JPickett's latest activity

  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread Rich man’s game.
    i notice i haven't seen the simplest solution to the OP's problem really acknowledged yet. i eluded to it in one response. problem-...
  • JPickett
    JPickett reacted to schoolhousegrizz's post in the thread Would have been 17 Sunday with Like Like.
    Revelations 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread Nobody talking Spring Bear?.
    I’ve had nothing but little ones hitting my bait. To the point where I’m probably done with that bait for the year. Just feeding bears I...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread Just thought I’d share.
    These look like they may be good too but pretty bulky hanging off the back. I like the idea of having my gun inside the machine...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread Just thought I’d share.
    I know it. I was slept this one when I bought it. But I’ve had it in a quad for about 5 years and it’s worked great. Maybe I just got a...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread Just thought I’d share.
    For a week it was. Had to build a shed to get the room for both. Been meaning to anyway so it worked out
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread Rich man’s game.
    That I believe. I can tell you if you’re looking to buy one second hand you can’t beat the inventory in Utah. I was amazed how many...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread Rich man’s game.
    Yup. 4 seats. Whos pointing, whos shooting? Ill drive and ring the bell to call um in
  • JPickett
    JPickett reacted to WannaB's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Like Like.
    By simple math, hunting with a guide does make you less of a hunter. It is a 2:1 ratio instead of a 1:1 ratio. It's like playing a...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread Rich man’s game.
    i wasn't ready for all the discrimination
  • JPickett
    JPickett reacted to huntindad4's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Like Like.
    I always felt like it was ego that wouldn't let a man admit that a guided hunt is actually the easier way out. If it didn't make it...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread Rich man’s game.
    Funny thing is that my new sxs will actually limit some of the places I used to hunt off my quad. Won’t fit on the trails. So, I’ll hunt...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread Rich man’s game.
    Whoa!! What did I do? I was having a nice time here! For the record, I got a sxs because i think i must be getting old and tired of...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread Rich man’s game.
    In general I don’t have to see pictures of peoples kids, food, tutorials or butt holes on here. At least most of the time
  • JPickett
    JPickett reacted to mtmuley's post in the thread Rich man’s game with Like Like.
    Glorified baby sitters. mtmuley
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