Vanilla's latest activity

  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to Blackbear1's post in the thread Pastrami with Love Love.
    Pastrami is done. It will be my honor to serve Reuben’s and slaw for my father tomorrow
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to Weiserbucks's post in the thread Cougar Numbers with Haha Haha.
    @elkassassin what deer tag did you get? See, it's not that hard to just ask.
  • Vanilla
    Well, we do live in a land of laws. And we have this pesky thing called a constitution. I’m one that thinks that document and what it...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Cougar Numbers.
    Someone ought to ask Bessy what deer tag he gets every year. You know, the guy that wants tags cut and deer hunting reduced? We should...
  • Vanilla
    I’m starting to believe Teddy was prophetic with this quote, and wrote it specifically for elkassassin: “It is not the critic who...
  • Vanilla
    Nope, not even a little. But you don’t have the backbone or the stones to ever answer a question when you start b$€£¥in, so we’ll just...
  • Vanilla
    Your proposal for what the governor should do here has something for everything? Ha! You can’t even keep your own bipolar rants...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to RELH's post in the thread Hatfields are home! with Like Like.
    When you break them in this hunting season, post of a picture of your game animal. Tell your brother since you supplied him with a...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to HIcountryman's post in the thread Hatfields are home! with Like Like.
    Got new knives for me and my hunting buddy, my brother. Can't wait to get them bloody on elk and deer this mz season. Thank you Bob!
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Cougar Numbers.
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to diablo's post in the thread Cougar Numbers with Like Like.
  • Vanilla
    Yet the only thing I’ve asked is what you want him to do. I’ve offered no support of Gov Cox on this. Just curious what the blowhard...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla replied to the thread Cougar Numbers.
    Actually, I think if you were HONEST you’d know that isn’t what I want at all. But that whole honesty thing isn’t high on your priority...
  • Vanilla
    Vanilla reacted to elkhunter81's post in the thread Cougar Numbers with Like Like.
    Sounds and smells like bullchit to me
  • Vanilla
    Did I say it’s funny? I don’t recall saying it was funny nor do I recall laughing at anything other than your fake @$$.
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