Vanilla's latest activity

  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Clothes in late August.
    I’ll reiterate, absolutely do not skimp on being prepared for anything with your gear. Again, better to be safe than sorry.
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to Bux n Dux's post in the thread Clothes in late August with Like Like.
    Archery opener in 2009 at 9100’ I sat in a snow storm for the first 2 hours of light waiting for it to lift. Finally after being soaked...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Helping yourself.
    Especially one at the top of the impaired driving game who is a published researcher on the topic. But then again, there is a blow...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to lostinOregon's post in the thread Helping yourself with Like Like.
    Eel, How many stoners have you stopped for speeding…….
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Helping yourself.
    A important nationwide study on cannabis impairment showed the single highest reason for a stop in confirmed** cannabis impaired arrests...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to lostinOregon's post in the thread Helping yourself with Like Like.
    yes, been out of it since 2016. Unfortunately it never changes. Always something new.
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Helping yourself.
    So this guy is saying the cop was asking questions trying to elicit incriminating responses without reading the person his Miranda...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Helping yourself.
    Lost, it’s good to put your credentials behind the name. I’ve actually read your study in the past. I assume you’re out of the game...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to lostinOregon's post in the thread Helping yourself with Like Like.
    Never said it invented blood shot eyes. It’s apparent you lost this argument.
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to Tristate's post in the thread Helping yourself with Haha Haha.
    No that's reminding people what this thread was about and yes it's a really bad look for police. They might want to treat their allies...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Helping yourself.
    They call that doubling down and it is a really bad “look.”
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to lostinOregon's post in the thread Helping yourself with Like Like.
    Tri, You don’t have to “splain” anything to me. Here is an article I co authored that was published in the Journal of American...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Helping yourself.
    Come on lost, you’re giving him all the answers! With a 50 ng detection level, one might ask how often someone’s blood will exceed that...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to Tikka's post in the thread Trump was shot with Like Like.
    As much as I dislike Biden, I hope that doesn’t happen…
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Helping yourself.
    Quit being a giant chicken poop and tell us what you know about the tox results tri. You posted this video, not anyone else. You cited...
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