Togwotee's latest activity

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    It's the worst disaster I've seen in a lifetime in the area. talked to a rancher friend in Paulina and he said the only reason they...
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    The Rail Ridge fire is up to 107,000 acres in just a few days. burning in the eastern Ochoco and Western Murderer's creek units. no...
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    Togwotee replied to the thread New world record?.
    Great buck, but no way to judge it off those pictures. when a guy's hand is bigger than his head you know it's a good picture.
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    Togwotee replied to the thread Starkey private land cow hunt.
    Oregon puts a buttload of tags like this out for two reasons, the landowners can't say ODFW isn't trying and they make money. they...
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    Togwotee replied to the thread Venezuelan Gangs in Aurora.
    So you're saying there's crime in America? now that's news you can use. just don't believe everything you hear from partisan sources...
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    Togwotee replied to the thread Congrats Colorado.
    We have more if you'd like them, free.
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    Togwotee replied to the thread Venezuelan Gangs in Aurora.
    Like most things that sound like too much to believe, it is. the residents and the cops say this is total bullchit. Yes, there are...
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    Togwotee replied to the thread Annual wolf report..
    It doesn't matter where they release them, they'll go where they want to. unless you shoot them. A wolf collared in NE Oregon got run...
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    Togwotee replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    I'd still like to know why anyone cares . a dead lion is a good thing, I wish we had more outlaw hounds men. maybe we'd have deer...
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    Togwotee replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    I don't know exactly what happened, I don't feel it's important enough to get up to speed on. My assumption from what I've read is...
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    Togwotee replied to the thread WLH going to prison.
    I don't have a dog in this fight, but I see two things that don't seem right. If the canned hunt provider is guilty of a crime, the...
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    Who the hell is she? I am responding to bobcat's post that's the subject. popping pills, follow? And if whoever she is got a drug...
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    So Explain, tweaker intentionally takes illegal drug of unknown origin, things don't work out well. I should feel bad? why...
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    The subject is popping fentanyl. I don't know who she is or what that has to do with it. And yes, I know something about it. my...
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    Not really. illegal drugs can kill you the first time you do them. and alcohol is legal. Stop making excuses.
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