2020 Utah Pronghorn (part 1)


Very Active Member
When the cards started being hit back in May I honestly was not expecting to draw anything this year had already started to make plans to hunt other states. So when a hit came through on the card I was ecstatic to find out that I would be hunting proghorn for the first time. However that all changed when my 12 year old daughter did not draw out either. Thank goodness for Utah mentor program. Best $10 dollars I've ever spent! During shed hunting trips we started scouting the unit for goats. Knowing the unit is not in the upper tier for trophy quality we were out to just turn up a good looking all around beautiful goat! However in our many scouting ventures we were turning up some great goats (65-70") and a couple slammer goats (75-80"). Knowing the the dry summer would be having the goats frequenting water sources we had to keep our fingers crossed that the archery hunters wouldn't take out the big dogs! After setting up a few trail cams and touching base with a good buddy (who happened to have an archery tag). We patiently waited for opening day to arrive! Luckily after arriving to camp mid day Friday we set out to check the cams and see if we could turn up one of the 3 target bucks we were hoping to pursue. The bucks were rutting pretty good by now and most of the does were be followed closely by a buck if not multiple bucks. None of the cams showed any of the giants hitting for a couple weeks now. So we were off to glass and cover as much area as possible. Right before dusk we spotted what looked like our number 3 buck (Fredo) and tall heavy really blonde(almost white albino looking) buck with small prongs but he just had that look. We decided that opening morning we would be back there in hopes that he would stay close.
Day 1 Opening morning
The next morning we found ourselves covered up in goats. The bucks were chasing the does all over. It was just a matter of time before the big guy showed himself. Out of nowhere I glassed over to a small draw about 1200 yards out and there he was tended 4 does. We had to get closer but moving was difficult because there were eyes everywhere! What seemed like an eternity later really only about 45 minutes we were getting into range of where we had last seen the buck. As we crested the last small ridge and turned the corner there he was a mere 200 yards out all alone but only a couple short steps away form crested the next ridge. I threw down the tripod and clamped the gun in. Just as my daughter found him in the scope he busted out of sight hot on the tails of his does. Our hearts sank we were so close to having a shot. Off to the truck we went. As we continued up the road I caught glimpse of another good buck working his way right to us. We approached the ridge with caution and as we crested the we were amazed to see we were only 115 yards from the group 12 does a small buck and the good wide buck. With all the time in the world due to them not even knowing we were in the area we set up for the shoot. After a few minutes of him checking doe to doe he was finally clear for a shot. She drew down and I waited for the shot. To my surprise she looks over at me and says he's not big enough! Im in shock she's only 12 and this is her first big game hunt. But its her tag and I'm just the guide :)
We continued on down the areas checking on the groups of does after taking a short break for lunch we were off to see if we could turn up one of the shooters again. We ended up going to an area we had wanted to try and few weeks ago but ran out of time and to our surprise the area was loaded with goats we ended up seeing about 50 does and a hand full of smaller bucks. As we were there watching a large herd of does with a couple bucks out of no where comes the buck charging in from about a 1/2 mile out. Turns out our #1 buck (Brutus) we had scouted and made his way over to the area about 6 miles crows flight and there he was tearing up sage and putting on a rutting show. However due to the wind 15 mph and the range 450 yards we opted to just watch and hope the might come closer before light faded. With no luck we new we had to be back here in the morning.
Day 2 Sunday
The morning started out extremely slow with very little antelope sightings and what does we did see no bucks were to be found. This was a little discouraging knowing that just a mere 12-24 hours earlier we were covered up in goats. Finally just as we were approaching the end of our day noon (was the wifes bday)
we turned up a small group of 5 with a good buck. After stalk 1 to 300 yards and no shot before they ran off we were on to stalk 2 again get into 300 yards no shot the buck was completely covered up in the does or facing away or towards us. As the does became impatient they decided to bust out of the area. We were out of time to pursue the 3 stalk and would have to return next weekend for the final 2 days.
Luckily with my work schedule changing up I was able to pull the girls out of school Thursday afternoon and head out for the evening and the remainder of the hunt if need be.
Part 2
Day 3 Thursday
By the time we arrived to the area we were short on time to hunt be we were able to get some glassing in and to our surprise the target #1 buck was back in the area. We wait for morning.
Day 4 Friday
As daylight was starting to light up the mountain side once again we found ourselves covered up in antelope. Again does every where but no bucks to be found. As we watched and glassed with anticipation of turning up a shooter buck my daughter says "dad whats that?" again running from about a 1/2 out a buck comes charging in the check on the does. Turns out out to be a great buck that is all busted up from fighting. As we watch about 350 yards out on a fairly windy morning we waited for our chance to cut the distance down. Being a first time shooter and wind we were hoping for a 200 or less yard shot.
As we slowly pursued the stalk as the goats fed over the rise we hoped this was going to be the chance we had waited for. After 4 small ridges and coulees we finally were in range 150 yards. AGAIN no buck he had just completely disappeared. So frustrating! Back to the truck we go to check for more. To our surprise about a mile down the road there he was herding around a small group of does and running off a juvenile buck. There was a prefect path for a stalk to a cliff that should put us under 200 yards. AGAIN as we crested over the cliff edge the buck was no where to be found. But I could tell he wasn't far by the way the small buck was acting so we waited and waited finally I was able to pick the buck out above the does in the cliffs 360 yards out. Having the with blocked by the cliff we set up for a shot. As she readied herself and squeezed the shot off I see dust fly just high and behind him. Off they went. Dang! We were almost there. But thats hunting. After spending the rest of the morning checking areas we found ourselves back to the area where we had last seen Brutus the week before and Bam there is was again! However the does were having other ideas this morning and were running all over the place. We could not catch a break to get into range. Back to camp for lunch we would try again in the afternoon.
4:00 we left camp to head out in hopes of an encounter with Brutus again! Just as we left camp we started running into goats. With the light cloud cover a slightly cooler temps the goats were moving earlier than usual I could sense this was going to be the night! Fingers crossed!
As we headed on down the road I had a feeling to go check on a small seep we had been keeping tabs on earlier that always seemed to have goats on or very close to. As we crested the edge of the wash we caught movement not far from the seep at first I though it was a coyote we had been seeing a bunch in the area and then when I threw up the binos to my SHOCK!! there was our #2 buck (TITAN) we had not seen him for 3 weeks now and bam there he was. ALL ALONE! As I dropped to my knees and through down the tripod Ayda was on him in a hurry. Range 150 yards she slides the safety off and crap he starts to trot off. But he stops! Range 180 again safely off, again he starts to trot off! Just as he starts up the hill he stops again, quartering away sharply! Range 200 dial the turret say Ayda you have to shoot or he's gone out of sight in five more steps if he moves again. She steadies deep breathe and squeezes the trigger! BOOM and the sound of the shot I instantly hear the classic THWAP of the bullet making impact!
As he bolted over the ridge the emotions set in!! I look over to my daughter who is in tears and completely overwhelmed with emotion of what just happen and how fast things just happened! As we hugged and high 5'd we got our gear ready to go find her buck! We made our way to where the buck was last standing to check for sign hoping he wasn't going to be far. Instantly we found sign of the hit, good drops of blood and a few small chunks of bone, we started tracking down up and down through a couple small coulees, then we lost blood. We spread out and started to grid hoping to turn him up soon. An hour later and nothing no sign of the buck anywhere. I told my girls lets go back to where we last saw blood and regroup we had to have missed something. Sure enough as we got back to the last blood we start looking for freshly move dirt and tracks. My youngest daughter (8) says dad here is some blood a mere 5 yards from were we had lost blood the buck had made a 90 degree turn to the left down into the wash, we were back on sign and good sign now as the blood was more abundant and easily to follow. There 50 yards in front of just was the buck bedded in the sage, just as I saw him he stood and attempted to run. He didn't go far before bedding up again, a follow up shot was needed. As we approached to get a good angle he stood and again attempted to run making it about 10 steps before stopping and BOOM! He dropped this time he was down for good! Again the emotions set in and the crying and fist bumping, hugging, and celebrating begain! We had done it! What went form the highest of highs to the lowest of lows turned out to be a blessing in disguise as we were able to put the puzzle pieces together and track out her goat! A great lesson for any hunter and one that definitely humbles ya!
Not only had Ayda set out to harvest a good goat but she passed up many goats some great goats most first time goat hunters, myself included would have been happy to take but she held out she wanted something bigger :) lol
A day neither one of us will forget! We have been on cloud 9 for a week now!
Her goat stretches the tape to an impressive 15 7/8" and gross's an amazing 80 1/8" and has about an 1" broken of the prongs! INCREDIBLE!!!
A fantastic way to start her off hunting. Nothing like goat hunting with the family and being kids' first hunt! Thanks for sharing and congrats to the young lady on an awesome goat and great memories.
Thanks everyone! We are still on cloud 9 over this hunt!
Just got her antelope officially scored after the 60 day drying period, 80 4/8" gross
15 7/8" and 15 4/8" length
Definitely going to be a tough one to top!

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