nripepi's latest activity

  • nripepi
    nripepi reacted to jm77's post in the thread Results tomorrow? with Cool Cool.
    You can't have it anyway. You just hide in the closet. Fact is you are just in the shadows and aren't relevant at all. Except to cause...
  • nripepi
    nripepi reacted to Crampy's post in the thread Results tomorrow? with Haha Haha.
    Wrong, BP-squared failed in the legislature because Buzz killed it. Not because of NR testimony. I know because Buzz already took...
  • nripepi
    nripepi reacted to jm77's post in the thread Results tomorrow? with Like Like.
    Disagree all you want, but the fact remains that PP still exist for M&S without change because NRs came to Wyoming and testified in...
  • nripepi
    nripepi reacted to Crampy's post in the thread Results tomorrow? with Like Like.
    I disagree. Sure, one should ALSO be active directly with your legislative committee (like TRW) and your state G&F. But the WY...
  • nripepi
    nripepi reacted to Southpawshooter's post in the thread Results tomorrow? with Like Like.
    WY should make the super tag residents only, up all NR app fees to make up for the short fall, and offer a random sheep tag in the draw...
  • nripepi
    nripepi reacted to Tristate's post in the thread A ghost story with Like Like.
    I might. I have never repaired any of the broken antlers on any deer I have mounted for myself. For some reason this one is tempting...
  • nripepi
    nripepi reacted to jm77's post in the thread Results tomorrow? with Like Like.
    I would agree that moose and sheep for NR has become 100% PP with only those having the most points having any chance. But since the...
  • nripepi
    nripepi replied to the thread Results tomorrow?.
    How am I stupid? You think I don't inform myself, talk to the right people and listen?
  • nripepi
    nripepi replied to the thread A ghost story.
    Wow, a true monster typical there. Big Congrats.
  • nripepi
    nripepi reacted to Tristate's post in the thread A ghost story with Like Like.
    We think if he wasn't broke he would have netted 204 and some change.
  • nripepi
    nripepi reacted to JakeH's post in the thread A ghost story with Like Like.
    So is the score some kind of secret??? It's been asked a few times now.
  • nripepi
    nripepi reacted to Tristate's post in the thread A ghost story with Like Like.
    This is the continuation of the other muley thread. Weeks went by and it was time for the rifle season opener. I was pumped. I had...
  • nripepi
    nripepi replied to the thread Results tomorrow?.
    Please stop. Why is everyone except you stupid in this world? Have you ever ever done anything stupid before?
  • nripepi
    nripepi reacted to muleyczy's post in the thread Results tomorrow? with Like Like.
    What’s stupid is there wasn’t a NR tag available….that’s stupid
  • nripepi
    nripepi replied to the thread Results tomorrow?.
    What things am I saying? I sure hope you are in a good mood, you drew a sheep tag!
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