No problem here graybird, just a simple question. How many units in those states have the quality of rams that you could pass that ram up to find better? The unit means alot in this case.
The question was to the guys that know the sheep units in those states.
I can say brainer
Idaho, other than unit 11 yep
Wyoming any of the west side units, yep. Other units ? I know they kill some better. Wytex shot a great ram in the central?
Per the OP on opening day, months after you have or should have scouted, would this be a 1st day shooter?
The unit your hunting definitely would tell if the ram is a taker. If it was an unlimited ram in Montana that's a heck of alot different than a Breaks tag.
Same animal, different unit.
Anybody that has had a ram tag and put in scouting time knows by the 1st day what Kind of rams are shooters.
My Avatar is the Nevada ram I took last year. 7 days straight scouting before the season and he was a 1st day shooter. My Utah ram I killed my ram on day 9 and scouted 15+ days. Yep he was a shooter for the unit, but would have passed on the Nevada unit.