Bighorns= Lightening strikes twice


Very Active Member
In 2004 I drew a bighorn tag and the hunt literally changed my life. Not only was it the best hunt and the day I took him the best day of my life it changed many things. I didn't know I could write a thing but had just got a computer and started writing it. The story ended up in several different magazine and the ones that actually pay. It literally changed my life, I have had my share of success over the years but my ram was my number one guy. I became obsessed with sheep but knew in most likely reality that was going to be it but it was fun to play what if. Well that silver coin of fate landed on it edge again and I drew another ram tag in the same unit as 2004 again this year, I was God smacked and floored at the same time. Then reality set in. 20 years ago it had kicked my ass big time when I was much younger and in top shape and last I looked those mountains didnt get any flatter and the high altitude air any richer. I knew It was going to be an amazing journey and but didn't imagine just how amazing it would be. A couple 2004 pics

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Colorado post info on kill sites and horn size and age for all the bighorns taken in the state. I knew the unit had taken down turn quality and animal numbers. The rams were in the 28-31 inch range and about six years old. Last year out of the blue Big ram was taken Biggest in decades But they had 8 tags in 2004 and down to just two rifle tags and one bow tag now. they also mention the kill location and my old kill site never mentioned. It is hard place to get to and out of and I was thinking maybe it had gone under the radar and maybe a ram(s) could grow big down there. My unit lets you drive to the top of a 14, 000 ft mtn and then drop DOOOOOOOOOWWWWN this is the start of the 2300 foot drop and the bench in the photo where I took my 2004 ram

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Did lots of scouting and found some rams but had heard rumor there were three big rams left over from last rysar a hunter took the forth in that group for the biggest ram taken in the unit in decades...that got my attention this was the best one I had found but not the one I really wanted but a cool ram in the right age think 8-10 maybe. I had been really working hard on my hiking aerobic stuff and although it was all hard and at altitude was pretty happy with my hiking at 62
In 2004 I drew a bighorn tag and the hunt literally changed my life. Not only was it the best hunt and the day I took him the best day of my life it changed many things. I didn't know I could write a thing but had just got a computer and started writing it. The story ended up in several different magazine and the ones that actually pay. It literally changed my life, I have had my share of success over the years but my ram was my number one guy. I became obsessed with sheep but knew in most likely reality that was going to be it but it was fun to play what if. Well that silver coin of fate landed on it edge again and I drew another ram tag in the same unit as 2004 again this year, I was God smacked and floored at the same time. Then reality set in. 20 years ago it had kicked my ass big time when I was much younger and in top shape and last I looked those mountains didnt get any flatter and the high altitude air any richer. I knew It was going to be an amazing journey and but didn't imagine just how amazing it would be. A couple 2004 pics

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Your smile says it all! Have fun and best wishes to your 2022 success!
LBH I was able to select some really great days for scouting. A week of rain and a few day of sunshine that as you know that high country explodes with life. Yep the sky was that blue.....
Gadjet, Thanks that ram is my number one guy. Hous ei on fire and I can only grab one mount he is the guy! I can tell you its not S-9 but not going to name it straight out in respect for other people trying to draw.
There is a long....about five miles... super gnarly road to get to about half of the unit and the base of the mountain I was interested in. I use to have a 2001 Toyota 4x4 with and off road package that was an ANIMAL. It barely made it on my other hunt and subsequent visit for hiking over the years...That truck got squished in a wreck and no way my full size Dodge even thinks about this road.I really needed a four wheeler never needed one in the past. A buddy who is a big electronic bike hunter offered up one of his rigs to use. Only by the grace of God and I still live and didnt break myself and had about 6 pretty hard wrecks. I ended up walking it many times but even the less gnarly stuff you hit this dip and it throws you this way and then that and down you go So back in the ATV market

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Writing the magazine story and thought I would just cut and paste this passage...really glad I did this...from now on I will have it as my go to knife...havalon as a back up if need be

In a grassy basin I found a hardened, whitened leg bone that had been sawed cross wise. I liked the feel of it in my hand as I hiked. I thought what else up here than sheep and I imagined, rightly I think, a big ram that was being caped for a life sized mount might leave such a bone. Something told me to keep it and thought it would make a good knife handle that carried a little of the magic of the mountain. I decided that a knife I cut into my ram needs to be a real knife of steel and bone with a honed edge and I had to put it together. It had to be the vessel of the Spirit of the Ram. The efficiency of disposable knife's are undeniable, but not this time. I took a Norwegian hand forged blade I had, I did a bit of copper casting for the hilt and and cross hatched the leg bone and put it all together. I wanted it to look that might come from mountain mans practicals. Before the hunt I fiddled with the knife imagining what it might do its, weight and purpose felt just right. It was razor sharp and ready.

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Ran roads like that years ago. After a few days my arms were sore. Bought a SxS before the next season.
Did lots of scouting and research and was getting even more of a feel for the unit than on my first hunt. I live in Denver and to get where I needed to do most of my scouting from was about six hours away. So I was doing overnight trips Lots of hard work, trained to go as hard as I could at 62 for two weeks...and was looking at the unit as wisely as I could. Some big blessings and it all came together Lightening had struck again and I couldn't be more thrilled with this guy. Both of my ram days are tied for the best days of my life. With bases a bit over 16 he was broomed on both sides one a two finger broom and the other four inches back and three finger broom. He was a big bodied ram and heavily muscled and loads of fat on butchering. The whole experience from top to bottom was the best hunt ever and a giant blessing

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Very few, even dedicated, hunters have one heavy old Rocky Ram to their credit. You have two! I would say that makes you very blessed when it comes to Rocky Rams.
Thanks for including us in your epic quest.
Well done Ted!
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Very few, even dedicated, hunters have one heavy old Rocky Ram to their credit. You have two! I would say that makes you very blessed when it comes to Rocky Rams.
Thanks for including us in your epic quest.
Well done Ted!
LBH you are right when you say it was a blessing,,from drawing the tag through the hunt...lots of hard parts for sure but doors just kept opening..
Congrats on an awesome ram and a great adventure. A hunt of a lifetime, and you have had the chance to do two awesome Rocky hunts. Good job.
Definitely an amazing adventure. And to have it happen twice in a lifetime makes the second time a special adventure….to walk and relive the first hunt while hunting the same species is always a special time, and one that only the hunter can appreciate in detail and depth.

Congrats on another stud ram!
Definitely an amazing adventure. And to have it happen twice in a lifetime makes the second time a special adventure….to walk and relive the first hunt while hunting the same species is always a special time, and one that only the hunter can appreciate in detail and depth.

Congrats on another stud ram!
Thanks...there were some many best parts about this hunt but revisiting the animal and same country that changed my life 20 years ago was pretty amazing. I have hunted a lot had my share of success and disappointments...but I feel like God tossed me the ingredients for a perfect hunt and it was up to me to make it happen. It all unfolded pretty perfectly through lots of effort and struggle. As we all know that effort and struggle doesn't always pay off...this time it did. I had never seen the gang of rams he was with before. One other about 3/4 heavy horn and broom with a big chip out of the top of his horn and a heavy Dino=Ram with little curl but heavy horn but this guy stood out.
Amazing pictures and huge congrats! Sure you didn’t photoshop an elk body on those horns? Good God man , he is a monster!
Ha-ha he was a big animal and the most fat of any animal I ever cut up. in my unit the high country had lots of rain and sun for perfect condition for great feed,,,, the meat is tremendous, tender with a rich flavor. Had backstrap last night with some sautéed mushrooms...out of this world
Did lots of scouting and research and was getting even more of a feel for the unit than on my first hunt. I live in Denver and to get where I needed to do most of my scouting from was about six hours away. So I was doing overnight trips Lots of hard work, trained to go as hard as I could at 62 for two weeks...and was looking at the unit as wisely as I could. Some big blessings and it all came together Lightening had struck again and I couldn't be more thrilled with this guy. Both of my ram days are tied for the best days of my life. With bases a bit over 16 he was broomed on both sides one a two finger broom and the other four inches back and three finger broom. He was a big bodied ram and heavily muscled and loads of fat on butchering. The whole experience from top to bottom was the best hunt ever and a giant blessing

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Thanks for taking us along. It brings such great memories back to life. Great pics,great story and perfect ending. The smile says it all.

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