my arm was shaking so bad I couldn't get my release hooked in my D loop!
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Only killed one, and only shot at one, so the answer would be 347 yards. It was my first elk hunt, and it was with an outfitter.

The evening before the hunt, the outfitter with all the guides came into the cabin to pair everyone up. He asked "which one of you is the marathon runner?" I said me. He then said, "well, you're going with him." The tallest, leanest guide, who was taller, leaner, and about 20 years younger than me!

To make a long story short, base camp was about 8500 ft. Next morning, in the dark, we drove to the trailhead, then climbed, and climbed, and when the trail ended, we climbed and climbed some more, to about 11,000 feet. At daybreak, we were about 600 yards from the elk. Told him I wasn't comfortable with that shot, and my limit was 400 yards. So we climbed some more.

Killed the elk about an hour into the season. Caped him and took one load back. Took us until about 4-5 o'clock. The next day, went back with horses to get the rest. Got back to camp about 4 o'clock . It was a haul but thoroughly enjoyed it.
Not sure if you can access this link but it's a video I made with my phone while guiding an archery elk hunter.
I called this bull literally right into our laps, he could have lunged and stabbed the bull.

My dad found himself in one of these cat situations hunting elk on the Pahvant. Cat came at him from about 60 yards, full kill mode. Dad shot him in the chest at about 2 yards. With a bow… that was 15 years ago. He’s still scared of the dark.
So then what happened at two yards and the cat at full speed and shot with a bow? I assume it wasn’t a brain shot
Heard a bugle about a mile away and went to take a look.
The area was THICK THICK. Couldnt help but be noisy.
The Bull mustve thought we were other Elk and sounded off about 25 to 30 yards from us so we froze and waited. Major rush having bumbled in to him and sounding off like that. Had to wait for him to move off to about 35 yards for a shot with a rifle.

Got my first archery Bull 2 years ago at 35 yards....my first and only arrow ever shot an Elk so not sure if I should keep archery Hunting....lol

Last year 95 yards with my Dads old 30 30 open sights and dropped in his tracks....that was cool!
Not sure if you can access this link but it's a video I made with my phone while guiding an archery elk hunter.
I called this bull literally right into our laps, he could have lunged and stabbed the bull.

It says "this video is no longer available".
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I don't have an account. That's probably the issue. I'm sure it's a cool video though.
Closest bow kill 3 yards 6x6...all my bulls jave been 6x6's and a 6x7 and shot under 30 yards, bow kills. Only spiike I've ever killed has been my furthest 51 yards. I've called them all in with cow calls.
Closest muledeer was my 1st bow kill ever 4 yards. Have only called in 1 muley buck killed him at 20 yards doe bleats and a couple grunts.
Closest bow bears, actually have only taken 2, killed one at 21 yards and 52, both heart shots, called them in with lost calf calls.
10 yards and I was 15 with my Dad, my brother and a friend of my Dad named John Stinson. We were hunting up high near Cayuse Creek
high above Jerry Johnson Licks on Lolo Pass. It was a packout without horses. My Brother, my Dad and I. One quarter at a time with my Dad taking out the head. No pack for the quarters- my Dad cut straps in the hide. I would give up a chance in the Henry's for Deer just to have pictures of all that on the Mountain back in 1974. All I have is a picture of the head when we got home. I want the kill shot and pics of all of us struggling to carry it out. It should have been boned out. My Dad didn't know how tough I was for 15. I think I weighed 178 and 6'2" at that hunt. Just got fired up and I hiked for 3 miles straight up. I didn't like the meat on that rutted bill. Dad didn't make anything other than pan frying with that animal- just steaks and burgers.
After silent stalking then cow calling then one squeal bugle, this 350” came in to ten yards, where I shot with my bow in heavy cover. He did not know what happened. Just walked a few yards and laid down right in front of me to expire. Can’t imagine those who shot from two yards.

Unit 16 B , my guide called this bull in and my shot was less than 5 feet with frontal shot , the elk went ten yards and flipped over backwards, I remember his eyes turning white when the arrow hit him .
2 yard shot on a rag horn, self defense. He was getting ready to come out of some brush into a clear shooting lane at 30 yards, bow drawn while kneeling, I let out a cow call to stop him. He immediately turned and started running straight towards me. If I would have dove to the left instead of the right I would have been stepped on. 40 yards of the most impressive blood trail I have ever seen. It happened so fast, but it seemed like it was happening in slow motion.


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