NMPaul's latest activity

  • NMPaul
    NMPaul reacted to NM high country's post in the thread Benefits of E Plus with Like Like.
    Cattle will be hurting if they only have access to only one water tank on 1200 acres. Especially when the temps hit 100 and it hasn’t...
  • NMPaul
    NMPaul reacted to Bulldawg10's post in the thread Benefits of E Plus with Like Like.
    Yep, on 1280 acres, two sections of land, If that well was in the front of one section. That would be pretty much 2 miles to the back of...
  • NMPaul
    NMPaul reacted to Bulldawg10's post in the thread Benefits of E Plus with Like Like.
    It isn't just ranchers either. A lot of property is owned by people that just want to elk hunt. The example I posted, that water was...
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