NM Youth Hunt Success


This great buck is just too good not to share.
This is this young man's first deer ever, talk about bigger than realistic....giants do exist!
Photo credit:
North Rim Outfitters (father and son)
A3 Outfitters
Did anyone think this wasn't going to happen. When they moved the 2b and 2c youth hunt dates to prime rut this was inevitable. Congrats to the youth, but the quality of that unit is going to suffer even more then it already has.
Did anyone think this wasn't going to happen. When they moved the 2b and 2c youth hunt dates to prime rut this was inevitable. Congrats to the youth, but the quality of that unit is going to suffer even more then it already has.
9 out of 10 bucks killed during the youth hunt are Colorado deer. Doesn't do anything to the other hunts as far as quality. IMO
9 out of 10 bucks killed during the youth hunt are Colorado deer. Doesn't do anything to the other hunts as far as quality. IMO
Really where did you get that stat? There hasn't been enough snow to push that many bucks down there. Heck i'm still seeing deer above 9000'. Do you really think 2b is as good as it was ten years ago?
Really where did you get that stat? There hasn't been enough snow to push that many bucks down there. Heck i'm still seeing deer above 9000'. Do you really think 2b is as good as it was

Really where did you get that stat? There hasn't been enough snow to push that many bucks down there. Heck i'm still seeing deer above 9000'. Do you really think 2b is as good as it was ten years ago?
I only go by what I see. I live in Farmington and have my whole life. I've seen a huge number of the deer harvested during this youth deer hunt, either by pic or in person, both this year and last. I am in the field for a good part of the hunting season from August to January. It is obvious to me which chocolate horned bucks are not residents and which desert muleys are. I also can go with the study that was conducted by WPX on the migration patterns of deer that winter in The Rosa. That does not say anything about the numbers harvested, just can go by the amount of deer that migrate on to unit 2b and the time that they make the journey. I know where to look for resident deer as well as migrating deer so yes, I believe unit 2b is even better than it was for me 10 years ago, I've only learned more with every year.
I guess we will agree to disagree. You can't really go off of antler color as i;ve seen dark colored antlers in both the Carson and throughout 2b that i know are resident deer. The last "real" winter we had was 17/18 and I believe some deer made it down there and I also think a majority of those stayed. Other than that we haven't had a big enough winter to push the big bucks down there. This has also been confirmed by CPW radio collar studies, as well as, other migration studies they have conducted. Showing that most of the bucks don't travel past the Southern Ute Reservation. I've also grown up here in SW Colorado and know the unit 2s well. I will also say that in the early to mid 2000s the majority of the bucks you'd see on the 2b January hunt were much better then what you see now. That could be relative though because some guys think a 160 buck is big.

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