strip or Kiabab for deer


Active Member
Putting in with 14 pts, Would love to here your thoughts on Putting in for the strip (13 a or 13 b) or 12aw late. feels like I am never going to get pulled again.

I know 12a-w well & never set foot on the strip.
Most will tell you 13b for absolute best shot at a giant.
13a and 12aw late are pretty solid hunts. There are true giants in all three units. I don't think you could go wrong with any of those choices.
Where I think the difference is, is that with your lack of knowledge on 13b and 13a you would have to get a guide due to the sheer size of the unit and lack of deer in general. Where as in 12 a west with your knowledge of the unit you could probably do it yourself.
Have to decide how you want to hunt.
I have hunted 13B twice. Once with a friend and once with a tag. It's a special place but what tooele is true. It is a tough DIY hunt. I ate my tag because I was too picky and it took some of the fun out of the hunt. If you want the strip look to invest a lot of time or money or both.
Kaibab would be a much better hunt for a huge buck. The strip is overrated and has way too many outfitters working there.
I disagree......if you are looking for a truly 'huge''re better off hunting the Strip over the Kaibab. You could kill a 'nice' buck on either hunt.......but truly giant bucks of of years past have been scarce on the Bab' over the last 5 years.

I've bowhunted all three units...and have spent A LOT of time on the Bab'.....I'm saving my points for another chance at the Strip (when I become a resident). Just my .02

BOHNTR )))---------->
Thanks for the input. Leaning on going back to Kiabab on DIY hunt. I would show up at least 10 days early to get used to the place again.
Probably years away anyway.
LAST EDITED ON May-26-16 AT 07:51AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-26-16 AT 07:49?AM (MST)

The strip is not overrated at all. It's truley a hunt of a lifetime IMO. I took a buck over 200" last year in 13b on the archery hunt. I would agree that a guide or some sort of scouting package is the way to go on the strip especially if you have never been there before. If I had your points id be all in on the strip.
Since I had a 13a tag last year, I guess I'll chime in...

As a non-resident, I knew that hunting the strip on my own tag is almost surely a one time opportunity, and I'd never set foot in the unit, so I hired A3 to guide me. They were absolutely excellent hunters and it was a good decision. When I arrived, all the talk among the guides was about the Giants they were killing in 13B. A3 had 11 hunters in 13B who shot 10 bucks, nine of which grossed over 200", some way over 200". If you want to see some great bucks, check out their website and blog about the 2015 season, you'll be impressed.

My first morning, 45 minutes into the season, we had a big 4x4 broadside and in range for several minutes. I had a rock solid rest and all I needed to do was press the trigger and I'd have the biggest buck of my life. We discussed him, debated him and agreed that he was nearly 30" wide and would score 190-195". I decided to pass him up and we moved on. The next day we found a buck a bit bigger, maybe 31" and probably 200", maybe 205" tops. We focused my entire hunt on trying to kill that buck, unsuccessfully. In the end, a day after my paid hunt had ended, we found an old, downhill cull type buck and I decided to remove him from the gene pool. All in all, it was a fantastic hunt. Did I make a mistake by passing the 190's buck opening morning? I don't know. As a group, there were 6 hunters in A3's camp for the 13a hunt. We got 6 bucks, with the 2 biggest being a 207" buck and a 36" wide giant that scored 214". A3 went 16 for 17 with 11 bucks over 200" last year on the strip.

With all the foregoing in mind, I'd recommend you apply for 12aw if you're going to hunt on your own. If you're open to hiring a guide, then the strip units are a more viable option. It's big country with very low deer densities and if you've never been there before, would be a tough tag to kill a big buck on. We went multiple days without seeing a single deer, of the 11 total days I was there scouting and hunting.
I think this year will be a better choice on the Kaibab. As previously pointed out The strip has been getting hammered the last couple of years especially 13 B. I would bet it will be slim pickings on 13b this year if you're set on the strip I would go 13 a but still think the Kaibab would be a better choice for a quality hunt.
I couldn't disagree more. I know of some great bucks that made it through the rifle hunt in 13b. In my opinion we are looking at a great horn growth year and I expect 13b to produce just as good or better than 2015. I could be wrong but this is just my .02.
LAST EDITED ON May-26-16 AT 09:20PM (MST)[p]Since I guide in all these units too, and have done so for many, many years, I'll throw this in.

You will PASS on bucks in Units 13A and 13B that you had better take on the Kaibab!

You will see a heck of LOT More bucks on the late Kaibab hunt; but the "average" bucks you'll see are much smaller on the Kaibab. You see a 180+ on the Kaibab, might wanna shoot. See a 180 in Units 13A or 13B, let him walk!

But there are BIG BUCKS on the Kaibab. Two years ago on the late west side hunt, my hunter missed the largest buck I have ever seen on the Kaibab and I've hunted there since 1972!

He was wide, tall, junk everywhere! We estimated 230+, but don't know cause we didn't kill him at 203 yards standing broadside with his nose up a does rear end!

I've got 17 deer points and will draw the Strip under the current rules in the next THREE years.

As much as I enjoy hunting on the Kaibab, I'll save my points and take a shot at the Strip.

But for the average guy, a DIY kinda hunter, the Kaibab has way better odds and you'll see more bucks than you've ever seen!

Example: IN 2005 Tony Keller took this awesome 27 inch wide 4 X 4 on the Kaibab.

In 2010 Tony took this buck while hunting with AWO in Unit 13B. This buck was 34 1/4 inches wide and has JUNK everywhere!

Yes, there is a difference!

Don Martin
Arizona Wildlife Outfitters
Pulled the trigger, 12-aw late, l less for you strip guys this year. Still not holding my breath for this year. Good Luck & thanks for info.
Jvgunner, I had max points, which was 18 last year. I'd been applying for a strip tag for 23 years in all. It's incredible country, and I'd love to go back there again in the future.
The strip is not over rated. Just go click on A3 web link. Those big bucks are off the strip not the kiabab. Don's holding out for the strip for a reason. I'm sure the strip would be tough for the DIY hunter between the huge area, few deer and outfitters having scouted a lot of the better bucks.

I hunted 12 AW late last year. Had a great time, wonderful country, put in again this year hoping for random luck, but did not see a 180+ deer. Very few 180+ deer checked in when I did and that included the early hunts, both sides. I saw a few deer being dragged out or in trucks, camp ect. None were 180+.

Don's hunter did take a great deer. You can check it out by looking at his post from last fall.
The Strip is great for big bucks, no doubt about it-but the opportunity for a 180+ buck on the Kaibab is very possible during either the early or late rifle hunts (and the archery hunt, but it's tough). Here's three DIY bucks that scored 180+ (e.g. 185 2013 late; 204 2011 late; & 193 2015 early) since 2011. Love the Kaibab and bucks like these keep me coming back every year.



The Kaibab Bucks seem to have better 4 point main frames.
I wonder which area has the most B+C entry's?
"I wonder which area has the most B+C entry's?"

In the last 20 years......the Strip.

BOHNTR )))---------->
A couple of bucks look real familiar... thanks for posting Dan!

Although the top buck is 188 and the second buck is 202 :)
BOHNTR : precisely ! There is no other Hunting Unit that consistently produces B&C Bucks like the Arizona Strip Units 13a or 13b . Going into this year , I personally know 6 Droptine Bucks , 2 of which were Double Droppers last year scoring up to 240" . The Kaibab certainly has almost as great potential as 13a and 13b . I've been hitting the Kaibab more often and will be concentrating on the Kaibab significantly while simultaneously working on some of the Water Catchments this Summer . I don't know about you guys , but I'm ready for another Banner year !!!
>Awesome good luck! Thanks for not
>applying for the strip. :)
Back at ya!! 1 less on my draw! Good luck.
>The Strip is great for big
>bucks, no doubt about it-but
>the opportunity for a 180+
>buck on the Kaibab is
>very possible during either the
>early or late rifle hunts
>(and the archery hunt, but
>it's tough). Here's three DIY
>bucks that scored 180+ (e.g.
>185 2013 late; 204 2011
>late; & 193 2015 early)
>since 2011. Love the Kaibab
>and bucks like these keep
>me coming back every year.



That is something to hang your hat on!
Thanks for the post Dan! I loved hunting and spending time with you on the early rifle hunt last year. I owe my success to your knowledge of the area and generosity in sharing some of it with me.

I have been lucky enough to hunt the Kaibab twice in the last four years as a non-resident. It is a remarkable place and I think about it every day. I'm sure the reputation of the Strip is accurate, but the Kaibab and memories I have made there will make the first draw choice on my Arizona application for the rest of my life. I drove down to AZ with my son this year and took hunter safety from Don just to get me back there one year sooner.
Well a year has passed and the deadline for AZ is near!
So I thought i would throw it out their again.
Great moisture in the region last year,
some late hunts for 12b & 12 I like those.
the 12b runs more In the middle on Nov but like the moon phases.
12a mid to late Nov.
tough to pic this year, Think I may put in for 13b then 12aw late.
Love to hear some of this years thoughts.
Hoping to get lucky with 15pts.
>BOHNTR : precisely ! There is
>no other Hunting Unit that
>consistently produces B&C Bucks like
>the Arizona Strip Units 13a
>or 13b . Going into
>this year , I personally
>know 6 Droptine Bucks ,
>2 of which were Double
>Droppers last year scoring up
>to 240" . The Kaibab
>certainly has almost as great
>potential as 13a and 13b
>. I've been hitting the
>Kaibab more often and will
>be concentrating on the Kaibab
>significantly while simultaneously working on
>some of the Water Catchments
>this Summer . I don't
>know about you guys ,
>but I'm ready for another
>Banner year !!!

Rio Arriba County, NM and Eagle County, CO. I bet if you check the book, you will see more production of B&C bucks. Just a hunch on my part.
Tph247 what hunt are you applying for to draw twice in four years? Early, late ? Archery, rifle , muzzleloader ? I'm just curious because that has to be some awesome luck !
RE: strip or Kiabab for deer will

I'm a dedicated Kaibab fan, but here's a few thoughts - This year 12AW late opens a little later than usual, i.e. opens the Friday after Thanksgiving and runs thru Dec. 3. I think this will be a little closer to the rut "sweet spot", so it could be a good year to find a big rutting buck. Lot of moisture this past winter so browse should be abundant and antler growth should be above average. Of course monsoon moisture will affect things and late fall weather will also set the stage for the Kaibab rifle hunts. I'll be there again this year & willing to help out. Good luck to all!
>Well a year has passed and
>the deadline for AZ is
>So I thought i would throw
>it out their again.
>Great moisture in the region last
>some late hunts for 12b &
>12 I like those.
>the 12b runs more In the
>middle on Nov but like
>the moon phases.
>12a mid to late Nov.
>tough to pic this year, Think
>I may put in for
>13b then 12aw late.
>Love to hear some of this
>years thoughts.
>Hoping to get lucky with 15pts.
> if you are a resident you will be lucky to draw the strip with 15 points. If you are a nonresident you will need more than luck. You will need a miracle.
RE: strip or Kiabab for deer will

If you are a resident you will be very lucky to draw the Strip with 15 points. If you are a nonresident you will need more than luck you will need a miracle.
RE: strip or Kiabab for deer will

If you are a resident you will be lucky to draw the strip with 15 points. If you are a nonresident you will need more than luck you will need a miracle.
RE: strip or Kiabab for deer will

If you are a resident you will be lucky to draw the strip with 15 points. If you are a nonresident you will need more than luck you will need a miracle.
>>BOHNTR : precisely ! There is
>>no other Hunting Unit that
>>consistently produces B&C Bucks like
>>the Arizona Strip Units 13a
>>or 13b . Going into
>>this year , I personally
>>know 6 Droptine Bucks ,
>>2 of which were Double
>>Droppers last year scoring up
>>to 240" . The Kaibab
>>certainly has almost as great
>>potential as 13a and 13b
>>. I've been hitting the
>>Kaibab more often and will
>>be concentrating on the Kaibab
>>significantly while simultaneously working on
>>some of the Water Catchments
>>this Summer . I don't
>>know about you guys ,
>>but I'm ready for another
>>Banner year !!!
>Rio Arriba County, NM and Eagle
>County, CO. I bet
>if you check the book,
>you will see more production
>of B&C bucks. Just
>a hunch on my part.
Did you make your choices?
I did end up drawing and hunting 13 B last year. If you want to know how my hunt went shoot me a PM
I'm in for 13B & 12AW Late. I probably pull this thread up again next year. At least I got tags in Co this year.
Looks like miracles happen, cause I drew 13B with 16 points. Not sure which season (rifle or archery). The anxiety is killing me.
How could any fool post that he has no idea of which weapon he put in for when applying for arguably one of the most sought after permits in North America for mule deer? Especially when the application deadline was on June 13th - only 25 days ago! Did you bother to keep tract of what you applied for?

Just maybe, he applied for both. 1st choice rifle and 2nd choice archery. With credit cards being hit, how is he supposed to know if he drew his 1st or 2nd choice? I'm guessing you're new to the application game for most western states.
That's exactly what I do. Rifle first, archery second. If I was charged for a deer tag I would have no idea which weapon, just for sure the unit.
Obviously Ram has no idea how these draws work or maybe he needs to lay of the sauce when posting so he can think straight.
Quite the contrary. I've been applying in Arizona as a non resident for 17 years!!

All he had to do before posting such an insane comment was to do his research on the AZGFD website as to statistics and draw odds.

Last year he would have needed the max, 19 points, to draw the 13B bonus pass non resident archery mule deer tag. And only one non resident drew the tag in the random pass, less than 2%. So with 16 points this year (as he posted) he did not even have a chance to draw in the initial bonus pass for archery.

Last year in 13 B rifle any non resident who drew in the bonus pass needed at least 19 points. And three non-resident tags were drawn in the random pass - less than 1%. So with 16 points this year (as he posted) he did not even have a chance in the initial bonus pass for rifle.

He got very lucky and drew the 13B non resident archery deer tag. He can take that to the bank, err his credit card, when the results are sent to him later this month.
The only person who does not know how the draw works is oilcan.
What data in my latest post is inaccurate according to the draw statistics as posted on the AZGFD website?

He drew the 13B non resident archery mule deer tag in the random pass.
>Me thinks oilcan needs to contact
>one of the community colleges
>in Phoenix and enroll in
>a Statistics 101 class.
Maybe you can show us your Trophy buck pictures.
>Quite the contrary. I've been
>applying in Arizona as a
>non resident for 17 years!!
>All he had to do before
>posting such an insane comment
>was to do his research
>on the AZGFD website as
>to statistics and draw odds.
>Last year he would have needed
>the max, 19 points, to
>draw the 13B bonus pass
>non resident archery mule deer
>tag. And only one
>non resident drew the tag
>in the random pass, less
>than 2%. So with
>16 points this year (as
>he posted) he did not
>even have a chance to
>draw in the initial bonus
>pass for archery.
>Last year in 13 B rifle
>any non resident who drew
>in the bonus pass needed
>at least 19 points.
>And three non-resident tags were
>drawn in the random pass
>- less than 1%.
>So with 16 points this
>year (as he posted) he
>did not even have a
>chance in the initial bonus
>pass for rifle.
>He got very lucky and drew
>the 13B non resident archery
>deer tag. He can
>take that to the bank,
>err his credit card, when
>the results are sent to
>him later this month.

If he got lucky and drew the 13 NR archery tag in the random pass, please tell me how it wouldn't be possible for him to have not drawn the 13b rifle tag in the random pass? There are tags available for both hunts in the random pass and isn't it conceivable that he drew the rifle hunt?

I make no claims as to which hunt he drew, but it is possible he drew the rifle hunt.
This got posted above below Ram's post. I wanted it here at the end.

If he got lucky and drew the 13 NR archery tag in the random pass, please tell me how it wouldn't be possible for him to have not drawn the 13b rifle tag in the random pass? There are tags available for both hunts in the random pass and isn't it conceivable that he drew the rifle hunt?

I make no claims as to which hunt he drew, but it is possible he drew the rifle hunt.
What do trophy pictures if any have to do with being able to interpret the draw statistics as posted on the AZGFD web site?
>What do trophy pictures if any
>have to do with being
>able to interpret the draw
>statistics as posted on the
>AZGFD web site?
Maybe you could attend some classes.
Bwht4x4 -

According to the draw statistics on the AZGFD website how much more likely was he to draw the 13B non resident rifle tag in the random pass than the 13B non resident archery tag in the random pass? Please give us a number according to the statistics.
The fact is that he could have drawn the rifle tag or the archery tag. Unless you know something that we all don't, maybe you shouldn't jump down peoples throats. If you do know why he couldn't draw the rifle tag please explain. From what I understand there are rifle tags and archery tags given in the random pass, both of which are very difficult to draw.
Not meaning to jump down anybody's throat. Just quoting the draw odds/statistics from the AZGFD webiste.

Again, how much more likely is he to have drawn the 13B non resident archery tag in the random pass versus the 13B non resident rifle tag in the random pass?

Hopefully outdoordan will post which tag. Once he reveals he drew the 13B non resident archery tag, 264 mag will need a lot of mustard on the crow he will be consuming.
You said "He drew the 13B non resident archery mule deer tag in the random pass."

The draw odds may be better for the archery hunt in 13b, but there is a chance he drew the rifle and it wouldn't shock me for one second if he drew the rifle tag. You can not claim for 100% surety that he drew the archery just can't. If you think you can I suggest reading the AZGFD draw process and study up on how statistics work.

BTW, in 2016 there were 2 hunters that drew the rifle hunt in 13B with 0 points and there were 4 people that drew the archery hunt with 1 point. Something to consider as you process these replies....
LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-17 AT 05:50PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-17 AT 05:48?PM (MST)

From what I understand, there is a 10% cap for non residents. 5% goes to the bonus point pass and up to 5% goes to the random pass. This applies to both hunts.

In 13B there is 75 rifle tags and 25 archery.

10% is 7.5 NR and 2.5 NR. So 3.75 and 1.25 tags to the NR max points and up to the same numbers for the random. (I don't remember how they deal with rounding here).

So in this instance there is up to 3.75 rifle and 1.25 archery random tags for him to draw. Correct? This is how I understand it.

Can anyone tell me how they round?
In that scenario they will round down. The non resident tags cannot exceed the 10% cap, so if there is 75 tags, there will only be 7 max resident tags available.

As far as odds to what he drew, sure he probably has a slightly better chance of getting the archery tag, but like others said it would not surprise me if he drew the rifle tag.

I think someone is just upset they do not have a charge on their account.

Congrats on getting a tag for the AZ strip it is an awesome place to hunt, regardless of what season.
Wow, can't believe how a simple statement blew up. Everyone else (except Mr. Pup) is exactly right, I put in for 13B rifle first, archery second. Since, Mr. Pup is clairvoyant, I guess I drew the archery tag (which was my initial thought, but I then realized I had a chance for each tag). Thanks for those that congratulated me. I guess I will have to make sure I clear my verbiage with Mr. Pup before posting.

I left yesterday afternoon and drove from Idaho to Nor Cal to hunt blacktails with my recurve. I better practice up for my archery strip hunt. Thanks again.
With no hit to my card looks like I will wait another year. Actually archery hunted Kaibab when it was OTC and could have archery hunted the strip OTC just never did. Been applying for this before they had points and have had max since, not a big fan of the rules change of course having max but what do you do. Guess I take my 21 points and try again next year, hopefully I am not too old when I eventually draw.
Actually, I thought I was snake bit when it came to the draws, as I rarely draw a tag, and have multiple points in many states. You will get your tag, when you least expect it. Good luck.
Outdoordan, even if it is the archery tag, your stoked! You'll be on the Strip! But, with the rule change last year (or 2 years ago?), you may very well be hunting the Strip with a rifle. Good luck either way.
Well well - Arizona results were posted today for those that have an account portal.

So now it's time for outdoordan to reveal to 264mag, Bwht4x4, and oilcan that he in fact did draw the 13B strip archery tag.

Everybody's waiting!

No one is arguing with you that he likely drew the archery tag and in fact I'd bet he did. However, once again, it IS possible he drew the rifle tag. That's all we're trying to get across to you. You seem to think he will only draw the archery tag, but that is not true.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-17 AT 03:52PM (MST)[p]FYI, oilcan isn't the only one that knows how the Arizona draw system works!

I think after teaching Az Hunter Ed for 20+ years, I've got a pretty good grasp of it! Lol
Yep- you are right Don. I took the hunter ed class with you 17 years ago in Kingman. I was living in Wyoming. Statistically he stood twice as much chance at drawing the 13B archery tag than the 13B rifle tag. Whether he'll come on Monstermuleys and admit he drew the archery tag remains to be seen.
Well, I did draw a 13B tag. But, I will go ahead and PM the results to them. ;) Personally, when somebody attacks me, I won't give them the time of day. It's always some cyber warrior attacking somebody else anonymously from the internet. It makes the internet unbearable at times. You were wrong, and not man enough to admit it.
Congrats and what a year to have that tag! So much for all the smart guys on here telling you what you drew. Anyway I have had hunted the strip with my tag or family members tags, 4 out of the last 7 years, we have been lucky. All the hunts except 1 were on 13b, the other was 13a. My son killed the biggest buck at 243 and change. Pm if you are thinking about a guide as I have a good insight on who the best of the best are. Have a great hunt!

Congrats on a great tag Outdoordan! Either one is going to be a hunt of a lifetime. Can't wait to see "hero pics" with a big old buck. Hope to see you share them on here. Good policy on not giving a cyber warrior any energy. Seems that some guys just argue for the sake of arguing.
>Congrats on a great tag Outdoordan!
>Either one is going to
>be a hunt of a
>lifetime. Can't wait to see
>"hero pics" with a big
>old buck. Hope to see
>you share them on here.
>Good policy on not giving
>a cyber warrior any energy.
>Seems that some guys just
>argue for the sake of

Agreed, and thanks.
Instead of sending a few select PM just post the results of your draw! Hope you intend to spend many hours over the next few months shooting your compound bow as opposed to posting on monstermuleys.
> Instead of sending a few
>select PM just post the
>results of your draw!
>Hope you intend to spend
>many hours over the next
>few months shooting your compound
>bow as opposed to posting
>on monstermuleys.

Or will it be his rifle? The suspense seems to be killing you. Wondering what hunt a guy you don't even know is going on. Compelling.... Get well soon pal.
swingbow - look back at outdoordan and his original post. He's the one who posted about whether he drew the 13B archery tag or the 13B rifle tag. I simply posted that if he and others with some semblance of critical thinking skills looked at the AZGFD historical draw statistics he would know that he drew the 13B archery tag. Now outdoordan refuses to post his results other than a PM to a select few. Seems his ego refuses to allow him to admit that I was right all along!
How many points did you have for those hunts? Probably a high number the first time, and one of the lucky ones to draw with low points on the second hunt. Just curious. Those of us with low points (3) at least like to know it is possible with the recent rules changes.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-17 AT 00:28AM (MST)[p]jvgunner,

Shoot me a PM with your contact info. I want to share with you something I found out today that I'd like to share with you. I don't dare post to this thread for the threat of being called a liar!!
Well guys I can tell you that just because You Draw Arizona strip unit 13 B doesn't mean you will have the hunt of a lifetime. I drew last year after 27 years of applying and even hired an outfitter and the hunt was actually disappointing. Came away with tags soup. There are a few good bucks being killed there but there are many many more hunters going home without.
Hope for non-residents...

I got a text from a buddy who just told me that one of his friends just got a 13B tag and he was several points less than max as a NON-resident! So, it does happen.

The guy is gonna hunt on his own.
Well it is another year, I put in for points only for elk due to the lack of water prior to the draw this year, But will be putting in for the Strip Or Kiabab with 16 this year. Possible late 12aw, mid Nov 12b rifle or 12 b archery, At least with the archery tag you have just about 3 weeks. Helps in new zone. Any way just looking for your Opinions if possible. Thanks
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-18 AT 03:35PM (MST)[p]Last July rambopup4 was adamant and guaranteed to all of us that OutdoorDan drew the archery tag in 13b and couldn't have drawn the rifle tag. Even after numerous folks, including myself, explained to rambopup4 that with AZ's change to the draw system, applicants with less than max points could draw both the archery and rifle hunts in 13a and 13b. rambopup4 was not having any of that and fought all of us on that notion.

I never came back and shared the following story due to rambopup4's attitude. Fast forward to August. I get a text from my buddy who applies for a lot of western states including AZ. He wasn't too concerned with drawing a tag in AZ last year so he put in for 13b rifle and 13a rifle. He never checked his AZ draw results and in August he texts me a picture of a 13b tag...and it's a rifle tag! He drew with less than max points... only had 16 pts when he drew! I was who CAelknuts was referring to above back in August.

He decides to go unguided and DIY, but I go on the hunt to help. He killed this 32.5" wide, 206" buck on opening morning. A person helped with some incredible info. I'm not going to drop his name, but he knows who he is. To him...thanks again!!

So to rambopup4, how do you explain that? Actually one cares how you would explain it!!



Right on Man. Thanks for sharing, Ya he even thought I was the one who pulled tag & had his own post about it. What ever. Nice deer.
Bwh - the way to explain it is you were referring to YOU and your drawn tag - not your friends. He just got lucky and drew in the random or second pass. So why did you lie last summer and state it was you who'd drawn the tag?
Bwh - so why hasn't outdoordan come on MM AND STATED WHICH TAG HE DREW? After all the posts were about the tag outdoordan drew not your buddy's. I never stated he or anybody else could not draw either a rifle or archery tag with less than max points. I said from a purely statistical standpoint he drew an archery tag. You need to look at your foolish March 30th post, "applicants with less than max points could draw BOTH the archery and rifle hunts in 13A AND 13B.
No - they could only draw an archery tag OR a rifle tag and only in one unit, NOT BOTH!

Now that you've "come out" about your overly concerned relationship with outdoordan maybe it's time for him to reveal what tag he drew. You posts remind me of the infamous scene in the movie Thelma and Louise when Brad Pitt gets arrested and he looks at the cops and asks: "Do you two need to spend a little time alone".

rambopup. How is your deer hunting going? are you in for AZ? How many points do you have? We all would like to know. I am just trying to get pulled in AZ, The State has changed the draw rules so many times nobody can keep up with it. In current draw process you have a chance to get a tag with less than the Points required in either Rifle Or Archery.It is obvious you can only draw 1 tag. Let's move on to the real subject, Big Ass MULE DEER BUCKS! It's going to be a hard choice this year but with the dates for 12-w late most likely will be my 1st choice & the jury is still out on my 2nd and last choice. Cheers
If it is obvious why did Bwh post you can draw both in two different areas and why has outdoordan not posted whether he drew an archery or rifle tag last year?
>Bwh - the way to explain
>it is you were referring
>to YOU and your drawn
>tag - not your friends.
> He just got lucky
>and drew in the random
>or second pass. So
>why did you lie last
>summer and state it was
>you who'd drawn the tag?


I'm not sure what you're talking about. I never once said I drew a tag last summer. I think you are confusing me with someone else.
Rambo, I have no idea who you are or have anything to do with this argument but I have to say you sound like a kid. Let it go. I read through the posts and more than once you proved you have no idea how the draw in az works. I'm not saying I know the draw system better than anyone else but I can tell you you said some things that weren't correct regarding the AZ draw. First off if you happened to guess that outdoordan drew an archery tag good for you as you had a 50/50 chance of guessing that right. Anyone on any given year can draw the strip rifle tag without max points. Only exception to that is if someone has enough points to make the archery bonus pass and applies for that as well. But it doesn't appear outdoor dan had the points to be in the bonus pass for either so he could draw either one in the random draw. Yes his odds of getting the archery tag are higher but getting the rifle tag wasn't impossible. But like I said if you happened to be right that he got the archery tag who gives a sh*t. It doesn't prove you know anything special about the draw. Leave this post be and stop ruining it for a guy that simply wants some advice on which unit to apply for.

To the OP, as of right now the moisture on the strip has been better than the kaibab. Still kind of early to tell but the whole state has been terribly dry. My personal opinion would be to sit it out this year unless we get some rains before the draw deadline.
jvgunner - why is my point total anyone's business?

However my point total can be posted here by the clairvoyant Bwht4x4 or his life partner outdoordan given the following:

I've been applying for deer every year since 1999 and took the hunter ed. class in 2003.

In 2017 I applied for 12A West late as my first and only choice. Since Bwht4x4 is the self proclaimed all knowing as to how the Arizona draw works maybe he can post how many people in the bonus pass at my point total applied in 2017 for the 12 A West late hunt as their first choice, how many total applied, and at that point total what their success rate was.

After all, it's public information via the web site!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-18 AT 08:15AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-18 AT 08:13?AM (MST)

You applied with 20 last year. You were the only one to apply for 12a west late and therefore you had to have drawn a tag. If that's not correct then you haven't been applying since 1999. Also noone cares.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-18 AT 11:09AM (MST)[p]rambo pup, I could not care less about your points, You are a pain in the ass and I agree! Find another post to fill with your mindless post, If you did get drawn I hope you got a forkie or better tag soup. I have talked with these guys your are speaking of on the phone, why because I am not a idiot & when your not a moron people tend to speak to you & help with knowledge. So I know how their hunt went. You need to cap it! Your probably a mole anti anyway. I just hope all other respectable mm members keep posting but with your rambling I would not be surprised if they do not. Happy Easter!
Man all you guys need to get some more hobbies than hunting and arguing about!!!
Jvgunner will you PLEASE edit this post and spell Kaibab right?!? It's been bothering me for 2 years now ????
Just messing with all u guys, don't get all mad and good luck in the draw this year!
I've been wanting to get back up for the Kaibab archery hunt since I haven't been back to hunt deer since I killed my 203" buck a few years ago, keep drawing arc bull tags ???

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Arizona Strip Guides

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