Vanilla's latest activity

  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to RELH's post in the thread Helping yourself with Like Like.
    Tri it is apparent that you are a cop hater. Why, we do not know and most of us do not care. Your statement that the majority of...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to Shadow's post in the thread Helping yourself with Like Like.
    No hate here, Tri. I just don’t overreact and cut down the whole tree because one cherry had a worm. I realize a lot of what you post is...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Helping yourself.
    Mud slinging fake news isn’t light. There is a difference.
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Helping yourself.
    Not just hundreds of thousands, more like millions. Yes, there are people that are cops that suck, just like there are people that are...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to link's post in the thread Helping yourself with Like Like.
    There are probably hundreds of these videos out there of bad cops being like this. Hundreds out of hundreds of thousands of encounters...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to Shadow's post in the thread Helping yourself with Like Like.
    I don’t need public support, I’m not a cop. The vast majority are good guys and I can respect that. I just refuse to hate ‘em all...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to 2lumpy's post in the thread Paunsaugunt Fire with Wow Wow.
    Drove over to Marysville (Beaver Unit) this afternoon. Fire Warden out of Idaho reported that upwards of 400 men/women are working the...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to 2lumpy's post in the thread Paunsaugunt Fire with Like Like.
    By next spring the young growth browse will have a large share of the Beaver deer herd on it. It should actually be a godsend to the...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread #3 in the que.
    No, I just have random DWR employees approach me on the street and ask if they can sign off dedicated hunter hours for me. C’mon...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Helping yourself.
    “Junk science” Haha! What a loser.
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread #3 in the que.
    I always get a kick out of the look on the face of DWR folk when they ask if they can sign off dedicated hunter hours for me and I say I...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread SHOWING HIS TRUE COLORS!!!.
    When has he ever not been very open about his dislike for Donald Trump? You post this “true colors” thing like he has hid his disdain...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread #3 in the que.
    Not quite as good as $500 for a lifetime… But all are about “opportunity!”
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to hossblur's post in the thread #3 in the que with Haha Haha.
    What's the odds on a DH tag?
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to Robiland's post in the thread Full Sneak Mount Help Needed with Like Like.
    Here are a few different angles of what we did. Is it like yours? No, but this is what we did.
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