LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-12 AT 08:15AM (MST)[p]>What do you mean by the
>north half of 40? The
>north half is Homedale and
>Marsing and nothing but desert.
>Also, the early season or
>late season for bulls? There
>are tons of elk in
>this unit, but they can
>be very tough to find.
>I know alot of ranchers
>out there and last year
>during Nov, there was a
>herd of between 250-300 head
>running around.
>But, you are facing pretty long
>odds on either of those
>tags, let alone both at
>the same time. Best of
Sorry, say from Jordan valley to silver city across to grand view N and S from this line, all the same unit trying to cut it down a bit for early season bulls in that 350 range? thanks for helping me clear that up.