101-109 mule deer


I drew a tag for antler mule deer early season. Any advice on where to go? This will be my first hunt in Nevada for deer. Not looking for a trophy just want to fill my freezer.
Grab a Forest service map to get the access points into the mountains. The units that most hunt will be 101-103. 102 has the most deer and the most access points. Most of the access will be on the east side of the Ruby's. Depending on your phyical abilities and stamina most of the deer in the early season will be found closer to the top of the mountains(unless a freak snow storm before your season starts brings them down). Otherwise, get in shape. If you shoot a deer you'll have to pack it out. I have hunted Angel Lake, Overland lake, Secret Pass, Harrison Pass Soldier Creek and a few more areas. Harrison Pass will have allot of hunters (allot of deer). All these areas have trailheads that you take to the top of the mountain. The warmer it is the higher you have to go. Good luck and hope you shoot a big one.
Thanks for the information. I am a older guy 63 not fat but not skinny either. Got a few stents in the old ticker. So I don't have the stamina that I use to. How far in can I get with my ATV? So if a shoot a deer how do you guys pack them out? What is needed for proof of sex? What are the rules on eatable meat? I am not in it for the antlers I'm in it for the meat although I would not turn down a nice rack either. Where do most stay are there hotels or do I camp?
See the ?Field Dressing and Quartering? post for some of the answers to your questions...

Good luck on your hunt and be safe!

I have been reading the 2018 big game hunting guide, I guess the 2019 hunting guide is not out yet. Lots of information and answers to my questions.
I hunted it in 02 packed in a few miles we saw tons of bucks but now that I'm almost 50 I would never go back to where we were with being dropped off by a packer.
I'm sure there's areas somewhere where you could find bucks at mid elevation or down lower not to far from a road,we just hit a trail head and hiked till we were as high as we could get.
Older than you but my heart is still good. You need to camp in the area. You'll waste too much time driving back and forth to town. Take your time going uphill and when you get to a good glassing spot, take full advantage of it. You will need to bone out your buck and carry the meat out in your pack. Tag your antlers and keep them with the meat. I've been checked twice in NV and never had a problem. Take a nap up on the mountain midday and stay until dark. You also need to be up high and ready to glass before daybreak. I always take plenty of batteries to make sure my headlamps and GPS will be working until after midnight if I kill one in the evening. Take plenty of water and enough food to get you through the day. Good luck! I'm doing a solo elk hunt in AZ this year and hoping to come out heavy.

"You can fly a helicopter to the top of Everest and say you've been there. The problem with that is you were an a$$hole when you started and you're still an a$$hole when you get back.
Its the climb that makes you a different person". - Yvon Chouinard
Years ago now, but a great family hunt in Soldier Creek. Mostly young bucks harvested. We saw a couple of bigger ones. Two of the young hunters got their first bucks!
Just out of curiosity where are you from? No offense but seems like you put in for a unit you were not really prepared for. There are some units in the state a guy can get away road hunting in but 10 isn't one of them. What made you put in there?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-19 AT 01:47AM (MST)[p]A buddy and I packed in 11 miles up from the Liomoille? Canyon trailhead, with horses in like ?06.?

We were west of Windy/Winn?s? Peak. ( Can?t remember crap)

We got there on 9/28. Glassed on 9/29&9/30, saw over 75 bucks each day, many the same ones.

Hunted the 1st 2 days, then got 22? of snow on the night of 10/02.

On the morning of 10/04, we were about out of horse food since the graze was covered in deep snow. We rode the horses downhill to the snow line, couple thousand feet lower, passed an aspen patch when 70-80 deer bailed out. We jumped off, killed average 4X4s.

Buddy quartered the bucks while I hiked the 4-5 miles back up to the top to get the horses that had run off when we shot. ?

Packed out the next through a couple of passes that had 3?+ of snow drifts.

Message is, during the first season the majority of the deer will be high. If you get snow, they will drop to the snow line. When it melts, they will go back up.

But you can find a good one anywhere and it only takes one.

I've hunted the late archery, late rifle and early rifle. All fun hunts.
>Just out of curiosity where are
>you from? No offense
>but seems like you put
>in for a unit you
>were not really prepared for.
> There are some units
>in the state a guy
>can get away road hunting
>in but 10 isn't one
>of them. What made
>you put in there?

I have hunted Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, and Texas. Been hunting all of my life started when I was a kid in upstate New York. I put in for the area because the odds of getting a tag were high. I am not looking for a trophy deer don't really care if I kill a deer or not. I want to get out in the woods and enjoy. I just needed a few ideas on where to go. Trust me I am gearing up for this hunt. I am thinking lots of glassing and a long range shot right now. I plan on driving up there and doing a little scouting. From what I have gather here in the above posts is enter 102 from the east side and go as high as I can. So I will make the best of it and maybe put some venison in my freezer. I got an antelope tag to units 141 143 152 154 and 155 shorter than ears hope to fill that tag to. I also drew a tag for a antlerless elk in unit 251 I wonder where to look there also. I put in for hunts over in Utah south west corner unsuccessful so far but who knows. Sorry for the long post just love to hunt. Alex
>I drew a tag for antler
>mule deer early season. Any
>advice on where to go?
>This will be my first
>hunt in Nevada for deer.
>Not looking for a trophy
>just want to fill my

There is alot of country outside of hunting the Rubies and East Humboldts that is easier on the knees and lungs. You wont see as many deer but there are bucks. Check the hunt information sheets on the NDOW site and contact the biologist out of the Elko office, hes a good guy.
Great and valuable information guys. I will take some good notes. I drew my 1st ALW early Miley tag in 10 area. Last year my family bagged a bull elk out of mount Grafton. Any new information greatly appreciated.
Thanks, yes Fatrooster I took down the notes and checked it out on onX. I already conducted a four day trip and hit some the east side of the Rubies. 102 East access areas, west 105 and Harrison pass areas with an ATV. Some glassing, but mainly get familiar with the area. I am going out in a few more weeks for 5 days, and a few more trips in July and August to scout. I don’t mind hiking a few miles, and rather stay away from other hunters. Above average hiking condition and will earn my buck. Also another buddy has the late hunt, not really in shape. The area up there is awesome and really rugged. Thanks for any and all information, be safe and stay healthy.
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I drew a doe tag for 101,102 and 109 this year. As stated above good information. Not sure yet where I am going to hunt a doe? I did hunt 103 Mitchell creek last year nice area big country. If your going to hunt this area I suggest you get in early for opening day after that they get pushed back in. I guy I was sharing information with got a nice buck out of there. Any ideas on where to find doe?
Thanks, Yes I plan to set up camp 3 days early. I have not decided what specific area. I have a few area that are great glassing areas. I am also going to hike in a few miles, weather is the big factor in fall.
When I was up at 102 in late May. I came across a few does at Harrison pass area at the west side At 6400. I wouldn’t waste your time to close by that road, fairly traveled road with hunters and locals. I did not see much of deer this time. I would imagine at the higher elevations, depending on the weather and time of hunt. I was surprised that I didn’t bump any last week. If you’re hiking I would imagine you’ll bump into the does if you’re at the higher elevations depending on the weather. Start high and work down, then go canyon to canyon when you find their happy elevation if possible.
Thanks for all the good information the season guys. We got two of them out of there. Great times, 0 degrees was awfully painful tent camping. Thank you for all the information and allowing all three of us to be successful in our hunts. Two of them were out of 10 area

Thanks for sharing. 0 degrees sounds brutal. I was with my son on his hunt last year and it got down to 6 degrees. I would have died without our little buddy heater in the tent. :)

Congrats on the harvest!
Good work congratulations to your hunting party!

Thanks for all the good information the season guys. We got two of them out of there. Great times, 0 degrees was awfully painful tent camping. Thank you for all the information and allowing all three of us to be successful in our hunts. Two of them were out of 10 area

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Great hunts and bucks. The Rubies and Humbolts are beautiful, hard hunting but can be very productive as seen here.
Mitchell creek in 103 holds quite a few deer, cherry springs in 103 has fewer deer but older age class bucks but my go to spot in 102 is the cottonwood access point 3-5 miles north of jiggs reservoir on the west side of the Ruby mountains. I've hunted 101-109 religiously since 1996 if you have questions pm
Hey there! I am taking my 12 yr old up into the 102/103 area for his first hunt this weekend. I ran across your post, and it stuck out to me because I had marked Mitchell Creek, Willow Creek, and Sherman Creek in 103 as possible locations to focus on. Quick question on the Cottonwood Creek that you mentioned. Looking on ON X maps, it appears the creek as it crosses the hwy is private property. Just curious where in that 102 area is what you mentioned. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Hey there! I am taking my 12 yr old up into the 102/103 area for his first hunt this weekend. I ran across your post, and it stuck out to me because I had marked Mitchell Creek, Willow Creek, and Sherman Creek in 103 as possible locations to focus on. Quick question on the Cottonwood Creek that you mentioned. Looking on ON X maps, it appears the creek as it crosses the hwy is private property. Just curious where in that 102 area is what you mentioned. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Might be PP but it doesn’t mean you can’t hunt it. Read up on the laws. There are private lands who don’t care about hunters (just be respectful as always).

if the property isn’t properly marked, doesn’t have no hunting signs (no hunting signs means no hunting which includes you on your own land), fenced (barb wire fencing is NOT an indicator of PP by law), doesn’t have cultivated fields, or if you haven’t been asked by the owner/person living there, you can legally hunt the land.

There is lots of land out there that you have probably hunted and had no clue it’s private before OnX came around. Sometimes those fences you can open for cattle access are private, sometimes not. Many aren’t marked and you’d never know. But it’s legal to hunt unless something above applies (check the law to know the exact language).
Anyone ever target any of the units besides 102-103 with any success? Looking to avoid crowds if possible. Not after any sort of trophy, I'm a freezer filler kind of guy. Took a cow elk in 108 last year and saw some deer and deer hunters but didn't hear many shots in the four days we were in that area.
I spent a lot of time scouting the units outside of 102-103 last year. PM me your phone number and I can share what I know.
Hey all, just pulled a 101-109 late rifle antlered tag in the First Come, First Serve. Never have hunted NV, and have been eScouting the units. Trying to stay away from the crowds in the Rubys, and spend more time in the Spruce/Pequop area. Anyone spent time in there during that late rifle timeframe?
Not sure if there are too many people to avoid on the late tag. Don't they give out far fewer late tags than the early and mid seasons? If it was my tag I'd hunt the Ruby's.
10s Broken into three seasons
Early 850 tags
Mid 850 tags
Late 150 tags

I’ve seen a bunch of mid season 10 tags pop. Haven’t seen any lates pop so congratulations to you brocephus!! Late is definitely the tag to have and difficult to find/get awarded with. Should be snow up top to drop the deer down and have a larger concentration of deer. The rut should be on during the late season as well.
Mitchell creek in 103 holds quite a few deer, cherry springs in 103 has fewer deer but older age class bucks but my go to spot in 102 is the cottonwood access point 3-5 miles north of jiggs reservoir on the west side of the Ruby mountains. I've hunted 101-109 religiously since 1996 if you have questions pm
Hey man would love to get some advice on 101-109. Won't let me send a pm
Not much to see via PM...they can swap numbers. If peeps want to share info it will happen, don't blame the site.
First, it’s the newbs that bumped the thread mr genius. Plus there’s this research tool called google where this thread will pop up for every hunter who draws the tag. Listing specific access points posted on this thread are rude, distasteful to say the least. This was done by NvBluegrouse. Some hunters just have no respect or don’t mind seeing their spot blown up. That would be fine but there are other hunters in the woods working hard. No I don’t hunt this area but it’s in my draw app some years.
First, it's not "your spot". If someone else blows up "your" spot then that's tough titties. Welcome to the internet age. And anyone with internet can find every access point in the Rubies. There's no secrets anymore.
I guess im just going to piss people off by asking, I pulled an archery tag this year. I will be able to make probably two scouting trips but with the price of diesel and 5 kids my time and money is limited. appreciate any pointers for early archery in the unit.
There is deer all through the rubies if you hike high into the wilderness. It isn’t a difficult unit based on my limited experience to find deer if your willing to pack in.
I had a ML tag many years ago and I hunted near Wells. We saw deer but they were ALL up high. If I ever had that tag again, I would find the highest ground and pack in to it. Stay a few nights back in there. Tons of water so that should never be an issue.
Frank, there are deer in all the ranges outside of the Rubies, although in very low densities. If you want to hunt outside of the Rubies I would focus on areas within a couple miles of a water source.
Mitchell creek in 103 holds quite a few deer, cherry springs in 103 has fewer deer but older age class bucks but my go to spot in 102 is the cottonwood access point 3-5 miles north of jiggs reservoir on the west side of the Ruby mountains. I've hunted 101-109 religiously since 1996 if you have questions pm
This is great info. I have two juniors this year and we don't mind the hikes. If you can think of any other spots that produce, we would appreciate. Not looking for trophies, just good family time and hunting fun.
be prepared to see piss poor genetics.
I recently listened to a podcast with a mule deer biologist. He said there's no such thing as "poor genetics". Everything is based on doe/buck ratios, crowding, and nutrition, etc... From all the old pics and videos of tanks coming out of 10 I've seen, I'd say the genetics are just fine. There's probably just less opportunity for big ones to develop.
I recently listened to a podcast with a mule deer biologist. He said there's no such thing as "poor genetics". Everything is based on doe/buck ratios, crowding, and nutrition, etc... From all the old pics and videos of tanks coming out of 10 I've seen, I'd say the genetics are just fine. There's probably just less opportunity for big ones to develop.
No such thing as poor genetics?......... Really? Do you believe Biden got 81 million legitimate votes as well? Or maybe that WLH is all about fair chase and has never committed a violation?

While there are good deer to be found, there is such thing as poor genetics. While the environment plays a huge part, genetics still play a big role in how big or small deer antlers will be.
No such thing as poor genetics?......... Really? Do you believe Biden got 81 million legitimate votes as well? Or maybe that WLH is all about fair chase and has never committed a violation?

While there are good deer to be found, there is such thing as poor genetics. While the environment plays a huge part, genetics still play a big role in how big or small deer antlers will be.
Lots of deer, poor genetics, steep country - that sums it up.

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Big Bucks & Bulls Timberline Outfitters Guide Service

Customized and high quality eastern Nevada trophy hunts for mule deer, elk and antelope.

Western Wildlife Adventures

We offer some excellent mule deer and elk hunts in northeast Nevada.

Nevada Outfitters & Guides Association

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SilverGrand Outfitters

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Hidden Lake Outfitters

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G&J Outdoors

Full time outfitter with 20+ years hunting mule deer, sheep, elk, antelope, lion and chukar.

Mountain Man Outfitters

Offering world class mule deer hunts in some of the most productive units in Nevada.

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Urge 2 Hunt

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White River Guide Service

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