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  • Tristate
    I agree if this is an accident it is gross incompetence, or legal blindness, 🤣 but it's mindblowing the stuff that gets killed by...
  • Tristate
    No it's a crime the second you do it whether you run off or not. Some accidents actually are crimes.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread What do you do?.
    No just pointing out bull5hit.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread What do you do?.
    I have never once said I hate the police, and I don't. Quit being melodramatic.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread Meme thread.
    I'll give yall a little tidbit. %99 of the time when shot people cross their legs when they fall after being shot, means they are stone...
  • Tristate
    This is where there always seems to be a misunderstanding with what I write. People start thinking I am defending things when I am...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread What do you do?.
    I asked what you would do if you this were your home. Somehow you went emotional and started hoping for my harm. That's not negative...
  • Tristate
    I can see how this could be an accident if there are cow elk on license at this time. Would have been better if they would have turned...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread What do you do?.
    Why would you hope for that? I hope it never happens to anyone. I figure that's what an adult will hope for.
  • Tristate
    Is there a cow elk season running there, then?
  • Tristate
    What is the bull moose cow hunt?
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread What do you do?.
    Killing an armed intruder in your house that physically assaults your wife doesn't make you a "hothead". She did document the...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread What do you do?.
    In Texas I think it would likely go to trial and I wouldn't be surprised if there was an acquittal. I don't think it's completely out...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread What do you do?.
    Why would protecting your home and family from a violent armed person committing multiple felonies make you not an adult?
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread What do you do?.
    If this video is real would the real homeowner be convicted of killing this deputy?
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