Ropinfool's latest activity

  • R
    Ropinfool reacted to WannaB's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Like Like.
    In the initial post I was responding to, you eluded to the fact that hunting with a guide doesn't make you less of a hunter...but it...
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    Ropinfool replied to the thread 7 day wait.
    i remember back in the early 90's i bought a pistol and had to wait a week to go pick it up. i can't remember if there was a waiting...
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    Ropinfool replied to the thread Rich man’s game.
    every "sport" is becoming a rich man's sport. try rodeo, team roping, golf, etc. i guess it's because everybody takes something fun...
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    Ropinfool reacted to Muleman1's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Like Like.
    It’s to bad that hunting is slowly becoming a rich man’s game. When I see an elk hunt for 30k or a mule deer hunt for 15k it makes me...
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    Ropinfool reacted to MrRogers's post in the thread Benefits of E Plus with Like Like.
    They are still not allowed to deny access across private land even if they are not UW if that is your biggest concern. Elk will travel...
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    Ropinfool replied to the thread The Truth We Already Knew.
    you'd rather choose biden??? you're happy with the direction of the country??
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    Ropinfool replied to the thread Woman of the year.
    and this is why nobody worth a crap wants to run for any office. i would have a bunch of crazy ex's come out of the woodwork making...
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    Ropinfool reacted to Horsecorn's post in the thread How times have changed. with Like Like.
    This was taken right in front of the high school on the front steps on our lunch hour. (1979) They wanted a pic for the year book. A...
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    Ropinfool replied to the thread Benefits of E Plus.
    "-EPLUS program is not suppose to be depredation program to compensate landowners for Elk damage, it's designed to incentivize...
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    Ropinfool reacted to SLM's post in the thread Benefits of E Plus with Like Like.
    Quote me where I said anything about improvements benefitting wildlife are bad thing. It’s not there. If you read my posts, you’ll see I...
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    Ropinfool reacted to BUGLEnmIN's post in the thread Benefits of E Plus with Like Like.
    ☝🏽 💯! Here’s a crazy thought…… what did ranchers do for 100’s of years before the program even existed? Possible they used the money...
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    Ropinfool replied to the thread Benefits of E Plus.
    that's basically my point. there are solutions to all of these problems that don't involve crying to the gm&f for tags. the problem is...
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    Ropinfool replied to the thread Benefits of E Plus.
    build a taller fence. price of doing business. my uncle had the same problem. the gm&f supplied him with the materials, get er done.
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    Ropinfool replied to the thread Benefits of E Plus.
    nice improvements but if it wasn't for the cattle little to NONE of them would have happened. you can try to twist the narrative to...
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    Ropinfool replied to the thread Benefits of E Plus.
    EPLUS isn't all bad, but it definitely needs to be re-worked.
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