Looking for ideas on euro skull hangers

SkullMax a completely unique concept I purchased one recently. The concept behind it is your European mount is connected to a 3/4" ball bearing so you can adjust the way your European skull poses. As you can see in the picture one elk skull is straight forward the other is twisted too the right. You can also twist the skull up or down changing the angle on how you look at the antlers they can be down all tines forward the more traditional European mount ir tines up the more natural head mount. They also have desk type fixtures so you can have your mount on your desk or a coffee table.
I have tried about everything on the market (including the two mentioned above) and most of them seem to work ok, but have issues with each of them. After seeing the deadondisplay hangers first hand I immediately switched all of my mounts to them. They are simple, reasonably priced, built right here in Utah, and the most secure I have ever used!


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