Tristate's latest activity

  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    I don't assume it about everyone. As special as Milli Vanilly might be you don't count as everyone no matter how self absorbed you...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Coo -coo
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Hey I didn't post up the made up 99% statistic.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    I'm not. I'm arguing against people who get pleasure from hate and other people's loss.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    What big boy talk? You made the accusation I didn't. Now prove it. Quotes from your sweetheart Milli isn't proof either. And I...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Has anyone subpoenaed you to testify in any of these trials? If the answer is no then you don't know anything. You believe what you...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    There's no denial or tough position. Hey Slam, if this is all true and you three aren't a bunch of gossiping haters, why are you...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    You don't know anything that's the unintended beauty of the internet.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Narcissism is a drastically overused word in society today. But this is one of the finest examples of narcissism I have ever seen.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    My words saying the truth is evidence of a lie???????? Dude, if you are this bad of a lawyer, just go ahead and put Abogado on your...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    You don't know anything and I don't know anything. Like I've said before, if we did we would get subpoenaed. But we don't because...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    You spent all that time typing that stuff that doesn't mean anything. Damn you need a job. "I don't know anything", doesn't mean I...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    You really don't know what evidence is do you? You are actually posting your sweet heart Millis made up looney tunes gossip as my...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Well you probably don't know many hunters. Especially if you only hang out on MM.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    H I never said I didn't talk to him. You are believing crazy from your boy Milli. And you are lying about the Hyde Park interaction...
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