middlefork's latest activity

  • M
    middlefork replied to the thread Wasatch thoughts.
    I will admit the unit specific plans haven't been updated to the new plan. I just fail to see why it's your way or the highway. Do you...
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    middlefork replied to the thread Wasatch thoughts.
    Like I said calm down. I know what your "predictions" are. From the link I posted: "B. Dates Covered The elk plan was approved by the...
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    middlefork replied to the thread Wasatch thoughts.
    You are the only one talking about double. Or even increasing on this discussion. Any chance you can calm down enough to post a well...
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    middlefork replied to the thread Wasatch thoughts.
    Berryblaster's argument make sense if the facts are true(I have no reason to argue). We are coming into the first year for...
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    middlefork reacted to Vanilla's post in the thread Another Educational Opportunity with Like Like.
    Elk hunting in the 50s and 60s in Utah? I'm guessing most would have said "Elk hunting? What is that?"
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    middlefork reacted to ELKOHOLIC's post in the thread Wasatch thoughts with Like Like.
    I wonder if the age class falling has anything to do with the structure of the hunts now. The rut hunt is very short now and the...
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