24" two point. You can't tell from the picture but his body was significantly larger than the 3x4 he was with and looked like a tank next to the 1 1/2 year old two points. He needed removed from the gene pool and I would rather tag a buck like that than a 160" or 170" 4 1/2 year old 4 point any day. His teeth didn't look too old but I would still guess he was 4+ years old.
I killed a 30 1/2" 3 point in Colorado last year on the last day of my hunt. He was another buck that needed removed from the gene pool.
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General season Idaho deer tags are not easy. Even if you do see bucks, sometimes it can be very difficult to get in position to kill them. There is a reason why a large majority of the Idaho general season tags end up as tag soup every year.