A couple tags filled ?


Very Active Member
Once again, Wyoming has been a good place for me to find success. This year, I had two gents apply with me, creating I hell of a friendship I didn’t know I’d ever find given the circumstances.

As most of you know, I live to be in the mountains just doing my thing. The anxiety, stress and worldly worry escapes me during this time. This year seemed to bring with it two fold of life’s trials.

My local hunting partner and I made multiple camping style scouting trips with his family and my boy Kamden. We had a lot of fun and I learned a ton about family balance. Any mule deer nut knows with a family, it is a constant fight for balance.

We were able to locate 4-5 shooter bucks over the course of the summer and held high hopes of locating one or two of them during the hunt. Opener came and went with our out of state buddy for one reason or another not able to connect on a gorgeous 180 typical that made our target list and offered a clean, yet deep to some shot opportunity.

The week finished up after 4 long hard days at it in warm temps. We decided to take a breather and head home and tend to family functions and rest up a minute or two.

Monday night(11:30) found me on the road with the big wheel and Moose in tow. I couldn’t wait till morning to leave, I needed the mountains, I needed the crisp fresh air…….I needed alone time……I needed to kill a buck.

5:40 clicked off as I made it to the vacant trailhead, saddled moose and hit the path to serenity. I was feeling behind a little but have learned to embrace being late and incorporate tactics you would use to still hunt your way into the glassing spot.

I dumped Moose off 30 minutes ahot
Of my intended destination and creeped up the spine of the ridge to my spot. I was amazed at the deer activity today, it was better than any other morning In the last 5 hunting days I’d been there. Slowly hiking and quickly glassing openings as the mountain would allow, found me locked on to a heavy buck a fairly deep but doable shot wise distance given the right circumstances……which I had.

I knew this buck from scouting. He was on the list. I was going to kill him.

Range, dial, clear debris in front of muzzle, chamber round, check wind, BREATHE, send it……extract, re-chamber, send it, extract, re-chamber, send it……..pray.





That is a awesome looking buck I will happy if I can find his twin brother on my AZ hunt.
I feel ya. Being in the mountains, whether I decide to pull the trigger or not, is just a reset for me. I'll get mine, just when I feel like it.

Congrats on a fatty buck.
That had to be a fine hunt with 2 nice bucks and had some good horses can't beat that.
To be honest, we hiked ourselves into the ground on days 1-4 so I when I was home for RnR I snagged Moose(my last horse). Sure made cake out of the two pack outs!
I did, a general NR tag. The hands in the air were directed to the early season hunts. I don’t study Wyoming other than the general regional units in western Wyoming for the most part so I’m not sure what’s out there honestly.

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