Thanks Wyoming


Active Member
Hopefully we will be lucky to go again sooner than later




Well here is the story. The last few years I have been trying to get my dad and oldest son (15) out together as much as possible. My hunting has pretty much taken a back seat to them and my other kids which I am fine with. I will just keep building points and acting as there guide.

They did not have enough points to really draw a great unit but we put them in a pretty good unit and hoped maybe they could pull the tag on the random. They had roughly a 2% chance at the tag and we were pretty happy to get the results. None of us have ever been on a antelope hunt but knew it was going to be fun and they would get into lots of goats. I talked a few people that have hunted the unit and developed a plan for the hunt.

We decided to hunt the opener since both my boys have a Utah deer tag in a couple weeks and it would be easier not put those two hunts close together. I did my best to study up on scoring and what a good goat should have. I never thought it was going to be as hard as it was judging antelope. But man we struggled even with great equipment. Tell those inches between 73 and 76 or 76 and 78 was just really hard for us. If we are lucky again I am sure we would do a little better with scoring.

Loaded the truck Wednesday evening and head out with my Dad, sons and uncle. The drive somehow turned into a lot longer than what map quest said but by Thursday afternoon we made it and set up camp on a nice piece of BLM. Packed the ice chest and headed out to check a few spots we had marked. We had tons of BLM so finding land was not a problem. Now the rain that fell Thursday made things pretty interesting once we got of the main roads. Note to anyone: Wyoming mud is no joke. By the end of Thursday we had two bucks marked that where worth going after.
We spent most of Friday driving the unit. I lost count of the number of antelope but I think it was well over 150 does and roughly 60 bucks for the day. There was one portion in the northeast that we just did not have time to scout. We made it back to camp at dark and made plans for the morning. Over two days in the unit we did not see another hunter. I had to keep checking the Wyoming site to make sure it actually opened on Saturday. It was crazy not seeing anyone. As we ate dinner my son decided that he want to go after a buck called 3 prong. He was a cool buck with tons of character but I really had no clue what he would score. I told my son it was his tag and once the bullet is sent his hunt was over so he had to make the decision if was happy with the buck and that score really did not matter. I was pretty sure it would score around 75 and it’s character is what made it stand out. After we made a play on 3 prong we would head about 15miles down the road and make a go at a really nice buck for my dad. This buck had really good prongs and had great curl. We were not sure about the mass but he was the biggest buck we had seen in over 60 bucks.
Very nice!
Congrats on the fun, and wildly successful hunt.
They're one of my favorites to hunt and by far my wife's favorite to eat.

Hopefully I can finish this. Been hitting curve balls the last couple days with life.

My son really wanted to go after 3 prong and so we decided to be at the spot 30mins before light and start sneaking in as the sun came up. My dad would drop down about a mile and come in from the south and hopefully push them towards us. Right at 1st light we spot what we thought was 3 prong looking right at us about 400 yards away. He was facing us and with the low light we could not make him out. We let him feed over the ridge and tried to cut the distance. By the time we got there he was working his way on to private. I have read a lot on antelope and knew he would be back at some point so we gave up the chase and towards my dad. We were able to get on a few more bucks along the way but my son passed on all of them. Judging antelope on the move is really hard. I knew none of them blew us away but I really wish I could find away to stop them and get my hands on their horns to see if I was close. I hate the fact that the chances of us getting another tag is not great in the next few years. I feel we could have a better understanding of what to look for and how to hunt them a little better. But it is what it is. Hopefully luck plays out in the random again.

We got in the truck around 10:00 and head out to a few other spots we had marked. We got into the area and right away started spotting bucks. After awhile we finally turned up what I thought was the best goat we had seen. Sure enough they were often to the races the minute we stopped. We spotted them about a mile away and check onx for the best way in after a little two tracking we had a hill between us and them. My dad and Uncle took a ditch straight to them and we wrapped around the back side. The plan worked prefect and we had them at 200 yards and set up the sticks. Thats when all hell broke lose. Does started trying to get away and the buck takes off after them. Turns 200y into 400y in seconds and then back again with the rest of the group. We had him a few different times at 200y but either he was never clear or never board side. The few times we might have been able to get a shot he would take off running again after a doe trying to get away. Watching them was a cool experience but frustrating none the less. After all this they moved off and never offered a shot. We decided to get back in the truck and go take a look if 3 prong had made his way back.
We turn off the main road and out in the flat is 3 prong and 2 does. Roughly 800yards and bedded down facing us. The plan was to use a creek bottom and sneak into 200 yards for a shot. As we got ready the does decided to feed over the ridge and the buck soon followed. We hoped this would work in our favor as it gave us a clear path without being seen to close the difference but as we were starting to understand Antelope can cover ground quickly and as we crested the ridge they were another 800 yards away. Now we a decision to make stay put and hope the worked their way back or do a big loop and try to get above them. As we discussed what to do I noticed a doe working her way back to us. We got the gun on sticks and within a few seconds 3 prong emerged. Pretty simple shot at roughly a 100 yards and he shot over the buck. At this point the buck takes off and my son drops him on the run. He was pretty excited and we shared some man hugs and went to admire 3 prong. Great hunt and good memories

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