Recent content by lostinOregon

  1. lostinOregon


    Zero, nada, zilch. To be honest I treat NV as a lottery ticket
  2. lostinOregon

    Backdoor surprise??

    I am shut out of the back door again.
  3. lostinOregon

    How many firearms do you own? (Poll)

    Yep, tin foil hats because there hasn’t been any gun ban legislation by the Democratic Party. None at all, nothing to see here.
  4. lostinOregon

    How many firearms do you own? (Poll)

    Founders political leanings are well known. It appears that he is or never has been worried about losing his rights to keep and bear arms. This poll shows that he is not aware of some of the legislation that the democrats are trying to push through as part of their agenda. I am not criticizing...
  5. lostinOregon

    $fw where's the money?

    SFW supporters……….crickets
  6. lostinOregon

    How many Mule Deer mounts have you got?

    14 mule deer 3 whitetail 3 elk 2 antelope 2 moose 1 bear rug 1 full mount bear
  7. lostinOregon

    What's everybody in for now thats is done?

    Sorry about that, my dog passed in September and I was in a funk for a few months. Hit me pretty damn hard.
  8. lostinOregon

    What's everybody in for now thats is done?

    Yeah., with the 1 tag offered for each hunt us NRs are raking residents over the coals. What UT makes in app fees for one tag is not ruining IT hunting. This crap about always attacking the NR is silly and stupid.
  9. lostinOregon

    Why they are angry.

    How did you see over the bar?
  10. lostinOregon

    Wildlife Board Workshop

    So you’re saying that tag cuts and killing less bucks didn’t work. So we will now kill more bucks and if will be better. Hasn’t worked in Oregon, Idaho or Washington, SMH
  11. lostinOregon

    northern Rac

    They are losing their mind. Copying Oregon’s successful management plan. Brilliant
  12. lostinOregon

    Spill the Beans

    Vouchers for 3rd season deer, will watch the wife and son hunt elk in 2nd season.
  13. lostinOregon

    Trophy Bulls on the Wall - Phone Skope Giveaway

    My elk wall. Out of space!!!!!
  14. lostinOregon

    Another Educational Opportunity

    There are some crops in Columbia basin, potatoes, watermelons and winter wheat. Most of the deer are in the CRP. Here is where Oregon is at now with managing for 8 to 12 bucks. It appears that didn’t work and are now going to monitor harvest.
  15. lostinOregon

    Another Educational Opportunity

    Well that’s interesting. Have you ever looked at the deer numbers in Columbia basin where it is 99 percent private and most owners manage their land? Same drought. I have mature deer and many in the area due to other landowners managing. Go across the road to ukiah and nothing. Management does...
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