Tristate's latest activity

  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    If I had thought it did that would have been all I typed. By the way, I'm not a Mormon.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    You say yes or no Question but you don't ask a question. 🤣 You more than likely have broken the Lacey act. I know you don't like...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    I haven't made one single excuse to break the Lacey act and you are a bald face liar. Not one. As for who is "wrong", grow up.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    I have not.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    You don't know what you are talking about with the Lacey act.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Built a successful company and raised a good family. He's a faithful Mormon. He doesn't go looking for trouble. I've never seen him...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    What laws have I supported breaking? Name one.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    The way the Lacey act is written, it's likely it was broken. I don't know that for sure. But the Lacey act is a very broad hammer that...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    You can walk right through my office doors that have been in business for 26 years now and see for yourself. I started this business...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    Are you saying all your lies have finally landed you in court?
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    No the fact that the lions crossed a state line made it a Lacey act violation. And you're a lawyer????? So angry and calling people...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    What's funny is they don't even know why.🤣 They are just mad because I still say Wade is a great guy.
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    How can I keep all your lies and made up alternate universe straight. For all I know this is a new made up narrative yall are...
  • Tristate
    Tristate replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    And that's how childish you are. You think it's about win/loss.🙄
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