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  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Wow like 8 posts in a row all about me. I think when I own this many slaves it's called a stable.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    No need to turn into a liar again. I never once said it was perfectly fine. Not once. I just said maybe things aren't what YOU...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    There are a multitude of scenarios which vary depending on employees, and independent contractors, etc....
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    You've never shown it was wrong. You cried and cried hoping no one will notice but it's correct. Why don't you go ahead and lie to...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    No idea.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Actually this is called speculation not gossip.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    How do you know there was an admission of guilt on the take. The admission of guilt can have many components.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Correct it can happen that way but in this case the feds don't have a law against a hunter not being present when a dog is turned loose...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    This might be a very accurate hypothetical scenario. So where is the fraud? It is just as reasonable for the state to contact the...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Maybe end of story for you because that's not what Slam is talking about. Who said Wade is guiding or going into a guide camp. I don't...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    So what does he get charged with if he hadn't mailed the cat skin???
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    You could be correct but there is an equal chance that the state had nothing on him specifically and turned it over to the feds.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Thanks for proving my point to Slam. Entire business don't get shut down when one employee gets convicted of something.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    If you read a public record it isn't gossip. Once it gets put on the internet circus it becomes gossip. The original post that has...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Yep. What's your point?
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