I have found myself in quite a predicament. The good news is I’ve drawn a pretty good late muzzy deer tag, in the second draw no less. The problem is I’ve been striking out getting an Idaho muzzloader setup. Now I’m starting to get desperate. My original plan was to use an old knight I haven’t shot for 20+ years but in moving a couple times and just time passing apparently I’ve lost the original breach plug. So it has been 209 converted and I can’t find a #11 or musket cap version of the breach plug online. My second thought is I was going to borrow one from a friend but that gun also isn’t legal, so now I’m scrambling to find something. If anybody out there has an extra one or knows of one I would be happy to buy it. I’m not specifically looking for a “good” deal I would however like to not be raked over the coals. Bonus if it’s proven and has a load already worked up. Please let me know my hunt starts Nov 1. I’ll be in Idaho a couple times before my hunt on other hunts mostly in the south east part of the state. I’ll probably post up in the muzzy section as well
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance