Goat hair


Active Member
I was wondering if anyone on here has shot a goat on the Uinta's early in the season and if so how was the hair? I'd like to wait until later but I dont dare so im going to take off from Sept 10 - Oct 11. Also if you have a mount post pictures!
Short hair goats look like lesbians. Best to wait till later. I suspect the only trophy on a goat is it’s hair. The meat isn’t that great, they are not that challenging to hunt, and their horns, well dang.

Goat hunting is like hog hunting at a bar. You have to do it once, but once is enough. We can shoot 4 a year up here OTC and I never plan on shooting another one in this lifetime, my next lifetime or the lifetime after that.

I’ll likely be reincarnated as a goat now. FML.
Uinta goat first weekend of hunt and another uitna goat shot the second weekend. One week.made a big difference in hair length.The longer you can wait the better. Longer Hair makes a better mount imo.

If you are looking for a guide in the Uintas call Rusty Farnwoth Outfitting in Mountain Home Utah. He is very successful on goats and knows thise units.

I will post pics of the lifesize mount when I can locate the pic.
Short hair goats look like lesbians. Best to wait till later. I suspect the only trophy on a goat is it’s hair. The meat isn’t that great, they are not that challenging to hunt, and their horns, well dang.

Goat hunting is like hog hunting at a bar. You have to do it once, but once is enough. We can shoot 4 a year up here OTC and I never plan on shooting another one in this lifetime, my next lifetime or the lifetime after that.

I’ll likely be reincarnated as a goat now. FML.
You can always donate me 3 of them dang spikes anyway ???

Uinta goat first weekend of hunt and another uitna goat shot the second weekend. One week.made a big difference in hair length.The longer you can wait the better. Longer Hair makes a better mount imo.View attachment 68807

View attachment 68808
Thanks for the pictures! I definitely would like the longer hair I'm just nervous to wait 1 because of weather and 2 I said I was willing to give up my wyo deer tag this year (that's hard for me to say) but if I can shoot one early I still have a chance for early season deer.
Lifesize goat mounts can be stunning, especially when long. My taxi friend Paul tells me good goat hair takes a ton of time combing out and fluffing. WHT_MTMAN's taxi took the time to make it look perfect, but I suspect it's a tempting target for everyone's grubby mitts!
Lifesize goat mounts can be stunning, especially when long. My taxi friend Paul tells me good goat hair takes a ton of time combing out and fluffing. WHT_MTMAN's taxi took the time to make it look perfect, but I suspect it's a tempting target for everyone's grubby mitts!

So true, and I bet they are a pain to keep clean/ dusted.
Nice goats guys! I have to agree that nothing beats a gorgeous, long haired goat.

Here in Colo the nannies are the last to shed their coats in spring (more protection for kids when born). Nannies are generally the last to grow long hair in the fall/winter. Billies and in particular older age class billies are the first to shed coats in spring and first to grow long hair in fall.

I've seen nannies here in Colo that still have scrag on their coats the first of October. In fact, that's often a quick and easy way to determine nanny/billies early in fall. Most mature billies have pretty long hair here in Colo by the 2nd week in October. I would expect the same in Utah.
I've been lucky & have drawn 2 goat tags. The first was a September hunt in Colorado. Second was in Idaho & harvested latter part of October. There's no comparison in the hair. I believe the hair does make the mount. Maybe play it by ear, you might get more trips to the mountain that way! They're fun to hunt, Enjoy!
But the taxidermist usually bleaches them so they are whiter than when you kill them. I was debating if I should bleach or not but since I live out in the middle of nowhere and have a lot of dust and I still use a wood stove for heat, I figured I would start with mine as white as possible.
I’m going to copy that mount, looks great!
Thanks. I looked at thousands of mounts and this was similar to one I found online. I had him alter a few things but most goat mounts I thought were just so so. I really like the way this one turned out.
Lot of taxidermy pics here.

I just got back from my 2nd goat hunt and this one was in BC. Absolutely amazing looking animals.


Short hair goats look like lesbians. Best to wait till later. I suspect the only trophy on a goat is it’s hair. The meat isn’t that great, they are not that challenging to hunt, and their horns, well dang.

Goat hunting is like hog hunting at a bar. You have to do it once, but once is enough. We can shoot 4 a year up here OTC and I never plan on shooting another one in this lifetime, my next lifetime or the lifetime after that.

I’ll likely be reincarnated as a goat now. FML.
but would you take me out for one?
you coming with? we could insult each other on the mountain the whole time. do a "live hunt troll addition" for MM! maybe even get founder to sponsor it
you coming with? we could insult each other on the mountain the whole time. do a "live hunt troll addition" for MM! maybe even get founder to sponsor it
Yeah no problem. I have my guide license. It would be a lot of fun. We can call in the mountain goats. I’m serious, they come in to calls.
I canned all meat comes out fantastic. Ground my wife’s a couple years ago into gourmet burgers with beef fat and blue cheese. Canned raw pack with salt pepper and garlic works best for me. Goat I shot last week 2/20, putting cape on Billy I shot 8/30/2011 couldn’t stand looking at short hair and crappy job taxidermist did, especially when it was next to my wife’s nanny (mid October)



If you guys could kindly email Wyo G&F and tell them to draw me this year so I can give an educated opinion on the hair that would greatly appreciated!!
If you guys could kindly email Wyo G&F and tell them to draw me this year so I can give an educated opinion on the hair that would greatly appreciated!!

The answer is on the unit we discussed is you hunt early. Come october with the big snows if you get them the goats vanish. From july to september they stay in particular areas. I would rather fill the tag than worry about some hair
I don’t know, but I think it would be REALLY hard to pick out a goat in a foot or two of snow.
Mt goats just don’t do it for me. Sadly I’ve agreed to guide 4 mt goat hunts this fall. At least I have a phone full of sheep pics for the spank bank.
I don’t know, but I think it would be REALLY hard to pick out a goat in a foot or two of snow.
It's actually pretty easy. Just look for their tracks and you can follow them back to the animal. Like others have said, they actually don't look much like snow at all.

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