How many over 190


Very Active Member
Playing off the other post a little and this should be much easier to count. Everyone talks about the 200” mark but I think 190 is the magical number. Not many bucks roaming the hills that hit that mark imo. How many bucks have you killed that GROSS over 190”. Share the pics too if you like.

For me…..4 bucks over 190”.
I agree that the 190 mark is hard to reach. It seem that the most common big bucks fall between the 175-185 mark.

I have several in that range and just a couple shy of 190.

I only have one that is over the 190 mark and he broke the 200 net mark and the 30 inch mark. That probably won't happen to me again. He is my avatar photo.



When I was younger the B&C minimum for a typical book entry was 185. A 190 buck is rare indeed. In 50+ years of mule deer hunting, I've only taken one...a 200"typical. My son was blessed to also kill one this year.
I'll show mine if you show yours marley.
uh....he did
One for me barely if you take the green score. His green score was 190 6/8” but after he dried out he is short of 190”. I still count it and I will likely never kill one better than him, my dad warned me that I would be hunting the rest of my life to beat this deer. I did not believe him at the time, it has been 18 years since he said those words and he is right up to this point. I killed the buck on a OTC general unit and it is an amazing memory that I will never forget. Fun post. Thanks.


I've killed two. Both since 2015. One of my hunting friends has killed five since 2012. All Utah general season public land bucks. That's why it cracks me up when guys like elka$$ constantly complain about no big bucks left and always blaming the dwr for not seeing any. You want to kill big bucks, go where the big bucks live.
Playing off the other post a little and this should be much easier to count. Everyone talks about the 200” mark but I think 190 is the magical number. Not many bucks roaming the hills that hit that mark imo. How many bucks have you killed that GROSS over 190”. Share the pics too if you like.

For me…..4 bucks over 190”.
2 for me.196 and 193, one on a fake skull after the skull plate broke. Have another that’s just barely under, 188ish. I’ve spent the last few years working my a** off to break 200 and passed a buck this year in CO that I shouldn’t have, that was probably low-mid 90’s 4 point. Wish I could have that one back ?

1, the one on the left in my avatar. The one on the right is just barely short of 190. Lots of 160’s and a few 170’s but 180+ is a little tougher to come by. Was a meat hunter for to long I guess? Now that I can hold out I can’t get after it quite as hard as I used to ( old age, knee replacements, ankle replacements, bad back etc.). But I keep trying ?
Only 1 for me. Have a couple that are close but only 1 went over 190. After I shot and could really look at him through the spotter I thought he might hit the lucky 2 but no width will kill that quick haha.
Couple things for me......170 is my magical number. I haven't hit it yet unless you count elk.

Secondly, notice how many guys names you don't recognize... but once score is brought up, they've come out of the woodwork.

To you guys that have multiple huge bucks.....I commend you. Most of us don't have the ability, patience and drive to do what you've done.

Here's a picture of my biggest buck....I've got one more that is may be within a few inches of him. Any guess on what he'd score? 155"ish?

Zero for me but it's not for lack of trying.
My lifetime hunting goal is a 190" MD.
I'm no spring chicken, so the pressure is on.
When I was younger the B&C minimum for a typical book entry was 185. A 190 buck is rare indeed. In 50+ years of mule deer hunting, I've only taken one...a 200"typical. My son was blessed to also kill one this year.

View attachment 100227
We gotta see Spence's buck!!!??? Congrats to you guys. One of these days I'm up there I need to come see that buck in person!
I don’t ever measure mine (cause I’d just mess it up) but I might have a couple legitimate ones. If you never actually measure them they can score whatever you want in your mind. Haha!

Thanks for sharing all the awesome pics. Cheers to many more for the MM community!View attachment 100279
You mind posting a picture of that nutty looking bull in the lower left of your picture?
1 for me with a handful in the mid 180's.

At my age it should have been more but the deer took a hard backseat while I was concentrating on a dozen sheep. During which time it became more of a family affair as I raised 5 kids to hunt. Not exactly an excuse, just a fact....and I wouldn't change a thing!!!!

Mentoring grandkids has been on the plate the last 5 years.

1 for me with a handful in the mid 180's.

At my age it should have been more but the deer took a hard backseat while I was concentrating on a dozen sheep. During which time it became more of a family affair as I raised 5 kids to hunt. Not exactly an excuse, just a fact....and I wouldn't change a thing!!!!

Mentoring grandkids has been on the plate the last 5 years.

How many jack rabbits have you put to sleep west of town? I bet over 190! How many bullets shot and reloaded? I bet over 190, don't short change yourself Zeke.
Only one for me - 195.5. Hunted him for 7 days straight before he finally made a mistake.


IMG_0841 (2).PNG

I should have two. I chased this buck for three years with my bow in my home state of SD where 190+ bucks are very rare on public land. Only saw him twice and got within 100 yards both times but couldn't close the deal. He was over the 200 mark and over 29" inside though.


I can honestly say that I have probably only seen about 8 bucks over 190 in my life.
A lot of really nice bucks - congratulations to those of you that have posted your pictures. Isn't 190 the magic number to get a permanent slot in the Record Books?
A lot of really nice bucks - congratulations to those of you that have posted your pictures. Isn't 190 the magic number to get a permanent slot in the Record Books?
Typical category, net score, yes 190 will put you in the all time B&C book. It is not easy. I have only seen one in my life that would have made it and to my knowledge no one killed him.
A lot of really nice bucks - congratulations to those of you that have posted your pictures. Isn't 190 the magic number to get a permanent slot in the Record Books?
190 net, for a typical most of the bucks posted probably would not net 190. But I still feel 190 is a special bar to hit even with a gross score.

230 net for a non-typical to make the book.

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