Show your hanger in the wild


Active Member
I've been shed hunting over a year. I found only one hanging. A little forky mule horn. Show what suspended antler you found :)

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I first found this antler in a tree in 1984. Back then you could remove the antler with ease, not so much any more. Likely that some one else put it there a few years earlier
. I took the picture a few years ago and haven't been back since but I would bet it is still there.
Does this count? Found 4 previous years to this old buck. Never really grew that much. But was last week of march many years ago i found him like this. He always dropped late. Anywhere from april 1 to april 12th. Got stuck rubbing i guess. The ground showed a good struggle. Coyotes i am sure found him alive like this.
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I spotted this chalk from far away. My expert buddy told me it was likely discarded by a hunter loaded with browns. He looked over it thoroughly and determined it was on the ground for number of years. 5th and 6th tine tips were buried and rotted. There was some red on the bottom.

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My son found a real large dead mule deer buck, must had been wounded and died the previous season. It was laying up next to a dead Ponderoas Pine. Utah had just made it illegal to pick up dead heads and were still being difficult about giving the finder the skull/antlers. My son was bound and determined he was taking it home but I prevailed and we stuffed it high up in a thick juniper tree. It was the only tree within a quarter mile of the lookout location we were standing on. I’ve looked for the lookout a half dozen times since........ can’t find it.
i found a mule deer hanger on the wasatch front back in 2005 i was walking off the mountain and when i got to the bottom there was a brown 4 point floating in the air stuck to a piece of oak brush
It could be the picture I saw was from a couple of buddies that were packing in over a mountain pass through old gold mines
Here's my best "hanger", found in 2017. I'd hiked for hours, only found a small "whitey" muley shed. Walking down a wash, my gaze travelled up to a ridgetop- glassed it and confirmed. A nice bull had wrenched it off onto an old snag. I spent multiple trips in the area, trying to find the match to no avail.

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funny most freaks on here are just as excited about the ram deadhead as the possibility of gold! i found a big 4 pt buck shed in a tall sage bush the first time i set foot in CO unit 44. found the other side too. gave to my nephew . no pics/old computer that died

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