JPickett's latest activity

  • JPickett
    JPickett reacted to littlebull209338's post in the thread Your Dads Mounts... with Like Like.
    I made that decision a while back; sold all of them. It was not as hard emotionally as I thought it would be, You will not get...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread Your Dads Mounts....
    I think about this for my own kids. I have so much hanging on the wall and none of them are going to want it all. They’ll all take one...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread New Idaho Laws.
    :ROFLMAO: you do know that your just own the "trailer" part in the park right? that check your welfare pays every month is the rent on...
  • JPickett
    not just yet. was getting setup with a spare for when the time comes. glad i looked before throwing it in the tool box. would have been...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread New Idaho Laws.
    That’s the great thing about autonomy on the internet. You can tell any one your anything :ROFLMAO: Dream big though. I’m sure you’ve...
  • JPickett
    Shipped me the wrong belt, tried to return it they said keep it. Figured I’d put it up here. New these are 150 or so. 100 bucks to your...
    • IMG_0002.jpeg
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread New Idaho Laws.
    You’re on the computer a lot during the day for a big time “rancher” not too busy with all that cattle huh?
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread New Idaho Laws.
    @Blindnonresident :ROFLMAO:
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread New Idaho Laws.
    don't worry, news said they're great for the environment. @Blindnonresident agree's !!!
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread New Idaho Laws.
    LOL! on a completely unrelated note anyone see the like 500K sheep they crossed on 55 a couple weeks ago?
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread New Idaho Laws.
    100% random draw for non Rez tags , 5 year wait period if you get a tag. Seriously, anything will be better for you then a point system
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread New Idaho Laws.
    That doesn’t do it make harvest reporting mandatory to buy the next year’s license and put a one year waiting period on species...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread New Idaho Laws.
    You don’t need a point system for this. Restrict non Rez tags like Wyoming does, make residents pick a weapon season for both deer and...
  • JPickett
    JPickett replied to the thread ugh.
    Toothpicks sure make it better
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