Son notched his deer tag


Very Active Member
Son filled his deer tag with 20 minutes left in the season. We hunted 10 of the 17 day season. Found 4 bucks that met his standards. Put stalks on 3 of them, had 2 of them go south due to wind and wide open country. Had help from so many friends. Last two days were frustrating. We had an unbelievably hard time finding bucks those last two days. Had one dejected hunter on my hands.

Literally at the final hours my wife summoned up a couple friends and they spotted this buck in a basin my son and I had glassed for 5 hours the evening before. I will go to my grave saying this buck was not in this basin the day before. We happened to be close by glassing a different basin. Got to the top of the ridge at 6:00 pm and a few minutes later the boy made a clean 200 yd shot as the buck rose from his bed. Wife watched the buck in the spotter from the bottom of the basin. Said she saw the buck flinch, then saw red spot on his side, then saw him fall, then heard the shot. The boy went from positive he was not going to take a buck to a smile you couldn't slap off his face in the course of 2 hours. Seeing 29" on the tape measurer seemed to mean a lot to him.






Cannot thank my friends, Mike, Ryan, Will and off course my wife, enough. Its a big area and it was so cool to have others checking out spots as they had time. My son and I are fortunate to have such great friends.

Despite the mental and physical grind of potentially not filling a tag as the season is coming to an end it sure is rewarding when it all comes together in the final hours with such a beautiful buck.

Congrats to your son and kudos to your family and friends for the dedication and help in making sure his season was a success!

Good looking buck. Those are the funnest hunts when it all comes together. Sounds like your son learned a lesson on true friendship as well. Congrats
Way to hang in there, buck or not, so it’s awesome to see him rewarded for the effort. Might I say it’s so nice to read how the shots didn’t present due to conditions instead of the reports of multiple misses I often read on here. Congrats to son and parents!

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