Vanilla's latest activity

  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Working "men," riiiiiight....
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to Tristate's post in the thread WLH going to prison with Haha Haha.
    No the fact that the lions crossed a state line made it a Lacey act violation. And you're a lawyer????? So angry and calling people...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    False. I commented only because you tried acting smart about the term “take” when you were 100% wrong. The fact that he “took” these...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    I couldn’t care less what a “common” idea is. I care about what the law says, as I very clearly stated in my first response here when...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Are you openly admitting you’re not following the laws regarding taking possession of someone’s protected game animal? And if so, why...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Quite literally, yes.
  • Vanilla
    Great back and forth banter, but never under estimate Wades lead character witness/ Wildlife regulation Scholar.
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to hossblur's post in the thread Sometimes life gives you Lemons with Like Like.
    After "Cecil the Lion" A United States House of Representatives subcommittee approved language that would prohibit the U.S. Fish and...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to Bluehair's post in the thread WLH going to prison with Like Like.
    All we know is what you post here. And pretty much everyone here sees the same thing. 1. You clearly have an issue with authority...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to slamdunk's post in the thread WLH going to prison with Like Like.
    "Make 'Em" truer words spoken.
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to elkassassin's post in the thread WLH going to prison with Haha Haha.
    Not Being Rude! But Is That As Big As They Make Em In Mexico Now?
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to Mallardsx2's post in the thread WLH going to prison with Like Like.
    I’m still baffled at the fact that some a$$hole would be ok with an outfitter or guide lighting a fire under a tree to keep and animal...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to time2hunt's post in the thread WLH going to prison with Like Like.
    I’ve had the pleasure to talk with Wade a couple time very pleasurable and friendly gentleman. But this still doesn’t make it ok for the...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    If anyone actually cares about what the law REALLY says, the definition of “take” in statute is much more broad than actually killing an...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to hossblur's post in the thread WLH going to prison with Like Like.
    Your tell, is when you start dropping "boy" on folks.
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