2021 LE Archery Bull


Active Member
This year I got lucky and pulled a random tag with 2 points. Knowing that it wouldn't take long for season to start I began right away in my preparations. I set a few trail cameras and was up any every weekend glassing for bulls.

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As season approached I was still deciding where I would find myself on opening day. As much as I wanted to chase the two biggest bulls from my cameras, I opted to hunt a different area. Mine and @Dr_Hunter plans quickly unraveled opening morning as ranchers came through the area pushing their cattle. Things did get exciting when we found 4 bedded bulls, 6x6 5x6 5x5 4x2, and snuck within 55 yards. One by one the bulls got up and fed off until the 5x6 remained. Soon the hooting and hollering from the ranchers jumped the 5x6 and he was coming to run us over before turning away. I drew my bow back for practice and soon the event was over.

My brother was planning on hunting with me the second day, but things at home changed that. Being by myself I opted to sit a water hole I had put cameras on in the past but not this year. I was about 2 miles in when I caught the back half of an elk. I got closer and realized it was a good bull. He was in thick trees but I was able to find a shooting lane at 30 yards and let an arrow fly. The bull took off and I was left wondering if I hit him. As I searched for my arrow I caught a glimpse of the bull walking through the trees. I soon found my arrow and confirmed it was a hit, but there wasn't much penetration. Periodically I would hear a branch brake from his direction and that led me to pursue rather than back out. As I crept to where I last saw him I found his blood trail and realized I had a dead bull walking. I caught up to him in his bed and put one in him to finish him off.

At this point I realized what I had done... killed a bull with no one else than myself to take care of it. Luckily, @BIGJOHNT had told me he always had his radio on a certain channel. I was able to connect with him and he sent out a few messages for me. My brother came up and helped pack him out. My first arrow flew at 7:22am and after a few trips we had him off the mountain by 8pm.

Just like that my archery hunt was done in 2 days. I knew he was a decent bull, but didn't realize how good until I had him next to some other bulls we have harvested. Pretty happy with the outcome, even if I don't get to hunt in September.


I didn’t know you were alone. I thought John was with you. If I had known that I would of hiked up with you brother. I figured you three had it under control. Sorry man !
I didn’t know you were alone. I thought John was with you. If I had known that I would of hiked up with you brother. I figured you three had it under control. Sorry man !
No need to be sorry. You saved my but as is. It was a total hail mary with the radio. I'm just glad as hard as it was to hear me you were able to get his number.
Very fun hunt and action packed. Next time tag out when I am with you. You need to break this bad habit.... or maybe I am the problem?? :oops:
Well I saw you two together on Friday night. So when Spencer got me on the radio Sunday morning. I just assumed you where with him. So when his brother found me at the cabin I sent him up. My next door neighbor Keith came back for lunch. I asked him if he wanted to take the horses up. We felt that you three strong lads would have it packed off before we got there. If we had known he was up there by himself. that may have changed our thinking. I could have even lead the mule up there. Oh well I guess it all worked out pretty well ! Congrats guys.
Well I saw you two together on Friday night. So when Spencer got me on the radio Sunday morning. I just assumed you where with him. So when his brother found me at the cabin I sent him up. My next door neighbor Keith came back for lunch. I asked him if he wanted to take the horses up. We felt that you three strong lads would have it packed off before we got there. If we had known he was up there by himself. that may have changed our thinking. I could have even lead the mule up there. Oh well I guess it all worked out pretty well ! Congrats guys.
I had to be home on Sunday so my wife could teach. I left late Saturday night. I wish Spencer would've texted me though, that would have gotten me out of a few meetings. Definitely one of the downsides of FL is the limited cell-service. It sure makes it difficult sometimes.
Awesome congrats on a great bull! The time and effort you put into your preseason scouting paid off big time…

I had to be home on Sunday so my wife could teach. I left late Saturday night. I wish Spencer would've texted me though, that would have gotten me out of a few meetings. Definitely one of the downsides of FL is the limited cell-service. It sure makes it difficult sometimes.
I was texting for him. He radioed me and I would send a text out through my Zoleo satellite communicator. That's how I got a hold of his brother. I sent a message to his wife that he had a bull down. I could have sent more messages. But I didn't think to send you one because I thought you where already there. :) I think it was about a two mile pack out so one way. Maybe a little further? But packing out with four guys you can usually do it in one trip. Next time John ! What the late hunt ?
I was texting for him. He radioed me and I would send a text out through my Zoleo satellite communicator. That's how I got a hold of his brother. I sent a message to his wife that he had a bull down. I could have sent more messages. But I didn't think to send you one because I thought you where already there. :) I think it was about a two mile pack out so one way. Maybe a little further? But packing out with four guys you can usually do it in one trip. Next time John ! What the late hunt ?
He'll need the help. He possibly has two to carry off the mountain.
Awesome! Congratulations! I recognize a couple of those bulls you found scouting from last year.
Did you have a tag last year? The funky looking bull was real nice this year!

My favorite bull was the one on trail camera with the drop front. When I first saw it I was almost positive it was the bull my brother had missed last year. However, the point was on the opposite side. I really wanted to get eyes on him, but never once saw him. Maybe I'll still get the chance.
Well done, looks like you had some good times, that's an awesome bull, and some good pictures as well. looks like you've got the spot.
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